Another Double Standard


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 02/24/2010 at 04:17 PM   
  1. ...and for the follow up…

    Your Honor, my client is not guilty.  He was only following the requirements of his faith!

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   02/24/2010  at  11:18 PM  

  2. Does that mean someone could blow this piece of shit away with impunity?

    It would in Texas.

    Posted by cbullitt    United States   02/24/2010  at  11:51 PM  

  3. Oh no!  That would be discriminating against Moslems!  They’re more equal than the rest of us.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   02/25/2010  at  12:17 AM  

  4. When you add crap like this to the new HI idea to make the native peoples above the rest of HI citizens - as one of the politicos said - treating a certain group of people better than or above the rest is a dangerous precedent to start (tee hee hee - start, oh how rich, that has been going on for decades man) but if you look at the bill as going forward now - there are land issues - once again (Kelo v City of New London (which ironically the contractor has withdrawn and the property is now truly blighted as it stands empty - with no new revenues)) property rights (5th Amendment isn’t it) is going into the trash heap of history.
    And with this - Iraqi religious (i.e. Muslim) laws are applicable and a mitigating factor in the US - in the same country where even mentioning religion (i.e.Christianity) in some places will get you a lawsuit?!?

    BTW, take a look at either of (continental America’s great results of setting aside a specific group of people as special0 - The reservations, some of which approach 70% unemployment, horrible graduation rate, high crime rates and abject poverty - all on Uncle Sugars (i.e. the taxpayers) dime and of course the inner cities - the bastion of DNC stronghold - high unemployment, horrible graduation (and educational outcome) rate, high crime rates and abject poverty - again, all on Uncle Sugars (once again, taxpayers) dime. And how is that 51st state experiment going - Puerto Rico - gets all of Uncle Sugars bennies with few responsibilty - per capita of $19,600 - oh they are rolling in the opportunities down there. If I were a HI, I’d say not No- But HELL NO. And if I was an Arizona citizen I’d be emailing the Attorney General today. What a crock - but then this is just another way to shred another part of the Constitution and US sovereignty and make us just another brick in the wall or is that cog in the wheel or is it just another petty dictatorship - thus making all of the World equal in it’s poverty, hopelessness and total lack of freedom anywhere - and make it ripe for the Muslims to be able to enact their World Caliphate.

    God Help America

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/25/2010  at  08:35 AM  

  5. Why not a pink burqa?

    Posted by Macker    United States   02/26/2010  at  03:18 PM  

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