

Posted by Drew458    United States   on 03/02/2013 at 08:06 PM   
  1. Look everyone,we are Officially a Police State:
    Here is a taste;
    “Homeland Security’s Customs and Border Protection agency declined to answer questions about whether direction-finding technology is currently in use on its drone fleet. A representative provided CNET with a statement about the agency’s unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) that said signals interception capability is not currently used”
    “Concern about domestic use of drones is growing, with federal legislation introduced last month that would establish legal safeguards, in addition to parallel efforts underway from state and local lawmakers. The Federal Aviation Administration recently said that it will “address privacy-related data collection” by drones”.
    Sure they Will,Sure,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Stay tuned.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   03/03/2013  at  10:03 AM  

  2. Oh we have had our run-ins with the PO - like a box (a pair of glasses mind you) that kept coming to our address and find out - 1) that the PO handling it was over 35 miles away (why?) and 2)that they use the last 4 letters of the last name, first 3 of the street name and the number - sad to say that all added up to being able to come to our home - as Ft Hood - uses the same numbers for all the streets (10001-1 or 2 - for the duplexes) - After the 2nd time, I took them back to the sending clinic and explained the problem and said that they should probably send them to his unit address.

    Also moving around so much - we find it much faster and better to just notify everyone of the change of address, the Post Office not so much. I just mark no such person lives here on other peoples mail, although periodically I still get a catalog or flyer for the previous owner (8 years is a bit much). Right now we are getting magazines for the next street over, since the numbers are the same. I recycle them.

    If the PO can’t do their job - Why the heck should I - I’m not being paid to deliver the mail or simply read the address properly.

    Now, about the phone company - one of the reasons we don’t have a landline anymore is that we continually got calls from collection agents for the previous holder of that number (prior to 2004 was the last time he held it) - and those are tricky - they want your name and ssn to ‘prove’ you aren’t who they called - I’m no fool, don’t give that out to anyone who calls me. Even telling the ca’s to remove the number from the list, only lasted a year, if we were lucky - and I know that legally, there is a maximum number of years that they can din you to get unpaid (well, the IRS is exempt) monies, doesn’t seem to register here in OH at all.

    And the fools in America want healthcare to become like the DMV and PO - won’t that be fun?
    (And no - I like my PO person, it’s the system I don’t like)

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/03/2013  at  11:04 AM  

  3. What a bunch of lazy Faggots at the Post Office. Should Sanity ever return to our government, I would hope Congress cuts the USPS loose to compete with FedEx and UPS for mail delivery!

    Posted by Macker    United States   03/03/2013  at  11:15 AM  

  4. BTW Drew, Did not our illustrious poster Christopher work at said PO? And would not he have an official explanation for this “One = not 1” Conspiracy?

    Posted by Rich K    United States   03/03/2013  at  12:50 PM  

  5. Sounds like they’re relying on a machine to interpret “one”, which hasn’t been programmed to understand that it means the same thing as “1”, and they’re too lazy to evaluate the failure.

    Posted by Mr Evilwrench    United States   03/03/2013  at  01:22 PM  

  6. “And the fools in America want healthcare to become like the DMV and PO - won’t that be fun?”


    The only “fools” who want Obamacare are those who want EVERYTHING & ANYTHING for NOTHING.

    The rest of us are being swept under the carpet by the new entitlement culture in America.


    Posted by New Jersey Yankee    Ireland   03/04/2013  at  01:44 AM  

  7. For the newer commenters here.

    A few years ago Drew and I posted scans of mail I was sending to him, that was being re-routed back to me.  The PO here was sending mail to the address marked, FROM.
    I took to writing snide comments on the envelopes and sending through again. Took about a month I think to sort out. But while it was annoying, it was also funny in it’s own way.

    Another mail related problem had a bit less to do with the post office than to the mindless senders.  We were getting catalogs and news of the Natl. Trust sent to the very late MIL, who was a member.  It took all of a year to sort out.  They were glossy and expensive color brochures with nice photography of various stately homes open to the public etc. Very heavy btw. Yet the national hdg. for the trust could do nothing and insisted we had to contact the regional or local ppl. Couldn’t find them but continued to return to sender. Wonder what it cost them in the end. Why should they worry?  Not their money I guess.

    That aside, so far the PO here isn’t too bad but has been lots better. I recall an unbelievable time when the system here was far better than that of the USA. And the lines at the PO moved lots faster due to having more of those windows open.
    Previous lefty govt. put paid to all that.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   03/04/2013  at  05:02 AM  

  8. Christopher did indeed work at the PO. He quit almost two years ago.

    I can’t give an explanation, except to say that it’s one of these:

    a) the automated sorting machines couldn’t read the ‘One’.
    b) neither could the Obamaite union mail worker who should have sorted it to the correct PO. (that’s the zip code)
    c) either Drew doesn’t have a regular mailman, or he was on leave and his sub couldn’t read.
    d) Drew, have you ticked your mailman off? Don’t do that. smile

    I just needed a last name and I’d know where it went. But I sure always got an earful from my customers upon returning from vacation.

    Best ways to avoid this:

    1) use last names!! I always loved Christmas cards addressed to ‘Mom & Dad’…
    2) use indelible ink. Cards addressed to ‘Mom & Dad’ get wet and the pretty felt tip ink blurs the address. Can’t read the address, don’t know who ‘Mom & Dad’ are, back it goes.

    There’s one other possiblity related to automate sorting machines. One of the businesses on my route started getting stacks of their bills, and some checks, returned marked UTF. Turned out they were using those envelopes with the cellophane address windows. The light from the scanning machine was just reflected back without reading the address. They’ve fixed that now, at least in Dayton. But I was ripping those yellow stickers off for about a month and just sending them back through. Which really sucks because it upped our volume without upping the revenue.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   03/04/2013  at  02:26 PM  

  9. Christopher, that’s exactly what happened with my employers. They were using envelopes with the little windows. Funny how that was Ok for years and years, but suddenly isn’t.

    But what bugged me was that someone, or some machine, somewhere in the process did read the address well enough to print that little bunch of numbers and a barcode on the envelope. When I went down to resolve the issue, my post lady saw this, and also saw that there was another set of printed numbers which routed the letter to Flemington a few towns over. So you may be correct. They must have sent Dayton’s old machines to Philadelphia where these letters route through.

    Too bad the PO doesn’t put out a Bulletin to businesses not to use those window envelopes, which saves them time and money. Probably wise not to; business would turn around and tell them to pound sand, since these envelopes have been A-Ok to use for generations.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   03/04/2013  at  03:39 PM  

  10. So they were getting more than just your checks returned? That would possibly be the problem then.

    I doubt they spent the money to completely replace Dayton’s machines and send them to Philadelphia. I would think updated software and maybe a different scanning light installed.

    I don’t know if the PO has or hasn’t put out such a bulletin. I do know that I advised that business to order envelopes w/o cellophane in the address windows next time. Just in case.

    As for ‘being okay for years and years’, remember that we had a lot more actual people involved. I blame the unions for resisting wage and benefit cuts, or even freezes.

    Welcome to automation. We must all comform to our computer overlords.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   03/04/2013  at  05:17 PM  

  11. Christopher, that’s exactly what happened with my employers. They were using envelopes with the little windows. Funny how that was Ok for years and years, but suddenly isn’t.

    Forgot to mention this: When they put in these computerized sorting machines they replaced the old LSMs (Letter Sorting Machines) which were actually run by a person. Problem was/is that a person on an LSM can only process, at best, about 2000 letters/hr. The computer can do at least 100 times that. Maybe 1000. But letters that don’t conform to standards? RTS. (Return To Sender)

    que Elvis Presley…

    Posted by Christopher    United States   03/04/2013  at  07:02 PM  

  12. Chris, I got something today addressed as follows, and have no idea what they were thinking.
    It was mail sent to me from a postal annex type of establishment.
    In the TO box they squeezed the following, and it was a very small box btw.

    (our village name)then
    Winchester Hampshire England (our zip code of 7 digits)
    Great Britain and Northern Ireland

    Which is all pretty stupid actually since GB and England are one in the same and all they really needed was UK.
    In all the yrs we’ve been here, have never received mail addressed that way.
    Oh yeah, the sender took it upon himself to correct the word DROVE to DRIVE. Problem is,
    Drove is correct.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   03/05/2013  at  06:54 AM  

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