upholding the law even if it means grassing the little stuff


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 02/21/2012 at 08:04 AM   
  1. A couple of years ago while driving north to get my daughter from college - some idiot in some little silver suv was driving very dangerously - crossing lane lines, not using a blinker at all and speeding. First - it was hard while trying to stay in my lane to get to my phone, then as the car was speeding away - it was hard to determine model and license and finally I lost sight of it - so it could have gotten off at a number of exits. I became upset that I was not able to 911 this dangerous driver (it started just past exit 32) - at exit 61 - I saw said suv pulled over and being ticketed. I am pleased that I was not the only driver who was scared to death of this idiot behind the wheel.

    I’ve thought of calling 911 for those idiots I see driving through red lights but seat belts - yeah I know it’s the law - but I do run 5 mph over the speed limit - on the highways - not sure I want someone calling the cops on me.

    However, having said that - the ‘claimed’ reason for all our highway work has been to up our speed limit to 70 mph (IN, KY & MI all have 70 on the highways) - now I see that raise is being put to a ‘poll’ as to how many people want it.

    What a crock - as the ‘poll’ for the street car in Cincy was overwhelming against - and still they are plunging ahead for a millions of dollars (Union) construction project for 3 miles to connect the worst part of the city to downtown. I can’t put into words all the idiocracy involved with each and every aspect of this taxpayer funded fraud.

    I guess my point is that some laws are more equal than other laws - so to speak.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/21/2012  at  09:49 AM  

  2. The obvious difference is that the hit-and-run driver caused harm to someone else. The guy without the seatbelt is a threat to no one but himself.

    Whatever happened to MYOB?

    Posted by CenTexTim    United States   02/21/2012  at  09:54 AM  

  3. Have to wonder about the tiny minds that would take the time to squeal (grass) on someone just for a seat belt tho. Must have very empty lives. I’d guess that as kids they would have been first in line informing teacher about something johnny did or mary said etc.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   02/21/2012  at  01:24 PM  

  4. CenTexTim:  You’ve nailed it, sir.

    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   02/21/2012  at  09:59 PM  

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