treating traitors well


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 05/15/2014 at 10:56 AM   
  1. On the Manning thing - pretty much summed up how I feel - except for one thing - once in the ‘civilian’ system - he and his taxpayer funded lawyers can work overtime/double time to get him out. So I am completely against this bs.

    The difference between the two systems is what ended hanging (pardon the pun, NOT) Hasan - he stupidly (as an Officer, doubly stupid) thought that the two systems were the same, which is why he plead guilty - to take the death penalty off the table. The military doesn’t work that way. So now, he is guilty, admitted that guilt and refused to defend himself - and it’s off to execution. Hopefully.

    There will be no witch hunt for traitors - as they’d have to go after Congress and possibly a large number of past and present Administration corruptocrats. Never forget that the Russians releasing the old Soviet papers - showed the Ted Kennedy dealt with them under the table and Kerry going to Paris during Vietnam - should have stopped them both from even running for POTUS - but as Rush says - for Dems it’s just a resume enhancer.

    What a shame that our country is falling so quickly.

    I blame it on the politicians and the media - for their own greed and power lust - they are selling America down the tyrant toilet intentionally.

    And point out a couple of stupid, criminal idiots - as poster children of ‘traitors’ - please these 3 are pikers compared to politicians and the media.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/16/2014  at  08:43 AM  

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