After 400 years, health and safety bans stepladders from historic Oxford library…


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 05/08/2009 at 02:22 PM   
  1. Next week ‘Elf & Safety will close the balconies. They are DANGEROUS. You could FALL.

    Starting June 1st, no buildings will be allowed with more than 1 floor. And no women will be allowed to wear shoes with heels taller than 3/8”.


    Isn’t it about time all of England just stood around and laughed at these nitwits? And then threw rotten potatoes at them until they went away in shame?




    Posted by Drew458    United States   05/08/2009  at  04:10 PM  

  2. Why are the librarians refusing to use the stepladders?  Why don’t they just tell these clowns to piss off and continue to do their jobs the way they always have?

    What real power do these Health and Safety goons have?

    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   05/08/2009  at  05:04 PM  

  3. I don’t own stock in the company, but why don’t students buy one of those reachy tong things:


    I, personally, would probably be a rebel & drag a chair over to use as a step ladder rather than drive 80 miles out of my way.

    Posted by adagioforstrings    United States   05/08/2009  at  05:47 PM  

  4. Ok great ideas all - but here is the real question - how many people have been hurt and/or killed because of the step ladders in the library (and here I always thought it was the candlestick)?!?

    Divide that number by the 400 years and you will get the honest (not some flaming liberal’s who fears all of life and most especially death) assessment of how ‘dangerous’ this little stunt is. And if it is so damn dangerous (I doubt) why not have one (ok two, given the number of hours and days the library is open) ‘trained’ book fetcher to keep the obviously inept students off the ladders?

    Come on people - we have to stop this insanity before we all end up in a ‘Be Happy,’ Taco Hell, ‘You are fined one credit for a violation of the Verbal Morality Statute’ Dr. Raymond Couteau World or taken over by the 3rd Century muslims who could give a care less about ‘safety’ and health.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/09/2009  at  06:50 AM  

  5. Wardmom .. You may be forgetting.  This type of moonbat lunacy was in the USA at least 20 yrs ago. No, more then 20.
    There was a segment on 60 Minutes all about this poor schnook who owned a ladder company.

    Apparently a dept. of govt. and please forgive me but I just can’t remember what its called, issued a rule saying that ALL ladders had to have a warning on them about the danger of and NOT stepping on that top step. And never step on that flap that is used for the paint can.  Now I ask you, what idiot would even think of stepping on that flimsy little flap that swings outward for the paint?

    He had to recall some thousand ladders I think. I’m pretty skimpy on exact detail after all this time. But I remember the program and how big brother the new law was. Is.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   05/10/2009  at  04:00 AM  

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