Yes, it’s finally come to this


Posted by Somnambulist57    Canada   on 10/28/2015 at 09:37 AM   
  1. Well, I could answer her question, but it would be a raycis answer.

    You hear people say they work for slave wages, for a slave driver, and that they’ve been working like slaves doing X, Y, or Z. The implication is that nobody ever worked as hard as a slave. The two concepts soon go hand in hand; “slaving away” means working hard.

    But the meme is false. Slaves were valuable property, worth as much as several horses. You don’t use property like that until it breaks. “Test until destruction” is not an acceptable path. Sure, that ole overseer may have had a whip, but if he used it often or much, I’m sure it was turned on him. In truth, “working like a slave” really means doing the least amount of work that avoids a beating.

    Slaves don’t invent. They don’t create. They aren’t looking at a work system in terms of process analysis and performance improvement, because any improvement saves time and lets the bosses find more work for them to do. No, they only do as they’re told, and they do just enough to meet the lowest goal. And the moment you turn your back they slack off, break things, make mistakes on purpose, and come up with excuses.

    So, am I right? Let me go and watch the video ... ah ha! I knew it!! The just-barely-black news lady has a poster on her office wall of dem cotton fields away where da hole fambly is a-hoe-ing and a-grubbin’ and picksin dat mean ole cotton fo Massah. And she tells everyone she keeps it there to remind her of what hard work really is. (I can guarantee you that she also keeps it there to recharge her permanent sense of victimization as well.)

    Not that picking cotton isn’t hard work. But it’s no harder than any other kind of stoop labor. That’s why free people invented machines to do it for them.

    Now that’s one cotton pickin’ mutha fuggha

    Posted by Drew458    United States   10/28/2015  at  12:55 PM  

  2. F the bitch ( Perry ) and toss her in a brothel for a few days so she can see what actual slavery of any color is like.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   10/28/2015  at  04:03 PM  

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