What do you mean ‘your’ child?


Posted by Christopher    United States   on 04/10/2013 at 06:40 PM   
  1. One can only assume she doesn’t have any children or she wouldn’t be saying that.

    Posted by harleycowboy58    United States   04/10/2013  at  06:42 PM  

  2. Yeah, we’ve never “invested enough” (ie stolen money from people to waste on these little f’ers) but they’re all “community property” (except try to correct one in public, even if you’re genetically related, thus you’re a criminal) There’s a REASON we haven’t thought that way, you communist cunt.  Wrap your tiny mind around that, or just realize you’re too stupid to draw breath.  Why should I listen to some white chick that’s defective enough to wear cornrows, anyway?

    Posted by Mr Evilwrench    United States   04/10/2013  at  09:37 PM  

  3. On one site - I wrote that she is an idiot because:
    1) the communities and children at risk are the very ones dependent upon government for just about everything and have no desire to ‘raise’ their own children, businesses flee due to high crime rate (Don’t Snitch) and they certainly won’t look out for any other children.
    2) people like her (elites) have nannies, gated communities, private (i.e. expensive) schools and can get the best food money can buy (not meaning fast food, diners or family restaurants).

    And I see many people wondering if she would be so open to the ‘our’ children concept if that included taking her children to church.

    We already know the answer - typical liberal - it is only about indoctrinating children into what THEY believe - not about the FREEDOM to hold any other values or beliefs at all.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/11/2013  at  07:57 AM  

  4. If they belong to All they belong to None and that is how the State will treat them, as Nothing’s to be led by the nose.
    shit  gun  finger

    Posted by Rich K    United States   04/11/2013  at  11:09 AM  

  5. EVWrench .... Take a closer look. She isn’t actually all white. I believe she may be mixed. But not white. And you’re right about the hair. I’ve seen more than enough dumb assed white guys wear theirs the same way. They sooooo wanna be black.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   04/11/2013  at  11:51 AM  

  6. What a waste of a womb.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   04/14/2013  at  10:38 AM  

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