Will It Work?


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 01/11/2007 at 08:31 AM   
  1. I posted my thoughts on his speech at my site, but the gist of it is that Bush finally seems to “somewhat” get it now.  Democracy is the end we seek in Iraq, but stability.  We need a strong Iraq that can control religious fundamentalism in the country and hold Iran and Syria at bay.

    Some positive points in the address were:
    1.  the unleashing of the military.
    2.  the subtle hint to Iran/Syria that they might get some action on their territory if they continue supply men and arms to the insurgency.
    3.  The al-Sadr militia is now fair game.
    4.  The armed forces will be increased in size (that should have happened 10 minutes after 9/11).

    Posted by Grumpyguy    United States   01/11/2007  at  02:57 AM  

  2. INHO just the unleashing of our military to actually fighting a war would change things to out advantage.  If Al-Sadr opposes then TAKE THE MFer OUT!!!!

    Posted by bat crusher    United States   01/11/2007  at  04:16 AM  

  3. They just don’t want Bush to succeed. They don’t care about changing strategies, per se. They are afraid about changing strategies and that those strategies may work. That will lower their chances to get the POTUS in ‘08.
    Our troops need and increase in number, but most importantly, a relaxation, better yet, an adjustment of the rules of engagement, to make them more competitive against an enemy that doesn’t have any rules, that wears no uniform, that doesn’t mind(even favors) causing collateral damage. We need to act as we always have, not thinking about what the media is going to report. That’s the least they need to be thinking about. Offensive is the best defense. (Somalia?) Stop the Political Correctness from undermining the great American Principles. This is a fight we must win. Cutting and running, after a war plaged by treasonous reports by the American media and the Left (Redundancy Alert)denouncing ridiculous “mistreatment” of war criminals, alleged massacres without verifying the sources or the facts, and so on, must be a one time only mistake. It was called Vietnam. (Well, and Clinton’s chance in Somalia)We should not allow the Liberals to gloat on the thought of seeing America defeated in the eyes of the rest of the world, like back in the 70s. This whole disrespect for anything American is just a direct result of that mistake.

    Posted by Mile66    United States   01/11/2007  at  10:33 AM  

  4. Hear, Hear! to BatCrusher. We get fire from a mosque - call the artillery, no more mosque. Smoking hole in the ground. Don’t like that? Don’t shoot from a mosque. I hate this “kinder, gentler” warfare rules crap. Where’s Patton when we need him?
    Oh, and George - you may want to try the same tactics with the caviar commies in the Senate and the House - like Pelosi, Murthaf*cker, Reid, Shumer and Kennedy. Nobody respects a pansy, but people respected John Gotti - because the repercussions of NOT respecting him were, er… serious.  Take a lesson.
    I don’t believe in using the hammer for using the hammers sake, but, dammit, when I gotta use the hammer…

    Posted by T    United States   01/11/2007  at  12:04 PM  

  5. It’s about fricking time.

    If you want the military to win, you tell them the goal, and then get the hell out of the way, and to hell with the political consequences.

    Quit worrying about what the Dem’s and other commie butt lickers think, they only care about their political careers. Just take the insurgents out and stabalize Iraq.

    It is about time to get hardcore, you don’t win by being nice and PC.

    Posted by Jaguar    United States   01/11/2007  at  01:15 PM  

  6. Unleash the dogs and let them do what they do best.  Also, get rid of the embedded reporters whose only purpose is to report any suspicious activity by our troops.

    Posted by BobF    United States   01/11/2007  at  01:18 PM  

  7. Bout damn time we let the military do their JOB. Or as my husband puts it, WARHEADS ON FOREHEADS!

    Posted by Severa    United States   01/11/2007  at  03:12 PM  

  8. I want to ask a serious question.  The left is always lamenting, and crying about the 3000 military deaths in Iraq.  I’m not being hard hearted.  These soldiers are heroes and I don’t diminish their self-sacrifice for the country.

    But, what empire or great nation can survey if a large portion of your population thinks 3000 people is a large sacrifice?  In a country of 300,000,000, losing 3000 people is nothing within context.  Cincinnati had 84 murders last year, New Orleans had something like 165, and I bet if we add in Chicago, St. Louis, L.A., N.Y., Miami, and a few other large cities, there were more murders in a year in our top 15 cities than the number of our soldiers killed in 3 years in Iraq.

    It is almost as if the left thinks the U.S. is not worth sacrificing for.  Our unique blend of classical liberalism, republicanism, capitalism, religiosity, and success is no better than the 12th century Islamic/Arab culture of Saudi Arabia.  At what point does the left get mad?  What type of attack does it take to make them WANT TO defend the United States?

    My guess is that even a nuclear attack wouldn’t rally the left.  They still somehow claim that we cause it.

    Posted by Grumpyguy    United States   01/11/2007  at  03:28 PM  

  9. Grumpy, check this out! According to the FBI, there were 16,000+ murders in the USA.

    Posted by Len - KC    United States   01/11/2007  at  04:43 PM  

  10. Thanks Len.

    I hope my point is well taken in the right context.  You can’t be a superpower and be unwilling to accept causalities. 

    The left is unwilling to sacrifice anything to a country they just don’t like.

    Posted by Grumpyguy    United States   01/11/2007  at  04:55 PM  

  11. I don’t think that President Bush should have apologised until Ted Kennedy apologises to the Kophecnes (publically), John Kerry apologises to every single American veteran (especially to the Vietnam vets that he has repeatedly insulted, lied about and turned on), until Bill Clinton apologises for serial sex offending, lying under oath and letting OBL and the terrorists on his watch go free, until the Dems (as a whole) apologise for wasting (fraud and abuse and outright theft) of American tax dollars that dwarf the annual Armed Forces entire budget through all their ‘social’ programs that are terrible failures.

    Otherwise, it was good and personally I think that there should be even more troops - to seal the borders but that is a joke - we can’t even seal our own borders.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/11/2007  at  05:20 PM  

  12. On the day of “Black Hawk Down” we lost 18 military personnel in Somalia.  The SecDef resigned over it because Clinton wouldn’t arm the troops properly...he fell on his sword for Clinton.  Clinton also had American Forces (10th Mountain Division) under control of a (UN)Pakistanie General to where the US General couldn’t even order American Troops to reinforce his.  I don’t remember Clinton getting much flack over that incident. 

    The Democrats could care less about the troops.  All they care about is the money spent.  They know each of the troops is a volunteer and know full well not only what they’re getting into but the dangers involved, including death.  These young men and women are enlisting and reenlisting, knowing they will be going back to Iraq.  This boo-hooing for the troops on part of the Democrats is Bovine Scatology.

    Posted by BobF    United States   01/11/2007  at  10:52 PM  

  13. If this is still the America I grew up in, the democrats are making themselves a
    rough ride for 2008.  I hope our fellow citizens don’t let us down.

    Posted by Officer Pupp    United States   01/12/2007  at  10:37 PM  

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