Top Brass At Heathrow Have Lost Their Marbles


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 06/13/2009 at 02:01 PM   
  1. Firstly, Drew, I have to point out something:

    single bridge, overpass, or outside elevated walkway in the entire United States that does not have a US flag on it, usually one on both sides?

    No I did not, particularly since I walked across a small bridge today that had no American flag near it.

    Perhaps you were referring to traffic bridges?

    But otherwise, you are correct.

    Britain appears to be entering its twilight years. And I question if any will be able to stop it.

    It is sad that, in the course of one hundred years, Britain fought to at the very least a draw the Czarist Empire, the Egyptian Khedieve, Madhist Sudan, Manchu China, the Kaiserreich, Ottoman Turkey, the Soviet Union, Hitlerite Germany, the USSR and its puppet states (again), the North Koreans, Red China, the Mau Mau, the Malay communists, and Nasserite Egypt.

    But the nation that won unparalleled military victories on the field is now falling apart from within.

    And who is left to pick up the slack?

    The crows are circling, and wee are both unprepared and understrength.

    God save Democratic-Republicanism, God save the West, and God save the Queen.

    Because who else is there to do so?

    Posted by Turtler    United States   06/13/2009  at  04:55 PM  

  2. Apparently not many people - I think I know the problem - too many people are caught up in their lives - have gotten too busy and can’t fit in patriotism. Hell, most of the time, they can’t even fit in voting - and look where that has gotten us. And then they face a dilemma. Do I keep writing to an idiot who is suppose to be representing me, but instead (being JR) votes 99% of the time with his party, most especially when it seems no one else is writing him - or do I allow myself to become like everyone else complacent, compliant and silent?

    They have the machine in place to now steal any/every election that they need to, they have done it without repercussions (uhmm Klown example Franken) and will not investigate that ‘group’ now at all (because they won and they have the power and elections have consequences) and now that machine is going to step into the Census and whitey is doomed to the slave quarters and reparations and revenge and being taught a lesson on how it feels to be the one held down.

    Problem is the majority of whitey is in the same damn boat that the majority of thems is. Poor, working for a living, never given an even break and not feeling the love from anyone. And the whitey that is holding thems down, is the ‘whitey’ (I say that in the true racist, bigoted and stereotypical broadbrush swipe that the Fiberals deserve and use daily) that is in power right now.

    So, we’s all sc***ed. And sadly too many people are going to buy into the ‘fair’, ‘justice’ and just plain hypocrisy of the whole Obamadingdangringyding song.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/14/2009  at  06:44 AM  

  3. Drew I should point out that the “Top Brass” are unlikely to include many ex soldiers. One of the successes in Tony Bliar’s Nu Labour project was the installation of “their people” at the top of the police. Most if them are sociology/criminology graduates who have been fast tracked to the top. In fact one of the biggest wankers to date was a Labour placeman “Sir” Ian Blair. Head of the Metropolitan police.

    Not that I am a conspiracy theorist but another of the bigwigs who for a time headed up the “Diversity Directorate” was a woman by the name of Cressida Dick. She achieved notoriety after the shooting of a Brazilian illegal immigrant on the London Underground not long after the 21/7 bombings. These people are generally left wing in their political views and many of them are also “common purpose” graduates. They are only too happy to see Britain be dismantled bit by bit. They follow the lead of the Labour party with it’s fetish for political correctness in every walk of life.

    As an aside the main charity operating in the UK for ex servicemen and women is the Royal British Legion

    If you want a different slant on British policing at the dirty end this site is worth a read.

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   06/14/2009  at  01:04 PM  

  4. Drew, I am sorry to say that I see little hope for Britain, as things stand.  At least for a Britain that retains any vestige of pride in its traditions and history.

    Once upon a time I wuold have said ‘come to America, and you will be welcomed, and living in a western nation/state again’, rather than the result of massive influx of what Churchill called the ‘greatest retrograde force on Earth’ (and its willing dhimmis).

    But now?

    I am sorry to say that I must agree with Wardmama, that the US has taken a giant leap down the same path, and we are no longer decades behind Britain in our collapse, but merely a few years.

    Posted by Siddhartha Vicious    United States   06/14/2009  at  04:07 PM  

  5. Oh, I am also sorry to say that I say ‘sorry to say’ too much. red face

    Posted by Siddhartha Vicious    United States   06/14/2009  at  04:09 PM  

  6. Haven’t been very active over the wkend and nothing Sunday and checking in now, 4:15pm here in Winchester.  Wife has this miserable cold and been bringing her the Brit national cure all ... TEA. Lotsa tea.

    What a total surprise Drew’s post on this subject is.  I can’t find anything to confirm so far.

    Over the weekend we have The Telegraph, The Times and The Mail.
    We get Sat. and Sunday papers on all three and so there’s LOTS of reading and lots of sections as you might expect in wkend papers. And this story wasn’t in any of them.
    That is surprising to me if the story is accurate. ??  And nothing in this morning’s paper.

    Not that it surprises me if true.  But I can’t understand how those other papers would have missed the opportunity to come down like a ton of bricks on this.

    Lyndon, Do you trust The Sun on this?

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   06/15/2009  at  10:19 AM  

  7. I tend to take any story in “The Sun” with a handfull of salt. However having worked for the Home Office in Britain it would not surprise me. They are also responsible for the UK police. In my job we were not allowed to wear any badges in case it caused offence. Sad but true.

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   06/15/2009  at  10:25 AM  

  8. not allowed to wear any badges

    Jeez ..I just don’t understand that. Not even a tiny bit. Who exactly is supposed to be offended? Why the hell come here to begin with if one can’t leave their old home behind?
    How can any reasonable person be offended by say, the flag of this country? And if there are any, why on earth pander to that group?
    This country really has gone stark raving mad and especially (wife and others inform me) since Labour came to power. And I can see that for myself.
    The western world is in deep trouble and seems unwilling to say enough and mean it.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   06/16/2009  at  05:58 AM  

  9. Peiper, I can kind of see the “not allowed to wear any badges” thing.  It’s called a uniform for a reason.  It’s not supposed to substantially differ from anyone else in the same uniform, except for minor differences to indicate subdivision of the overall whole (unit/detachment/etc...), and those would be part of the official design.

    If you don’t stick to that, you end up with the potential of individuals modifying the uniform with add-ons so much that it looks like a ridiculous case of flare (see the movie Office Space, scene at the restaurant.)

    If any additional piece like the Union Jack is to be added, it really needs to be done en-masse as part of the uniform design, from the top down.

    The fact that the top brass is so against the wearing the national flag as a tasteful pin as part of that uniform is the REAL problem that needs to be addressed, attacked vigorously, and corrected.

    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   06/16/2009  at  07:30 AM  

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