Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 07/29/2010 at 03:57 AM   
  1. Whenever I see the word “council” I immediately replace it with the word Сове́т. Makes perfect sense now.

    Posted by Macker    United States   07/29/2010  at  06:00 AM  

  2. I am amazed that no one sees that the intention of the politicos (both in the EU & US) are to step by step tear apart the laws and Rule of Law foundation that have made ‘civilization’ so possible and great in our two countries - take any of our ‘problem’ immigrants - turn around and look at where they are coming from - certainly most of the countries are very poor 2nd tier but some are even 3rd World in terms of education and medical care but more importantly for respect for the law. These people are not the humble masses yearning to be free - these are the criminal masses yearning for a life on the dole. BIG DIFF. And it has nothing to do with race, humanity or religion - go home and make a better life there - or apply to come here - then see how welcome you are. But until then - not so much.

    And over and over again our ‘leaders’ and ‘representatives’ are ignoring or worse pandering to the very cause of the majority of our societal ills - Criminal Illegal Aliens who take and do not give back anything to the society but violence, more crime, higher healthcare costs and more crime.

    I was shocked to see my jerk D ‘representative’ actually has an A when it comes to illegal alien legislation - but since he voted for Obamacare and against the Defense allocation - he is still a goner in my book. I am no longer (not that I was ever) going to vote ONE primary belief - If you do not support and defend the Constitution (which oh btw, Senator McConnell actually invoked that at the DISCLOSE vote - wonder how that helped shoot that Obamanation down) you will not get my vote.

    I am no longer a fiscal conservative, no longer a social conservative - I am an American Conservative - Vote for We The People & the Constitution - and I do not care where you came from (in America), how young or old you are, what you sex is or where you went to college - I will vote for you - If I can.

    Oh btw - see the new ‘trend’ in America - Let’s turn the Election into the American Idol vote by doing away with the Electoral College. Yes like all things government it has it’s problems - but what part of checks and balances do the citizens of America have a problem with? Talk about election fraud. And ripping apart another aspect of the Constitution.

    God Help America

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/29/2010  at  06:39 AM  

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