Breaking The Law


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 04/10/2006 at 05:20 AM   
  1. There is an excellent take on the “illegal” issue by the always excellent Mark Steyn

    Having myself had personal experience with the monstrous bureacracy of the US Immigration and Naturalisation Service I found his comments particularly apt.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   04/10/2006  at  05:27 AM  

  2. Can these illegals really believe that these marches are gaining support for them from the average American citizen? I’m hearing more and more anger than anything else from my friends and relatives about this even from the lefty contingent of my family. 


    Posted by rudebadger    United States   04/10/2006  at  06:24 AM  

  3. My only sympaty for the demonstrators comes from the shit we’ve gone thru with the Homeland Security bovine officials—e.g. not notifying you of an appointment and then cancelling your application for failure to show.  And that’s for my sweet, chubby Thai Dau/Law! 

    My suggestion for the demonstrators: Show up with busses, fitted with mesh wire windows, painted with big signs—FREE TRANSPORTATION TO THE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT DEMONSTRATION. (heh heh) in_jail Then, “Run For The Border”!

    Posted by Oink    United States   04/10/2006  at  08:40 AM  

  4. I am completely on the same page as everyone here. 

    I also agree that these demonstrations (much like Cyndi ‘Screechin’ Sheehan) do more for our side than theirs.  I have heard from lefties all the same garbage that y’all have about good, hardworking people just trying to make it and how they benefit US by their graciously doing these AWFUL jobs we won’t do!  (My goodness.......lawn care?!?!?!  nanny?!?!?! the humanity!  You would never catch me mowing a lawn or watching children!)

    But, I think some well meaning (but ignorant) lefties are looking at this and saying “Is that American flag upside down?  What?  I thought they loved America?!  I thought they wanted to be part of this great country?!?!?!  It almost looks as if they are fighting for their right to be here illegally?!  It almost looks as if they would just as soon calls themselves Mexican (or whatever) but benefit from the business and protections that our government offers at the great expense of it’s legal citizens.  And it is a great expense that give you and I a right to be Americans.  It was paid for with the blood, sweat, and tears of our ancestors and soldiers.  It is maintained by the taxes we pay.  They have offered neither service nor taxes and want to turn our flag upside down?!?!?! 

    Wow.  That turned into a rant. Not sure if I look like this blah-blah or like this cussing but either way it isn’t pretty.

    Posted by Beccayinn    United States   04/10/2006  at  09:00 AM  

  5. Good one Becca.

    FYI—an upside-down flag is a distress signal, an SOS.

    Posted by Oink    United States   04/10/2006  at  09:04 AM  

  6. P.S.  big_us_flag  It’s an SOS when displayed upside-down in the REAL world, by non-BarkingMoonbats.

    Posted by Oink    United States   04/10/2006  at  09:23 AM  

  7. I am also on the same page with everyone here. Until the politicians and media get to the truth and real point - the issue is ILLEGALS (not immigration) and then do something about THAT, we will continue to have this issue and as it continues to grow, more and more damage will be done to American Culture (and all it’s diversity), American economy, and America itself.

    If these people can’t/won’t do any thing to improve the economic and social conditions in their own country, what makes a single thinking American believe that they will improve the economic and social conditions in America???

    If these people break the law to come here, what makes a single thinking American believe that they will obey all the other laws here in America just after crossing the border???

    By the way, aren’t these the same people screeding about the illegals doing the jobs ‘real’ Americans won’t do - the same people screeding that the ‘evil’ military machine sucks up the poor, undereducated Americans to serve because there are NO jobs for them to do???? And aren’t these the same people screeding about illegals being good for America, the same people who drove Bernard Kerik from a homeland security position for hiring illegals.

    Once again, can we say hypocrit??

    My hubby recommends taking the National Guard (to protect and defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic) with their deuce and a half trucks, take the illegals (who now are all in one single place, the rallies) to the border and send em home (or for the 15% who aren’t from Mexico, escort them onto the plane to send em home). In the long run, it will be cheaper to do that and build the tallest, strongest fence, then continuing to pay educational, healthcare, public assistance and criminal justice benefits to NON American people.
    cool smirk

    Has a single politician even considered that illegals sucking our systems dry are the reason there are so many unemployed Americans (even though unemployment is at a low level), that illegals are the reason the healthcare system is strained and in financial trouble (who are paying the bills for the illegas????), etc etc. Perhaps our deficit and all the social systems would be better off or maybe even - gasp - solvent, if the illegals were out of here.


    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/10/2006  at  10:06 AM  

  8. I absolutely agree that the word “diversity” makes me deeply suspicious.  Quotas.

    Real diversity is, for example, people who have climbed Mount Everest.  The mountain doesn’t care about your race or your plumbing—you can climb it or you can not.

    My advice, for what it’s worth: avoid extreme rhetoric & hammer away at respect for law and the social disruption.

    Posted by Oink    United States   04/10/2006  at  10:18 AM  

  9. It must have been in another post where we were talking about ‘carrying a big stick’ but, I found another Teddy Roosevelt quote that seems to sum up some of this pretty well.

    “In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the man’s becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”

    “Americanization" was a favorite theme of Roosevelt’s during his later years, when he railed repeatedly against “hyphenated Americans” and the prospect of a nation “brought to ruins” by a “tangle of squabbling nationalities.”

    I’d say he was pretty close.

    ps - Oink, I think I had known that at some point!  But, I always defer to my military friends on matters such as these. 

    But, in the above photo, I think the ‘protestor’ had a different and obvious meaning.  Either that or he hadn’t been here long enough to know which way was up.

    Posted by Beccayinn    United States   04/10/2006  at  02:37 PM  

  10. Today in Omaha, Nebraska there were 5,000 of them protesting in the middle of the city. They had some company though as there were protesters there against them as well. At least somebody is now finally standing up to the lies that illeagle aliens are here and are a “Valuable” source of labor for the economy BS.

    Posted by Archangel    United States   04/10/2006  at  04:23 PM  

  11. Oink, personally, I think it ironic that the immigrants are carrying the flag upside-down.
    Now, whom do you think might be the cause of the

    I live in Austin, Texas and our hispanic numbers swelled over the weekend. I finally figured out why.
    The mexicans that live here in Austin have invited their relatives from Mexico to join the rally that took place today at the University of Texas!
    Why in God’s name wasn’t the National Guard or someone at the border stopping this?
    I am sick to death of hearing about their rights.
    Honey, if you are not a legal citizen of this country - you don’t have any rights in my book.
    Apologies, this just darn near has me foaming at the mouth! soapbox

    Posted by Melissa in Texas    United States   04/10/2006  at  08:34 PM  

  12. I would like to know why the INS and Border Patrol aren’t at these things. 

    I saw what the Senate is now trying to pass, and I don’t like it one bit. 

    1) If you’ve been here for five years or more, you can apply for residence without leaving the States
    2) If you’ve been here for 2-5 years, you have to go to entry points and get a visa, but can immediately return as temporary workers.
    3) If you’ve been here for less than 2 years, you have to go back to where you came from and wait to get your visa, then go through the process like everybody else.

    Personally, number three should be the only option.  If you’re here illegally, then you have to go back to where you came from and get your shit together.

    Simple as that. in_jail

    Posted by U2warrior05    United States   04/10/2006  at  10:31 PM  

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