ToDaze Comic


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 10/13/2011 at 04:35 PM   
  1. That’s the Fifth Column Treasonous Media for ya!

    Posted by Macker    United States   10/13/2011  at  05:16 PM  

  2. Al Capp’s cartoons about the Chicago protestors of years ago.  He called them “SWINE: Students Wildly Indignant about Everything.”

    Posted by Rancino    United States   10/13/2011  at  09:11 PM  

  3. I happen to love Ann Coulters moniker for the OWS - fleabaggers. Pretty damn appropriate - blood sucking, disease ridden and of course wingless - i.e. unwilling to go forth and succeed or fail on their own merits.

    Great cartoon though.

    Someone made the mistake of voicing support at the local PO stop (it’s inside a store - so not exactly a PO) - of the OWS to me and how all this is Wall Streets fault - I bit. ‘Not exactly I feel that it’s all DC’s fault for forcing the bad loans in the first place and all the regulations and taxes that followed to try to finance the disaster created’ - she looked at me and backed off with a ‘I guess it’s a lot of peoples fault’. Yeah right - looked like one of the older Union wives around here - maybe (if she was lucky) a HS diploma and decades married to a Union hack who thinks that 20 years at the Union will set them for life - and just now realizing that life is a long, long time.

    Oh and I hate this season - Issue 2 is on the ballot (Repeal SB5 - which is the OH version of ending the taxpayer funded gravy train for Unions) - so the lies are out in full force on tv. Thank goodness we rarely watch the alphabet networks - I’d go insane if I had to listen to that drivel 24/7/365. There will be no firefighters or teachers if this stays law, the teachers will have no say in class size or what to teach? What bs - this is about the Unionized public workers contributing to their retirement and healthcare.

    I also was stunned by the outright lie (and immense distortion) of Ms Pelosi on the Protect Life Act - which simply is about NO Federal Funding (i.e. taxpayer money) for Abortion in Obamacare (I guess if you can’t kill the beast - start hacking off pieces) and the religious conscience clause to not FORCE people/hospitals to do abortions. Ms Pelosi - ‘Republicans want women to die on the floor’ - really - how, why does this bill do that? And Ms Pelosi ignores Tiller and Gosnell et al, where the law was violated and of course the resulting real deaths occurred and finally she completely ignores the church she ‘claims’ to be a member of.

    The Roman Catholic Church opposes all forms of abortion procedures whose direct purpose is to destroy an embryo, blastocyst, zygote or fetus, since it holds that “human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person - among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life.# ^ Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2270

    I hope that Americans can come together and get rid of this scourge on the land once and for all. Or at least Obama - we have to start somewhere.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/14/2011  at  08:13 AM  

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