Blame Everyone Else


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 11/26/2014 at 09:34 AM   
  1. “The System Does Not Value Black Lives”

    It will when blacks value black lives.

    Posted by Steve_in_CA    United States   11/26/2014  at  11:38 AM  

  2. Blah Blah Blah,,Can we stop talking about this Old Story Now,,,Please.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   11/26/2014  at  11:56 AM  

  3. I just stepped into it - my daughter went all ballistic when I commented that Office Darren Wilson’s ABC interview was what people who in the line of duty have to kill someone have to believe/say. She went off into feelings, all the witnesses who ‘testified’ that Brown was surrendering (hands up), he (Brown) was unarmed, Wilson should have never gotten out of the car yada, yada, yada - HE (Wilson) NEVER SAID HE WAS SORRY OR HE WOULD HAVE DONE IT DIFFERENTLY.

    She didn’t get me - when I said - people who kill another person in the line of duty - can’t - or their lives are destroyed by PTSD or living in that moment only FOREVER, or forever second guessing themselves, or open themselves up to lawsuits (admitting that they KNOW they were WRONG).

    She then went on to say that acquittal and not guilty are NOT the same thing.

    And then she pulled out the newest canard - I studied this in college and you don’t know (just a mommy) bs.

    We went through this in the Trayvon mess.

    Crap - what has happened to my great country.

    Meanwhile my son waited in silence at my elbow to tell me what the receipt of his one purchase was.

    Obviously we do chaos and mayhem much more often than I realize - since he took it in stride that it would end soon.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   11/26/2014  at  12:05 PM  

  4. BTW - in the time between Trayvon Martin being shot and killed and George Zimmerman’s acquittal at trial 503 days -10,865 blacks were killed by other blacks.

    ‘That you are not discussing that 93% of blacks killed in America are killed by other blacks.’ - Rudi Giuliani

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   11/26/2014  at  12:23 PM  

  5. that purchase was a gun I bet.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   11/26/2014  at  01:11 PM  

  6. What we are actually seeing is Barack Hussein Obama’s government. Democracy in action. This IS how democracy works. It’s just mob rule. That’s why we were supposed to be a representative republic. But Woodrow Wilson wanted mob rule and he got it during WWI.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   11/26/2014  at  04:29 PM  

  7. Take your daughter for a walk in a nice dark part of the city.  Give her a chance to intermingle with that diversity that she so seems to like.

    Posted by emdfl    United States   11/26/2014  at  07:34 PM  

  8. I sent my daughter to an inner city Catholic High School. She learned diversity. She went to San Francisco State university. She learned hypocrisy. She is quite conservative now.

    Posted by Steve_in_CA    United States   11/26/2014  at  08:39 PM  

  9. I’m afraid to ask how much that sort of education cost either you, her, or both Steve.

    BTW, if she ever learned what’s so ‘gay’ about being ‘queer’ I’d like to know.

    I used to be a ballroom dance teacher. Most of the males were ‘gay.’ I say ‘were’ because most of them are dead of AIDS or suffering from AIDS. Yet we are supposed to ‘celebrate’ the ‘diversity’ of this life-threatening deviant life-style? If you don’t, the courts violate the 14th Amendment by ordering involuntary servitude? You MUST bake a cake. You MUST photograph the ‘wedding.’ You MUST do the flower arrangments. You MUST put your artistic talents at the service of sexual deviants even if it violates your 1st Amendment rights to practice your religion.

    Otherwise some sexual deviant’s feelings might be hurt.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   11/27/2014  at  12:30 AM  

  10. My daughter just has some points that she is completely off base about. She completely disagrees with the current political system (perhaps that is because she is living at home, deep in school loan debt and not able to get more than a temp job). And she is Catholic - which amazes me (we are not) - but a topic or two - just sends her around the bend - and there is no talking to her.

    Both her Dad and I have tried to get her to understand - that ‘being unarmed’ does not mean that you are innocent nor pose no danger.

    I am afraid that she is going to become a victim - as she doesn’t seem to get it. Although she is a great shot (both gun and bow) - so she can defend herself (she owns a .22 - given as a gift - as soon as she was legally allowed to have it). She is a good child - just a bit too foolish on a couple of topics. And I have tried to get her to talk, to find out what is underneath it all - but she won’t.

    What gets me - she went with me - when I went to Fort Campbell to welcome her brother home from Iraq. Almost immediately - I knew there was something different (hard, as like his father - he isn’t a talker). And before we left (2 days there) - I knew he felt awful about the first man he lost in combat and what he had to do there. She and her sister - didn’t get it. Her sister yelled at me - for defending his silence.

    They all grew up in the same environment - the US Army from birth (both hubbies were soldiers) - yet it seems that the girls just never got it. My oldest daughter should - she was a Marine.

    I just don’t get it. Maybe never will.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   11/27/2014  at  08:08 AM  

  11. What a load of bullshit. Blacks slaughter each other wholesale over nothing.  Why should the system value them?  Blacks don’t value my life, so why should I value theirs?  I am tired of the glaring hate in the eyes of people I have done nothing to.  Minorities?  Go to hell.  Minor intelligence, minor morals, minor decency.  Kiss my pasty white cracker ass.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   11/27/2014  at  11:08 PM  

  12. You guys made all the good comments before I got here.

    Here’s an extra $0.02 anyway.

    All the people upset about Darren Wilson not being prosecuted seem to miss one big point.  When they talk about a system that doesn’t value Black lives, they seem to forget that this time, the whole process was monitored by Attorney General Eric Holder’s Department of Justice and President of the United States Barak Obama.

    Neither Obama nor Holder seem happy with the result of the Grand Jury investigation because neither of them can find any holes or coverups.  Too bad.  Wilson acted in accordance with the law and Brown screwed up his own life.

    Some people just can’t believe that a White person would actually give a Black person equal treatment.  Under the same circumstances, I have little doubt that Wilson would have shot me, even though I’m a blue eyed paleface.

    The only racial bigotry in this case is coming from Black people.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   11/28/2014  at  12:28 AM  

  13. I have a simple question - Why has the shooting of a combative 292 pound adult by a cop in MO resulting in such tragic consequences for more than 3 months - while the shooting of a 12 year old in a park by a cop - has been mostly silent? Certainly not the 24/7/365 media attention, certainly not the ‘community’ rising up for ‘justice’ and not 1/100th of the outrage. I would like to know what is the difference. Because on appearances - Tamir E. Rice - is a total innocent. So exactly what is the difference?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   11/28/2014  at  08:10 AM  

  14. I’m going to guess rules of engagement.  They can’t paint the dead kid as a blameless angel.  The kid in the park is very tragic, but the kid definitively screwed up.  He reached for an apparent weapon in defiance of the the officer’s orders.

    You’re also leaving out the young husband in New York who was killed in a completely unjustified shooting.  It was so out of line that not even the cops are backing him.

    It really doesn’t make sense why one and not the other.  I don’t think these people have any actual guiding principles.

    The more I think about it, the more disgusted I am by the Ferguson rioters.  They’re not even as good as members of the KKK.  At least the KKK actually had principles it followed.  All I’m seeing from Ferguson is a bunch of people spouting racist b.s. while enjoying an orgy of looting and burning.  Where are their principles?  Having even bad principles to guide your life is better than no principles at all.  All the Ferguson people have is hatred, blind, stupid hatred.

    Comparing the KKK and the Ferguson rioters is like comparing syphilis and gonorrhea.  You can argue that one is better than the other, but they’re both pretty bad.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   11/28/2014  at  09:37 PM  

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