Flip-Flop Award


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 01/11/2007 at 06:55 AM   
  1. Skipper, even Nancy Pelosi was on this bandwagon. Texan (D) Silvestre Reyes, new chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, was for it on 12/5/06, barely a month ago. But as soon as Rummy stepped aside and it looked like it could actually happen, then they all did an about face. At the same time they turned the “won’t listen to his advisors” complaint around too. Or did he used to listen to his advisors but they were wrong and now he’s not listening to the ones who are right? The spin comes so fast I can’t keep it straight. 

    I swear, Mr. Bush must be from NJ. According to the Dems, he’s got to be the most intelligent idiot ever. And the most conniving, Machiavellian simpleton as well.

    And for years we’ve been hearing at least weekly that it was BUSH that “squandered the post-9/11 sense of national unity”. What complete and utter projectionist horse shit.

    I think I’ll try to bring a new product to market - Democrat Toast. It’s buttered on both sides unless you drop it, at which point it won’t stain the carpet because it’s only buttered on the inside.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   01/11/2007  at  09:12 AM  

  2. So what else would you expect.  The Donks and the RINOs care only for their own political careers.  They hope the rest of us will forget.

    The Party of Treason will face judgement some day for its crimes against the Republic.

    Posted by MAJ Mike    United States   01/11/2007  at  06:50 PM  

  3. IF the dems and turncoat reps can bring disaster to the GWOT - I think their judgement will be sooner than any of them can imagine. I can’t believe their bds is so out of control, that they are so actively against preserving America and the American way of life against a radical terroristic enemy bent on the destruction of everyone not believing as they do.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/12/2007  at  09:54 AM  

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