Well it’s about time!


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 10/09/2008 at 09:38 AM   
  1. Drew, never give up - what can I say -
    First, if fraud and lies are the only way you can appear to be winning - are you truly winning?
    Secondly, and something even the DNC won’t ever, ever admit - there are Dems all over America (and not just Hillary discontents) who aren’t going to vote for Obama, ever. Up the street is a guy who is a rabid Dem - long line of signs of local Dems (the big ones) and right at the end of his line is a McCain/Palin sign. . .and then this is from a family member down the street & what I know about my local Dems - they are Dems, committed due to their commitments to Unions - but even of more value to them is that they are Catholics - and none of them are voting Obama (the family isn’t voting because they don’t like McCain - neither do I but I dislike Obama more). And then there is family in MI - suburbs of Detroit who are not voting Dem anything this year - Granholm, Kilpatrick and the horrid state of their state - can’t do it - they at least up there are pointing the finger at the proper Party.

    The Dems are used to all those who have voted Dem, who obediently voted Dem, who don’t know any better - what they aren’t counting on at all - is that the InterNet and Radio are spreading the truth and even if one little nugget gets through - it will work to the detriment of Obama. Yes, it hurts McCain to a degree - but Obama can’t back up anything with experience - that does not allude to a consistantly liberal agenda. At least McCain is really on both sides of the aisle so often it is hard to pin him down. And he also picked a winner for his VP - not an mooron.

    And finally, take into account all those ‘peripheral’ special interest groups that Obama and his ilk pander to on a daily basis -
    Anti-war - The Dems failed to end the Iraq War - now if Obama does get elected and withdraw - he does indeed waste and make meaningless all the sacrifice spent plus he saddles the Dems with a defeat (translation - he won’t do it on his watch). So he is lying to those he is pandering to and they are already mad that they voted these losers in to end the war which they haven’t done - are they going to buy the words of this inexperienced guy - why when the entrenched Dems weren’t able to do it?
    Women - He turned on their Queen and also is really, really left of them on abortion - possibly the only ones who will vote for him are the rabid feminazis who grasp that the only way to keep abortion flowing is the judicial system and electing Obama will be a lock a more liberal Court system.
    Race - I suspect for those who really vote on race alone - those who will be against simply because Obama is black (probably relatively few percentage points) will vote enmass to attempt to offset those who will vote for Obama simply because he is black. And the more ACORN fraud exposed - the more people will vote against Obama.
    Gun Owners - And last but not least - and probably not taken into account at all by the Left is that ‘special’ interest group that just endorsed McCain - those who respect the 2nd Amendment. This group is truly afraid of Obama - and will help to insure that he is not elected.

    And in addition to the original point I made - if you refuse to honestly estimate your candidate, your opponent and all of those who will vote in the election - are you really honestly assessing the campaign at all?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/09/2008  at  10:36 AM  

  2. I sent an email to the RNC titled “Idea for an ‘attack ad’.”

    <Stock footage of Sen. Obama>

    Voiceover: Barack Obama says we shouldn’t vote based on his record, but should trust his judgment. Okay. But for years, his judgment has led him to work with

    Voiceover: Racists,

    Voiceover: Racketeers,

    <mug shots of William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn>

    Voiceover: Terrorists,

    Voiceover: People who directed Fannie Mae while they put us into an economic crisis.

    He says he didn’t know what kind of people they really were, even though Ayers and Dohrn made no secret of what they’d done, even though he went to Rev. Wright’s church for 20 years, even though Congress was warned since 2001 about the dangers of what Fannie Mae was doing. Okay.
    So which was it? Did he know, and didn’t mind? Or was he unaware of what was all over the newspapers, written in Ayers’ book, on the website for Rev. Wright’s church, and repeated time and again in Congress?
    Does it matter? Either way, is this

    really “judgment to lead”?

    REAL Reform

    REAL Change

    Talk is Cheap.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   10/09/2008  at  02:27 PM  

  3. Damn, it clipped parts of the post.

    Lessee...under “racists”, pictures of Michael Pfleger and Jeremiah Wright. Under “racketeers”, picture of Tony Rezko. Under “terrorists”, mug shots of Ayers and Dohrn. Under “People who directed Fannie Mae” etc., pictures of Franklin Raines and James Johnson. Under “Either way, is this...”, picture of Obama at podium, with “Judgment to Lead” logo.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   10/09/2008  at  02:31 PM  

  4. And just sent another email with an addendum: Picture of ACORN logo, voiceover “And an organization now accused of voter fraud in 15 states.”

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   10/09/2008  at  02:39 PM  

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