Catch me I’m gonna faint


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 02/24/2010 at 04:40 PM   
  1. Yup, and it could also be defined as a hate crime based on religion.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   02/25/2010  at  12:18 AM  

  2. OCM - You ended with what can/could happen (and it’s probably the basis of the new ROEs in Afghanistan) - if these terrorists are going to get shame show trials and allowed access to the very information (i.e. classified intelligence, plus names of all informants, operatives etc) that put their a**es in Gitmo - well I think our young men and women (did you hear about the female medic who came under fire in Afghanistan - bet she never thought she’d have to use the gun she was issued) - will shoot to kill, rather than watch these people languish in a cushy prison setting and then get to play Legal Lottery on tv every night.

    And contrary to what is being touted - I do not believe that this has much if anything to do with allowing the World Court info to indict evilbushitlerburtonco - as if the Left had any possible access (which obviously from all the leaks during the 8 years of the Bush Administration were many) - he would have been tried, convicted and the onlyperson in America that the Left would want executed, immediately.

    My son is over there now - and the worst aspect of this is that the pussyfooting around, now we are now we aren’t wishy washy bs is just as much going to get him hurt or killed as shooting these fools tomorrow would - possibly more.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/25/2010  at  08:04 AM  

  3. What a Nice place for this piece of data I found today. It seems that ‘Vast Military/Industrial Complex’ Ike warned us about and the Moonbats have been crying over for the past 60 years is pure Bupkiss ( not like we didnt know that here).Heres the reality:
    Defense spending as a percentage of GDP for various years:
    1944 (World War II peak): 37.8%
    1953 (Korean War peak): 14.2%
    1968 (Vietnam War peak): 9.4%
    1979 (post-WWII low point prior to 1993): 4.6%
    1986 (peak under Reagan): 6.2%
    1999-2001 (post-WWII low): 3.0%
    2004-2007 (Iraq and Afghanistan): 4.0%

    Posted by Rich K    United States   02/25/2010  at  01:17 PM  

  4. No OCM - Social Security is 20% of the budget - and Defense has averaged around 3% for a long time.

    Defense is the only expenditure mentioned in the Constitution but the Klownposse in DC managed to move it to Discretionary spending (which must be approved every year) and have put all the social programs (which composes 2/3rds of all government spending) into mandatory spending.

    Must be nice to write the rules, make your own for yourself, protect your ‘right’ to lifelong employment (and pay and healthcare) and make the rest of the citizens take whatever you deem ‘fair’.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/25/2010  at  04:06 PM  

  5. But yeah, the GDP IS staggering. We are the land of money. And that shows you just how more-than-staggering the government spending is, since they’re bankrupting us ASAP.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   02/25/2010  at  10:29 PM  

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