Today in History… and other fun stuff


Posted by Christopher    United States   on 03/16/2010 at 09:19 PM   
  1. Well - for once in my life - it is nice to know I share my birthday with someone other than Jerry Lewis. Madison is just so much better.

    And as for class action suits - hey what is the point. Brandenburg Telephone lost while we were still living in KY - we have yet to see a nickel - not in the remaining 5 years we lived there - no contact (enough people there, know where we are). Last I heard - they are still fighting/holding out.

    And of course we were also contacted about one involving a credit card company - who never did us wrong - until the suit was over. Now we are still getting collection calls - on an account we paid off. MCI - did the same damn thing. 5 years of collection letters because of them - well I guess even that has changed as we are almost up to 6. Another area that the Congress s*rewed We The People as the lobbyists protected the Big Credit.

    As I go through this estate process - I have moved lawyers to the top of the list - They are the reason America is having such horrible problems. Now granted my mother re-wrote the will 13 months before she passed (last one stood for 30 years) - but any lawyer worth his salt should have fixed the serious problem we are having - and the one involved now - should not care at all who gets what picture. I now understand why people want to kill other people - I can’t take this after 7 weeks - I can’t imagine 6 more months of this.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/17/2010  at  07:16 AM  

  2. Oh and I forgot - 5 weeks of nothing done (I called 3 days after she passed - No legal right I was told) - and now the Probate Court informed us - even though the estate is worth just enough to pay all bequests and bills - because the lawyer quit and a new Administrator had to be approved - it can’t go through e-z-probate - must go into court - guess what - that ups the lawyer fees. It just gets better and better every single day.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/17/2010  at  07:19 AM  

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