Under The Bus, PLEASE!!


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 05/28/2010 at 03:18 PM   
  1. Their brains are stewed from their environment. Perhaps, once upon a time, that Middle Eastern area was a lush and fertile valley with a decent environment. No more.

    But, extracted from the post, does this raise any eyebrows?

    What makes it even worse is their awareness that a large number of those ___________ countries are swimming in __________ money, yet none of it trickles down to the poor fellah in the street or gets used to improve anything in the nation.

    Anyone? Bueller?

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   05/28/2010  at  07:16 PM  

  2. Really, there’s only basic problem with the idea that Jihadists aren’t our enemies.  Our enemies themselves from Osama bin Ladin down, describe themselves as Jihadis.

    Our government is lying to us again.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   05/29/2010  at  12:25 AM  

  3. You know I think that why the Li(e)brals do this is simply the exact same reason why the al-qaeda does what they do - they are both insane. Instead of rising up and educating their people to be as productive as they can be, instead of attacking those ‘leaders’ who do indeed horde the oil money and let the people live in 3rd world cesspool conditions - the radical islamic terrorists blame the jews & America and turn on all those other people (not to mention their own who just might see a better way to live).

    And Li(e)brals do indeed think (even though proven over and over again during the Clinton era of staying PC blind to terror) that if they just are PC enough and pretend long enough that this will all go away.

    Meanwhile in Iraq some 70 or so MUSLIMs are killed daily by radical islamic terrorists for just wanting to be even a bit more free than they were under the sadist Saddam and in Afghanistan the US death toll has now passed 1000.

    A year & a half into The Won’s magnificent and Middle East apologetic Thug Administration (to include a rude snubbing of Israel) and a removal of the words terrorist/terrorism and of course all the downplaying of US and Gitmo terrorist trials - and still it continues to explode in Iraq, in Afghanistan and yes, even in America.

    The Won and this petty little PC bootlicker - are going to get us all killed.

    BTW - is this the guy who spoke in Arabic and then (laughing) said - do not tell anyone what I just said?????

    Fired - No this guy should be hung for TREASON.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/29/2010  at  10:11 AM  

  4. I keep telling my friends that the Demo☭rats should just keep right on doing what they’re painful as it will be for the country...and they’ll lose 100 SEATS in Congress!

    Posted by Macker    United States   05/30/2010  at  08:53 AM  

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