Those Lying Losers At NASA


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 05/28/2010 at 08:19 PM   
  1. Followers of the Goracle just don’t want to quit.  This article by Christopher Reddy of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute made me think for an extra moment.

    What if carbon dioxide were as black as oil?

    He cites an increase in the CO2 content of the atmosphere from 310 ppm to 380 ppm, a whopping 22.6%.  Now let’s look at this from another angle.  An 80 ppm increase translates into .008%, or 8 thousandths of one percent of the atmosphere.  That’s even less impressive than 23%.  Look at it another way; The total (by Mr. Reddy’s figures) current CO2 content of the atmosphere is .038%.  In layman’s terms that’s less than 4 hundredths of one percent TOTAL!

    For a crude comparison, drinking water in Los Angeles generally contains between 300 ppm and 400 ppm of disolved solids.  The only objectional part is the taste of the chlorine.

    So, the claim is that a change in the composition of the atmosphere of less than one one hundredth of one percent is supposed to doom the world.  I suspect that you could snort that much nerve gas and live.  Sprinkle this on my roses, it smells like Bandini.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   05/29/2010  at  12:17 AM  


    Posted by cmblake6    United States   05/29/2010  at  09:54 AM  

  3. I have always said - this ‘end of the World’ mantra lead by the how many now - 3, 4 mansion owning, jet flying Goracle - defies either theory of the ‘creation’ of the World - religiously - I seriously don’t think the God would destroy his own creation nor allow man to do it either. And in the big bang world creation - I don’t think that a mere 150 years of man polluting would suddenly destroy a world that has been around billions of years.

    The arrogance of putting forth (when now we are finding out just how duplicitous and just how shallow the ‘science’ of this whole scam is) a ‘theory’ that man could destroy the World - is made even more specious with the ‘theory’ of CO2 being a destructive force to the world - ask the plant life - they would never agree.

    This is what happens when Li(e)brals get in control - they are petty dictator wanna-bes who want to control everyone else and do whatever they damn well please.

    It is time for freedom loving, truth seeking, Individual Rights respecting adults to wrest any type of control over these idiots. And stop this sh*t - by defending NASA, the Dept of Indoctrination, oops Education and of course all things ‘social programs’ which is just code speak for letting the lazy, stupid layabouts do nothing but vote for more handouts.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/29/2010  at  09:56 AM  

  4. Nah, OCM, I think you’re wrong.

    Life will out; insects live in Antarctica, lifeforms surround those “black smokers” that spew boiling hot toxic water on the bottom of the ocean, and everywhere in between. There are fish and frogs that get frozen in the ice every winter and reanimate in the spring, yet there are other fish and frogs that live in water almost hot enough to cook in. And every one of these creatures, no matter how oddball the niche, is in competition with several other species for the same food sources. Animals adapt, much more than we think they can. Creatures that have been around for millions, sometimes hundreds of millions of years, no matter what the planet could throw at them. Like the bears, coyotes, eagles, marmots, deer, and fishers thriving in suburbia. A slight bit warmer and some of them will thrive. A lot of them will thrive. Most, because warmer means more active. Some others may decrease, but that’s the way it always is. The creatures that eat those micro lifeforms will adapt too if they have to, changing from eating one kind to another. And so on right up the food chain.

    Fussy species like the panda bear are simply begging to become extinct. Or that stupid fish that can only live in one alkaline pond so we all have to go without crop land. Fuck ‘em. Adapt, improvise, overcome. Or die out.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   05/29/2010  at  01:50 PM  

  5. Afew good points here. I would like to add that the CO2 level is historically low so upping it wont hurt or we would not be here any way, I have read that 180 ppm is the bottom of the livable readings so upping it will not hurt, OCM is half right (that beats most “scientists!!) the food chain bit is correct but it is likely the itty bitty ones will flourish in more places, as will their hunters. The reason for the volcanoes and like is that the earth is living and moving, the plates must be on the march so we get the exitement.
    One thing, we need to list the AGW liars and make them all unemployed, strip their degrees and PHDs as they are dishonest. No golden handshakes, no pensions just sack the lot, local and national politicians, scientists, engineers, teachers, journalists the whole lot, then sue then for what they have, bankrupt the bastards (that is what they planed for us, tis only fair) then we can get on with fixing the damage. They have no excuse, maybe senility and then we dont sue them or take the pension but the rest cum them free from the public teat and never let them hold a position of power again.

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   05/29/2010  at  06:32 PM  

  6. Do I have to choose sides now too?
    OK, I choose me and you can all blow smoke up your own butts.
    Hope your all having a FABULOUS weekend.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   05/30/2010  at  01:40 AM  

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