Burn The Heretics



Posted by Drew458    United States   on 08/14/2013 at 07:31 AM   
  1. I encourage everyone to buy an Obama mask and tie it over your dogs ass and then go for a walk.  Spread the message that we don’t worship assholes.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   08/14/2013  at  09:11 AM  

  2. Im confused, am I to assume that the white obama is not funny or that the black obama is not funny. Frankly the sickly brown color of my daily bowel movement is funnier than that turd.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   08/14/2013  at  11:09 PM  

  3. Did you catch Glenn Beck’s mock Obama day?

    Bush as Hitler, Bush with a gun to his head, Bush assassination movie - not only on the Internet but for sale - and this petty little thing probably seen by hundreds would have been nothing - if not for the media’s diversion tactics to make the petty above the real news and of course the Obama uber alles meme.

    I hope that Obama masks sell out - quickly. There is a cat toy - Kitty Hoots/Fat Cat (apparently dropped - as image appears but not for sale under either) - but you can get the Hillary and John McCain (Obama and GWBush are discontinued) - under Doggie Hoots. Our psychotic kitty loves Hillary, it is his favorite toy.

    Sad - as I bet if I googled GWBush items - I’d find thousands of urls, things still available.

    Oh well. Apparently we no longer live in the USA with a Constitution and 1st Amendment that protects free speech.

    Why don’t more people give a damn?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   08/15/2013  at  08:51 AM  

  4. People DO give a damn, but at this point I think the only remaining step is bloody confrontation. Revolution, civil war. The cure could be worse than the disease, or at least have a terrible lot of unwanted side effects. But even that plays right into his anarchist/Marxist philosophy: tear down everything then put a capricious totalitarian state in place. Sondra K’s post I linked to has the reality in the title: the death of the republic. Because we don’t want to self destruct, destroy our culture, and kill half of our neighbors in a rampage that will slaughter tens of millions, we’ve lost and they’ve won. It’s over, without firing a shot. Not even the elected reps “on our side” have the guts to reel this guy in, or any other of the utterly out of control branches of government.

    Very sad. Heartbreaking. But things have gone wrong for a very very long time, a little at a time. I think it all started with Cronkite’s pronouncement after the Tet Offensive, and when Nixon went to China. We’ve lost the dream, we’ve lost the initiative, we’ve lost the jobs, we’re bankrupting the nation by buying everything that’s made elsewhere, and the foolish and shortsighted selfish folks are breeding like rats, and voting to keep anyone in office who can promise them more “gibs”. Gibs me dis, gibs me dat. Gibs me mah free shit forever. Work ethic? Family values? Morality? National pride? Dead and gone, all of them.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   08/15/2013  at  10:29 AM  

  5. Wardmama and Drew, you guys mirror my thoughts very closely.  The entire situation is becoming insane.  A rodeo clown does a bit (that the crowd liked) lampooning Obama and the NAACP goes ballistic with indignation.  I remember back in the 60’s when the NAACP was an organization with integrity and courage that stood against murderous Southern Sheriffs and their Klansmen kin.  Now they’re literally trying to make a federal case out of a rodeo clown.  Who’s the real clown here?

    Our mainstream media are more interested in putting out inflammatory stories, than reporting the actual facts of various incidents.  If the incident isn’t sufficiently inflammatory, they rewrite the facts until it is.

    Most of the people I come in contact with consider George Zimmerman a cold blooded killer who got away with racially biased murder.  They have no clue that Trayvon Martin attacked Zimmerman. 

    About Cronkite and similar public figures.  I’m going to refer you to KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov.  You’ll need some time to review his stuff, but it will be worth it.  He lays out in detail the methods the KGB used to undermine entire countries.  Cronkite may have been one of their earliest major breakthroughs.  I suspect they consider our current situation a great success.

    Yuri Bezmenov, Wikipedia

    Yuri Bezmenov, YouTube

    I’ve been going nuts for years now, trying to figure out strategies to try and reverse the current trends.  Commentating here and on other blogs as well as sending out news articles to a small mailing list, is the best I’ve come up with.  Ideas?

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   08/15/2013  at  12:28 PM  

  6. Off topic somewhat but it strikes me as odd that the same shit is happening all over the Western World. Whether or not there is a “mind behind” all this I couldn’t say. Gay “marriage” uncontrolled immigration from the turd world and the destruction of for want of better a better term Christian values. I am not religious but to be honest I look around at the rise of mad mullahs throughout the middle east. Common Purpose anyone? I see what looks like increasing levels of depravity and destruction of common decency and I get pretty depressed. I dont see things getting any better and for me it seems that if its not the “end times” it is at the least the end of Western Civilisation.

    To get back on topic that comment from Grayjohn had me laughing out loud at the mental image of O’Bugger on a dog’s ass.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   08/15/2013  at  12:53 PM  

  7. Hears a hot topic to go with your morning coffee,and not totally unrelated to this discussion; Donald Sensing on why the D party will now control DC for the foreseable future;

    Posted by Rich K    United States   08/15/2013  at  03:31 PM  

  8. Rich K - I have a problem as I think these kind of predictions of control are flawed in a couple of ways.

    Read any good, famous liberal’s book - you see the same catch phrases, the same ‘media lies about how many protestors were at _______ event, and guaranteed to be in any, every one of their books - we are the ones who will do socialism right. They believe (when admitting to or confront by the failures of socialism) that they have all the answers. When we know that the real knowledge/educational level (sadly) has actually gone down not up. Think about it - most people who were educated in the past - had knowledge/exposure to the Bible, Art, History, Music, Math, and extensive Reading - as that is how knowledge was gotten. Now most people (especially liberal schools and colleges) limit and specialize - so that people aren’t exposed to a well rounded education (actually are simply indoctrinated).

    And finally - why I believe so much of the crap won’t work in America is that this IS America - a different government concept, a different type of people and a different and certainly the most free country in the history of the world.

    The people who make America work and great - aren’t the 10,000 paid activists at any ‘support’ DC plan du jour - and thus what my parents called - the Silent Majority - but these are the people who vote (and not just in Presidential Elections).

    They are the employed, the skilled, the ‘pillars’ of the community, those who pay taxes and have homes - thus have skin in the game - and they are the least likely to take a gov handout.

    We The People can win it all and get America back on track - if we simply realize that 90% of what is reported is either biased toward the liberals in some way, a lie or distorted to ‘convince’ (i.e. scare) the conservatives into silence and fear.

    That is not the American way and it never should be. That is why sites like this are so good - for the like minded to speak up and listen and feel like they aren’t alone.

    Have you read a liberal site lately - or their spewing when they troll sites? It is talking points (the same ones) and personal insults - they have no ideas, they have no sources to defend their ‘beliefs’ and they usually can’t defend policy or scandal when confronted.

    It is when America is attacked or this house of cards collapses that those of us who have really ‘been there and done that’ will survive the tumult and get America back on track. I just find it sad that so many people for so long have allowed this crap to fester and build up and bought into so much of the lies.

    Stupidity is really the most destructive thing to happen to America and mankind.

    BTW - idiot Dem James Carville wrote 40 More Years - How the Democrats will Rule the Next Generation a year before one of the biggest mid-term election (Dem) losses ever in American history.

    I don’t fear them - I just wish that they would all trundle off to one of the socialist paradises they admire and leave America alone.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   08/16/2013  at  07:35 AM  

  9. Ok, the dummy was actually a clown posing as a dummy propped up with a broom, and when the bull attacks the dummy suddenly comes to life and runs away to everyone’s surprise and delight.  An tried and tested comedy routine.  The sad truth is we are being victimized by a dumbass clown, posing as a President, propped up by an old rich bastard, and when the enemy attacks he plays cards with his gay lover, or goes on vacation, to everyone’s dismay and despair.  It’s a tried and tested routine, but it isn’t funny at all.
    Impeach the clown.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   08/18/2013  at  08:55 AM  

  10. WatchoutforthatbullObama_zps8f42fefd.jpg

    hate betcha..............

    Posted by PurpleK    United States   08/18/2013  at  09:02 AM  

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