Thought For The Day


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 03/02/2006 at 05:37 PM   
  1. And millions of people are going to wake up, vote to dismantle the government trough they have their snouts buried in, and embrace values of hard work and self reliance.  Then Tinkerbell...

    Naahh! My sense of history tells me some big collapse has to happen first.  blank stare

    Posted by Oink    United States   03/02/2006  at  07:03 PM  

  2. Right on Oink.

    Of course they’re unhappy!  We are dealing with a generation that believes they are helpless victims.  A generation that cannot ride a bicycle without a helmet AND that the helmet must be required by the government.  The young lady is from a generation that lives in fear of things past generations didn’t even think about.  Fear is a lousy way to wake up in the morning.

    I’ve often wondered about it.  When I was growing up, there were no seatbelts or airbags in cars, dashboards were steel and glass.  We rode where ever we felt like it.  There are lots of “Do you remember...” emails running around.  Yes, I do remember.  My mother smoked and drank during her pregnancy.  Today, her behavior would be considered on the edge of criminality - back then it was normal.  Are all these things risky behaviors?  Of course they are, BUT the added risk is minute compared to the effects of the fear pervading society.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   03/02/2006  at  07:32 PM  

  3. .. and the One Main Thing that scared people don’t do so good is .....?

    Posted by Oink    United States   03/02/2006  at  07:58 PM  

  4. happily.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   03/02/2006  at  08:07 PM  

  5. ...think rationally?

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   03/02/2006  at  08:26 PM  

  6. Bingo! I recall that Jim Jones kept his followers in fear of what would happen to them if he wasn’t there to protect them.

    Posted by Oink    United States   03/02/2006  at  08:48 PM  

  7. Is our young people finally waking up and smelling the sewer the Liberals have created?

    I highly doubt it. UMass Amherst is one of the pinnicles of the cess pool from the state that brought you Senator Kopechne and the most famous “kept man” in US politics, Jean Francois Kerry. This author of this piece is clearly a young trollop who must have finally sobered up after a multi-week binge of drinking and anonymous sex.

    No matter how you look at it, our society has gotten out of control. No one knows who they are anymore, and there are a lot of pessimistic attitudes walking around. During the 1940s and 1950s, everything was carefree and wonderful. The war was over, and the baby boom began. Every theatrical production had huge dresses and bright, beautiful colors to represent the love and optimistic point of view everyone had.

    Clearly this is the ranting of someone who needs to get a job and pay their own bills. She has not spent enough time shovelling shit in the real world - period!  She also has no clue. The ‘real world’ is not a show on MTV. In the 1940’s Gold-Star moms were being generated by the tens of thousands. In the 1950’s there was an economic boom along with a baby boom. But there was also an expanding nuclear Soviet Union. If this tart really had a “world view” she would realize the horrors that eastern Europe faced at this time. In the US - bomb shelters were going up faster than hemlines and many of the physical ailments that are treated today were still considered death sentences. This girl is just plain dense.

    America was the greatest thing since sliced bread and divorce rates were only 2.6 per 1,000 people (versus today, 4.0/1,000 people) according to census data.

    Arguably this is the stupidest of her comments. Yes there were fewer divorces, but there were just as many (if not more) broken homes. People didn’t divorce back in 1950, they just ‘left’.

    The workaholic needs to find the spice of life....The clouds look like they’re spinning so slowly.

    What a buffoon! Get a job and stop looking at the damn clouds you dolt! The clouds may be spinning slowly, but daddy’s bank account is getting sucked dry while you are living off his largesse (unless of course I am paying your stinking tuition.) It sounds like she wants to live the communist manifesto lifestyle to me - not that she’s woken up to the file of rotting meat that is liberalism.

    Posted by tuffbeingright    United States   03/03/2006  at  10:11 AM  

  8. >> but there were just as many (if not more) broken homes

    ...sorry, I was excluding the home-boy welfare state from that summation. Clearly now that we are paying people to live irresponsibly, we have more of it.  My statement above was restricted to families not sucking on the government tit.

    Posted by tuffbeingright    United States   03/03/2006  at  10:23 AM  

  9. Nostalgia just ain’t what it used to be, is it Tuff?

    I’m woken up & reminded, when I see the amount of hard work my kids do to be successful. And that’s with us ‘extended family’ to pitch in when things get really tough.

    Posted by Oink    United States   03/03/2006  at  10:24 AM  

  10. The young, unhappy generation has been reading their own press clippings.  It’s not that other generations faced more or less tough stuff, it’s that previous generations believed that they would win out over anything the world threw at them.  The current generation is even afraid to go out in the sun for fear of skin cancer.  This generation is scared of drinking tap water.  Germicidal hand lotion is a popular item because of fear.  Glowbal warming is more fear.  All things that people can’t deal with that increase the sense of hopelessness.  The current generation isn’t just risk adverse, they are positvely terrified of living!

    Maybe if a young lady from Amherst is questioning the point of all her fear, maybe she just might learn to accept an imperfect world and get on with life.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   03/03/2006  at  09:07 PM  

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