Totten On Cuba


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 12/03/2013 at 12:56 PM   
  1. Read it and ya, whats most sad is to this day all those people just 90 miles away live like the slaves in NOKO, with a nicer climate to make is all the worse.And all on $20 a month and a aid card thats useless.
    Should have killed them all back in 61 except JFK was a fucking Pussy.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   12/03/2013  at  07:13 PM  

  2. Wasn’t Cuba like #1 in the Caribbean (income etc) before Castro took over? Sad that it happened, sad that the truth is covered up and sad that way too many liberal morons - that that is something to aspire to.

    I’ve seen ‘universal’ healthcare up close - it’s even more unfair and problematic than what America has, in it’s worst places. And ‘fighting’ the set in stone rules - is awful.

    I am not Borg, the Hive or a Comrade - and I don’t ever want to be - as Communism, socialism, fascism - never elevates - it only destroys the people and gives power and control to a few.

    While in line to see Sarah Palin and the guy she was running with - a woman went off when asked a question - she was born in Cuba, her brother was held in prison for 15 years - they now both talk to anyone and everyone how bad it is in Cuba, and how dangerous it is in America to move toward that type of government.

    BTW, talking about ‘that type of government’ - see the story on the TSA seaching cars in the parking lots - talk about over kill. And people just go on their merry way - ‘it’s for our safety’.

    What a bunch of bs. What ever happened to the 4th Amendment, people?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   12/04/2013  at  08:43 AM  

  3. That article should be on the front page of every newspaper, in every ‘news’ magazine and on every tv news station website.

    Americans need to told the truth - I know, will never happen - much like what I saw, the first time I left America. Oh, sorry, the second time - the first time I was almost held prisoner in Canada because of my mom’s stupid poodle (she didn’t bring his vet papers with). Standing at the fence that surrounded East Germany - Yeah I’d heard of the Berlin wall - did not know that a fence ran from the Baltic Sea to Czechoslovakia.

    Americans have been held in ignorance since ‘public’ schools became a political tool - tragically it has just escalated since the 1960s.

    That was a sobering article - but sadly the people who need to know it - aren’t going to even know it exists.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   12/05/2013  at  08:57 AM  

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