the politically correct always seem to win the day. wish we could be rid of them.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 03/19/2014 at 09:31 AM   
  1. I thought that by becoming a diverse nation, there was supposed to be a tradeoff.  (See Teddy Roosevelt’s Speech).  That we allow everyone from everywhere to come to America, and in return, they become American.  Nope.  We let them in, and they immediately demand everything change to accomodate them.  That they still use the hyphen to describe themselves, they refust to learn our language, they refuse to adopt our principles and heritage, and now they want to deny our history. 

    This ball was not about slavery.  It was about the way of life in our country that had its fun moments, and we wanted to replicate that.  A time when men were gentleman, and ladies, were well, ladies.  The clothing was fun, and the dances great.  But nope.  Because the movie had slavery in it, this ball must be about promoting slavery and is therefore evil, and must be stopped. 

    How horrible is the mind of a PC liberal shithead?  That no matter what is going on, all they can see is racism, and be offended.  They are on the contant lookout for victimhood. 

    What is truly sad, is that racism is pretty much a dead issue (with everyone but liberals).  All of us should be celebrating the vast strides we have made to rid this country of the horrible things it has done, and correct the wrongs of the past.  But instead, there are those that hunt and search until they find something to be victimized by.  Actual real racism (as practiced almost everywhere else in the world) is so dead here in America, that these idiots now have to come up with make believe “code words” or associate racism through the thinnest of margins, just to eek out the smallest bit of being offended.  How truly sad. 

    But of course, not nearly as sad as those that bow down to these idiots.  The fact is, idiots will always abound.  These people cannot help but be idiots.  The real jerks are those that help them achieve their status of being a victim.  Instead of coddling them and hugging them and telling them they are right and nanny will take care of it, we should tell them to shut up and go away.  If we did, this PC nonsense would soon stop. All these people are doing, is assuring that more and more of this stupid crap will continue.  I think I despise these enablers more than that actual idiot victims.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   03/19/2014  at  01:19 PM  

  2. I think I despise these enablers more than that actual idiot victims.

    Been saying that for years. And your comment was so right on the mark, I’d like to post it one the front page.
    When I said I didn’t have a cooler head, that wasn’t a figure of speech. I get so damn frustrated I often can’t get the words right. But you sure did.
    One question tho. When you say “the clothing was fun”, do you mean seeing it in the movie or in real life, in that long ago time? I kinda think you were only referring to the movie.

    This victimhood has become an ingrained way of life on both sides of the water. And there are plenty who will eagerly take advantage of it. As you say, the blame actually rests with the enablers.
    There’s a book out I have to get, and I read about it over here.

    Useful Idiots: How Liberals Got it Wrong in the Cold War and Still Blame America First by Mona Charen

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   03/21/2014  at  07:19 AM  

  3. I will be honored if you use anything I write.  As for the clothing being fun, It meant a lot of ways.  First, the clothing was so different then and all the colors and layers, etc.  Second, playing dress up.  Trying to recreate any of the dresses to wear today, and seeing the men and women work at trying to capture that same look of the antebellum period looks like it would be something fun to do.  For all those attending, whether they paricipate, or simply watch, or read about it later, all of it is great fun for everyone.  But nope, need to make a racial and political statement about EVERYTHING.  These victims see others having they will never get to have, because they are too busy being offended and angry all the time.  So, how dare they have fun, while racism abounds and since this fun was at the expense of MUST BE STOPPED.

    Really?!  That is why I said, the mind of a supposed victim is a horrible place.  It can never let go, never let joy in, and is in a perpetual state of going from one offense to the other, never resting.  It must get tiring and maddening.  Most of all, it must be a sad way to live.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   03/21/2014  at  08:06 AM  

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