Ferguson In Flames, Again


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 11/25/2014 at 10:22 AM   
  1. It is funny watching the monkeys fling Poo at their own stores and neighbors.
    Now tomorrow when they have to go miles out of their way to get shit they will bitch like hell about it.
    monkey  monkey  bomb  pacifier  nah-nah

    Posted by Rich K    United States   11/25/2014  at  11:16 AM  

  2. And this is how “food deserts” begin. Now they’ll also have “fast food deserts”, “clothing deserts”, “gas station deserts” and so forth. Any business owner burned out or looted out for the 3rd time in 4 months would be insane to come back.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   11/25/2014  at  03:47 PM  

  3. What happened is proof positive that most of the arson and violence was started by Paid agitators with no skin in the game.I doubt most of the locals wanted their neighborhood trashed and burned. And the media did no one any favors by pumping up the volume to max out the evening ratings.Assholes!11!

    Posted by Rich K    United States   11/25/2014  at  04:25 PM  

  4. Don’t rebuild.  Make the blacks rebuild it.  Not one dime of tax money.  Don’t let any non blacks set up businesses either.  Make it all black all the time.  In six months they’ll be sick of their black utopia.  No help no notice from Whitey.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   11/25/2014  at  04:57 PM  

  5. Grayjohn on the money here as was LyndonB in another comment elsewhere.  I have been hearing about this on radio news not just everyday but several times a day everyday.
    Please correct me on this cos I’ve been away from most things for some days except for a few emails.  Didn’t that negro, as they used to correctly be called, along with another letter just as correct, pose a threat of some kind to the officer. I can’t remember and I have not revisited the case til now.
    That they are burning and looting isn’t a surprise to any of us as we have known for years that this kind of behavior is their national pastime. Any excuse will do. And to listen to the news here, one gets the impression that America is a race hate place with gues who almost always the guilty party.  I really never understand the use of pepper spray and rubber bullets or water in place of more permanant solutions to the negro problem.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   11/25/2014  at  06:10 PM  

  6. You look around at the other places where the chimps burned there hood down and they still look like burned out war zones 20-30 years on.  The idiots just turned any property values to 0 since no one wants to live in hell. They will never learn.

    Posted by StephanA    United States   11/25/2014  at  06:30 PM  

  7. Peiper, it’s tough to give you a recap in so short a space, but yes, he posed a threat.

    Whether or not the enormous young man was artificially aggressive due to illegal drugs, he had just stolen a few boxes of cheap little cigars - used in the ghetto to make really big pot joints - and was found walking down the middle of the busy road (sounds high to me). The cop drives up and tells the guy to get out of the street. Somehow, within seconds, this guy is halfway through the window of the cop car fighting with the officer. At least one shot is fired in the car. Wounded, he leaves the car, runs down the street a short way and perhaps runs back. In that distance, he has been shot at least 6 more times, but never shot from behind. He dies face down on the pavement a couple yards from the officer, from a bullet shot through the top of his head.

    The officer has previously won at least one award for being a good cop. He has never met the big young man before. At some point during the altercation he called for backup, which arrived in 90 seconds. Too late; the total time of this whole event from start to finish might have lasted one whole minute.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   11/25/2014  at  06:43 PM  

  8. Right, now I remember you mentioning that in a previous post. 
    The bottom line in modern America re police and vermin, never under any sort of circumstance even if faced by a darkie with a cannon, do you fire. You run away with apologies for possibly giving offense to the ape like creature. In fact, a new law might mandate that the cop give his gun to the ground ape , again with apologies for offense of some kind.

    It’s interesting that so far in all the radio news I have heard, there hasn’t been any mention made of the officer’s statements on what happened first.  And the size of Sambo hasn’t been an issue mentioned either.
    It will never change. Ever. 

    With the flood of immigrants from bongo-bongo land to Europe under the guise of asylum, and the large criminal population among them, their birth rate both here and in the USA, in a thousand years time the planet will take on a much darker hue.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   11/25/2014  at  07:09 PM  

  9. There was a time when no matter how upset the locals got, this would not have gone this far.  People will do what they are allowed to do.  If the mighty hand of the law stepped in and stopped this before it got this bad, it would have stopped.  The natives are as restless as society allows them to be.  We allowed this to happen.  Hell, there are those that WANTED this to happen, despite saying they did not.

    What I find sad is that obama and holder have told us how the Tea Parties are racists and terrorists, and that the members should be on a watch list.  But the ones that are REAL racists and terrorists are in Ferguson, and are given excuses for and coddled by obama and holder and their ilk. 

    How sad that our country has become this.  Of course, this is all by design.  This is what obama and his socialists want.  They have only two short years to destroy this once great country.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   11/25/2014  at  11:12 PM  

  10. As a retired cop myself, I can tell you, that the scariest part of dealing with blacks is the constant fears and accusations of racism.  I know what is in my heart, but I will be judged by my actions if I harm a black person.  How sad.

    I was once in a situation where a black kid came at me with a knife.  I had my gun drawn, and he was within the distance where I could have shot him and been cleared.  I was not in fear of my life at all, and the only thing going thru my mind as I remember back to that moment, was the horrible accusations and internal affairs investigation I would have to endure if I pulled that trigger.  I was more afraid of the events afterward than of being stabbed.  I ended up holstering and going to ground with this idiot so that I did not have to shoot him.  In the end, I disarmed him, and by choosing to do so, saved his life.  Of course, he and others that were not even present, but nearby, all accused me of things I did not do, racists comments I did not say, and I still went thru a hailstorm of shit in IA for several months. 

    Had I shot the bastard it would have been my word against no ones.  Dead men tell no tales.  That was the thanks I got for not killing him.  That was over ten years ago now, and things are still the same, if not worse.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   11/25/2014  at  11:20 PM  

  11. Sdkar, the only thing I would question in what you have to say, is the obama thing and not because I am defending him. I think you and everyone else here knows me better. No sir. The rot was well set even as obama’s (wigger) mamma was birthing him. Before that even.
    I know I have told this story before and in fact more than once, so I can’t fault our regulars for a large yawn. I’m sure you’ve read this before also.

    It happened easily over 35 years ago. Wife and I living in an apt. in a fairly nice part of town. Nothing too upscale but not the bad part of town and the bldg. manager was this huge Canadian named Gil. We faced the street and were on the floor just above street level but not by so much that one couldn’t hear a conversation on the sidewalk in front when windows were open. No air conditioning.
    So there was this commotion outside and I went to look to see what was happening, and there was this dark skinned creature arguing with a police officer. Gil caught the kid who I swear to you could not have been more than 10 or 11 at the most, stealing a bike from the rack at the back of the building. Gil caught him and held him for the cops who he called, and what I heard was this little ape like snot telling the cop what his rights were. I don’t know what the outcome was, I had to get to work and left but the memory and the outrage stayed with me all these years. And if anything, nothing has gotten any better socially in our country with regard to these creatures.
    If anything things are worse because generations of these life forms have grown up with a mindset that things are just naturally theirs by rights both real and imagined.

    I could go on but I just wanted to share again, that pre obama memory.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   11/26/2014  at  02:23 AM  

  12. You are right, it has always been there.  Black kids learn to hate whitey and “know their rights” before they can learn their ABCs.  This has been in the works for generations, and we have been letting it fester into a boil that in Ferguson, has now popped open. 

    It does not help when these chimps have one of their own at the highest level telling them it is okay to feel anger and riot due to how bad they were treated.  The same man who says Boston PD acted stupidly, or tells all that trayvon could have been his son, and sends representatives to the gentle giants funeral.  All of this sends a message that he has their back and emboldens them.  They are doing what they have been trained for years to do, but have managed to hold back but for certain occasions. 

    Lincoln was right when he said the white man and the freed slaves could never live together.  Had he lived, there is a good chance we would not have the blacks we do today, as he was going to ship them off around the world and setup places like Monrovia so they could start fresh, and we would not have to deal with the resentment as we have for the last 150 years.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   11/26/2014  at  08:21 AM  

  13. All of the comments here are pertinent.  We’re looking at a huge case of anti White bigotry.  We’re all tired of it.  Live like human beings with the rest of us or got to Hell.

    There are so many wrong things here, it’s hard to make a good summary, but I’m going to try.

    1) Michael Brown’s shooting has been exhaustively investigated and documented.
    2) The entire Grand Jury Transcript runs just under 5,000 pages and has been released to the public for examination.
    3) The entire investigation was conducted under the scrutiny of the world press, the FBI and President Obama. 
    4) Even if the Ferguson police and District Attorney are completely bigoted and corrupt I just don’t see how it could be possible for them to either hide or distort any significant facts. 
    5) Given the facts of this case, I no longer have any doubt that Michael Brown earned his death.  (I expect many of you will remember that originally I was not on Officer Wilson’s side.  I have changed my mind, Wilson did what he had to do.)
    6) The rioters in Ferguson are therefore not interested in justice, they’re interested only in destroying their community, venting their hatred of anyone successful or White.  Like small children on a temper tantrum, they destroy.
    7) Obama could have made a positive difference, but he has chosen not to.  His speeches have been weak at best, his sympathies obviously lie with the rioters.  He hates white people. 

    The only racial bigotry here is on the part of the Ferguson protestors.  The only hatred is from the Ferguson protestors. 

    In recent years, there have been plenty of questionable shootings, Michael Brown’s was NOT one of them.  This whole business is running on emotion, hatred and bigotry. 

    It will be interesting to see what Ferguson is like in a few years.  The businesses have been destroyed.  Let them live in their own trash until they’re ready to behave like humans.  I have no sympathy. 

    Last summer, I took a major cross country drive.  I actually took a wrong turn near Ferguson and got lost in a neighborhood not far away.  When I stopped at a signal, a Black lady on the corner made sure I understood exactly what she thought of White people in her neighborhood. 

    Fuck her.  Fuck her friends and neighbors.  Fuck the rioters, all they have is hate.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   11/26/2014  at  07:17 PM  

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