When Democracy and Multi-Culturalism Collide… the West will almost always back down


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 03/19/2014 at 07:47 AM   
  1. My response here is similar to that of another story. 

    I know this is not America, but still, the rules should still apply.  A person in another part of the world wants a better life, and seeks out a new home.  The contract should be that in exchange for allowing others to join in and become a citizen, that that person adopt his new home and abide by its rules, its culture, its laws, and its norms.  They accept the history of his or her new home, and pitch in to become one with that new home, and contribute to make that new home a better place, so it will continue to prosper.  (Very much as outlined by Teddy Roosevelt’s speech)

    But instead, the newcomer gets ALL of the benefits he or she sought out, but wants to give NOTHING in return.  They do not want to participate in the way that is acceptable by that host’s standards.  They want all the rules changed to suit them, they want the culture that offends them halted, and they want any history that offends them wiped away.  These new people want all the benefits, but want to give nothing in return.  As id somehow, their mere presence in the new country is all they owe.  BS!!!.  I say, no country no longer allow ANYONE to benefit or come to their country unless that person agrees to abide by certain standards and rules, and become a full participating member and ultimately, a citizen if possible.  Otherwise, what the hell is in it for the host country, beside of course, expense, and hassle?  And make that person agree to do these things, and if they fail, they go back.  No court rulings...nothing.  It’s all in the contract.  Like a full payment due on demand clause if a person fails to pay their mortgage.  That person is scooped up, and shipped back to whatever dunghole they came from.  If they liked the rules there so much, instead of trying to change their new home, they should simply stay put. 

    Do this a few times, and I bet the caliber of immigrant and those seeking benefits from other countries will improve greatly.

    We need to nip this crap in the bud now, or will be be destroyed by this nonsense.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   03/19/2014  at  01:38 PM  

  2. Over here Sdkar, they can not even deport the criminal class who apparently have all sorts of rights. And that includes killers and rapists. Seems they have a “right” to a family under the euro-pee on court of umin rights.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   03/21/2014  at  08:10 AM  

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