Who needs Cliff Notes when you’ve got Wikipedia?


This post should be like a carrot on a string under a cardboard box held up by a stick for Turtler.

Seriously, Mexico has suffered from the Spanish Disease for so long. And one behavioral part of that disease is Grandee-ism; that they are better than everyone even when they’re knee deep in the hoopla. And I’m sure they don’t like it when the US or it’s people treats them like unwashed illiterate peasants. But that’s the Mexico we see! How can we know any better if you don’t show us?

Posted by Drew458    United States   on 06/23/2010 at 10:16 PM   
  1. Magnificent!

    Posted by KGrupa    United States   06/23/2010  at  11:28 PM  

  2. Excellantay job Senior Drew. You might have a future at this writin shit.And If he sees it Im sure ol T will dot the eyes and cross the tees.
    And as a bonus I now feel absolutely ZERO empathy for the chachees down south.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   06/23/2010  at  11:30 PM  

  3. well done. I paid 2500 bucks last semester for (among other things) a survey course in latin american history, and that’s about the story I got. if not for the professor’s outrageous antics, I’d feel ripped off. thanks for the post.

    Posted by Risk    United States   06/24/2010  at  12:41 AM  

  4. They hate us because they suck and they know it, and we don’t, and they know it.
    I couldn’t care less why they hate us.  And if they hate us so much why do they all want to be here?  I’ve noticed that most of them around here are military age, and pretty clean cut for peasants.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   06/24/2010  at  05:46 AM  

  5. I don’t expect Mexico to want to be just like the US only with hot sauce. It’s their country. But I sure would like to see them fix things up down there, instead of all running away to make a better life for themselves up here, while NOT assimilating, and while sending home a large chunk of whatever wealth they create here. That’s the part that really irks me. Oh, and the drugs and the gangs and the crime. Oh, and the drunk driving with no insurance. Oh, and that whole 15-20 million of them being here illegally. Other than those I have no problems with any of them at all.

    Mexico should be a production paradise. The US shouldn’t be spending a dollar in China with such a country so rich in potential and resources right next door. “Hecho en Mexico” should be as proud and as high quality a label as “made in Japan” is today. But it isn’t, and I doubt that it ever will be.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   06/24/2010  at  09:00 AM  

  6. Well Drew, everything you’ve said, from the post through the comments, has been BRILLIANT!!! I am now immediately linking this at mine! LOL

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   06/24/2010  at  09:19 AM  

  7. Nice very nice - well done.

    They hate us because they suck and they know it, and we don’t, and they know it.

    I think that the above could very well be applied to our current POTUS - and both the Mexicans and our POTUS are working very, very hard to destroy America.

    Silly little peasants - it never has worked and never will work.

    FREEDOM is more powerful than any vapid, shallow and hollow threat from the petty little peasants of the world who have sucked, suck and will always suck - those who fail to study history are doomed to repeat it - Hey Mexicans and Obama - learn to read and then study History - You are doomed to failure - it’s been proven again and again and again.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/24/2010  at  09:32 AM  

  8. Damn - we are having issues with our fruit trees (gallons of rain, not much hot sun in between). The tiny tree out front was up for being chopped down - last year it was the tiny apple tree that wasn’t fruiting at all. So anyway this week I noticed a fruit - Yeah, maybe it was just behind the others. Well I went to check our fruit - the few (peaches, plums) that had started to ripen - birds came and got, so I checked the little tree and yes, it too was on the ground half pecked over. Picked it up and smelled it - damn if it isn’t apricot.

    (To make this not completely OT) I blame Obama or the Mexicans - oh hell, both.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/24/2010  at  01:15 PM  

  9. Ding! OCM scores! LOL

    Posted by Drew458    United States   06/25/2010  at  08:31 AM  

  10. Drew, if I give you credit for the research, may I use this outline in my ‘history of immigration causes’ class?  (That’s not the exact name for the class, but it’s close enough.)

    Posted by Archie    United States   06/25/2010  at  11:21 AM  

  11. Archie, go right ahead. It’s all in Wiki, and what I wrote here is reasonable accurate except for my snarky twists. King Joe was Joeseph Bonaparte for example, and France really did rule Mexico for a bit. Ok, I made up the stealing hubcabs part; that would be too proactive actually, since cars for the hubcaps to go on hadn’t yet been invented. But I believe that I have found the core issue: Mexicans see us as the ones who destroyed their grand empire, though in truth it was never empire nor grand. And they resent that we as a nation have been very successful and not (until recently) under excessive thrall to the mega-wealthy, while they have not been the prior and have always been the latter.

    Now more than ever they need a revolution, they need land an law reform, and they need to break the curse of the Conquistadors once and for always. They need to discover egalitarianism and honesty, and hold themselves to a higher standard. Then their land can be an oasis from want.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   06/26/2010  at  10:11 AM  

  12. I’ve always said that Mexico hated us because we got the part of the continent with the blondes.

    I think you did a much better job, Drew.

    Posted by Siddhartha Vicious    United States   06/27/2010  at  01:23 PM  

  13. Meanwhile, even the Spanish were upset at being ruled by somebody called King Joe, so they start the Penninsula War. This goes on forever, and eventually leads to more than 100,000 episodes of Sharp’s Rifles on BBC4.

    See? Something good comes from everything! Love Sharp’s! (Books, anyway, haven’t seen the vids)

    Posted by Christopher    United States   06/27/2010  at  07:19 PM  

  14. Christopher - I’ve never read any of Cornwell’s Sharpes books.  Too modern for me, I guess. 

    But his books set in earlier times are incredible.  Try ‘Stonehenge’ ‘The Lords Of the North’ the ‘Enemy Of God’ (Arthur series) and the Archer series, as well as ‘Gallows Thief’.

    Hmm, now I’m suddenly struck by Cornwell withdrawal, so maybe will try the Sharpes books while waiting for the next volume of the Lords of the North series.

    Posted by Siddhartha Vicious    United States   06/28/2010  at  04:50 PM  

  15. Ah, I was afraid this had closed out. Also, sorry for the absence.

    Drew: Your timeline is not bad, like some of the crap I’ve seen from the Left’s “daring revisionist ‘historians’”, but it sure as hell as several flaws and falsehoods beyond the minor rhetorical flourishes.

    1. That Mexico belonged to France: true ONLY in the fact that it was theoretically rightful property of King Joseph of Spain, who was brother of Napoleon of France and who effectively owed his power to French military support. This theoretical principle had virtually no effect in the colonies, as Bonapartist support in the Spanish overseas Empire was virtually nonexistant and French ability to project power there was also nullified by the Royal Navy’s policy of capturing or sinking everything with a Tricolor. As such, there was not a single French serviceman in pretty much all of Spanish America for the duration of the conflicts (with them only coming in far AFTER the defeat of Napoleon ended the wars in Europe and then on the side of the Independentists, ironically on the same side as the British). In short, even in the one territory that was officially French at the time (Louisiana), the only people the icoming Americans had to communicate with were the pre-existing Spanish administration which had effectively run this “French” colony. The war in Latin America was between the Spanish colonial Admins and various revolutionaries that sprang up ironically at first in the form of militas dedicated TO the Spanish crown, whic effectively led to two groups proclaimng loyalty to the same sovereign (at least until the idea of Independence began in full) killing each other off. Pretty much no Frenchmen were involed at all, and certainly not in a military capacity. That would be over half a century later, from ‘62-’67 taking advantage of our Civil War.

    2. The Texan Revolution: It’s a bit of a pet peeve for me, but few if any realize that the Texan Revolution was NOT an isolated event, which is especially frustrating coming from the Right when it would do soooooooooo much to deflate the racist drivel that it was a land-grab by the modern-day Mexicans. Simply put, the Republic of Texas was but one of SEVERAL mini-republics that were declared by supporters of he Federal faction in Mexico, who favored a style of governance that was more decentralized and based off of the US and were opposed to Santa Anaa’s Central faction- who were far more dictatoral and unsurprisingly centralized- and unsurprisingly rose against Santa Anna’s coup. The Texan one was just notable because it was ethnically distinct from most of them (which were Mexican overall) and as one of the two to successfully defeat the Centralist attempts to subdue it (the other being the Republic of the Yucutan, a joint Mexican/Amerindian one which was the Texan Republic’s natural ally and which helped it effectively drive the Mexican navy out of the Gulf of Mexico).

    3. The Mexican Revolution. There is no way to sugar this up: your history is SEVERELY screwed up. Where do I start? For one, Villa did NOT invade the US during the Madero era (which was the first campaign of the revolution- against the Diaz regime- and Madero’s brief presidency), which roughly lasted from 1910 to 1912, but during his later campaign against Carranza from 1916 on long after Madero was killed and even longer after Villa had broken with him. The reason he chose to do so was a combination of hoping to rally public support and because we gave the stockpiles we couldn’t bother shipping home after our occupation of Veracruz wound down to Carranza (who hated us and we hated him but who we figured was the best choice to bring this entire fiasco to an end).

    As I mentioned before, Madero’s presidency was very, VERY brief. He was in fact NOT as big a dick as Diaz and indeed was genuinely loyal to reform and the formation of a functioning republic. Unfortunately, he ticked off the rural fanatics Zapata and Villa by refusing “Land Reform” and he made the mistake of not kicking out the Porifirista loyalists from the military, which wound up getting him killed. Specificaly by Huerta, who WAS as big of a dick as Diaz. And who was in cahoots with the existing German intelligence organs designed to help anybody and everybody who could possibly be turned against the US as per the Cuba Memorandum. The reason Wilson authorized the occupation of Veracruz was twofold: because we recognized German weapon shipments coming into the port, and because we figured that its occupation would speed the collapse of Heurta (which it did). Ironically this ticked not only Huerta but also Carranza off. Ironically the only person who wasn’t particularly enraged by this would be Villa, who would later be the leader most radically opposed to us. Because after we gave Veracruz back after Huerta fell and Villa and Zapata turned on Carranza we (again) gave the surplus supplies to Carranza, which led to Villa murdering, pillaging, and slaughtering across the frontier in the US. Which is when Pershing went down and kicked the crap out of the Villaistas and Obregon (Carranza’s star commander and future deposer) kicked whatever was left out of them.

    And all the time the Germans had been making the offer to pretty much anybody who would listen, and when Carranza’s control of the country finally solidified more-or-less, they sent in a “final draft” of the proposal that was the Zimmerman note. And we all know where it goes from there.

    Posted by Turtler    United States   06/30/2010  at  04:59 PM  

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