The Stain In Spain


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 10/19/2005 at 09:42 AM   
  1. Well Judge, you can sit in your little spanish courtroom and whine for the next 30 years, you are NOT going to see those boys in your courtroom unless you can catch them out of the country, and if you do, you had better watch your back, because we will come and get them, if there is a Repubican in office.

    I hated to put that reservation about a Republican in office, but I am afraid it’s the truth, as soon as there is a Democrat, these brave men may have to go sit in this kangaroo court as the Socialists in this country kiss up to the socialist in that one.

    Posted by Jaguar    United States   10/19/2005  at  10:29 AM  

  2. Jaguar is right, only will they be protected if there is not a liberal Dummycrat surrender monkey in office.

    Fuck Spain! What don’t they understand about WAR? Oh, yeah, how to win one!

    I still say the US needs to take a year off. Except for Afganistan and Iraq, the troops come home, the foreign aid stops until you can show us a truely Democratic election, etc. Let the surrender monkeys sit in their own poo!

    The Hobo

    Posted by Robohobo    United States   10/19/2005  at  11:16 AM  

  3. Dream on Spanish Judge, Its a WAR ZONE! Which word don’t you understand?? Actually if the journalist happens to be part of their own liberally biased Spanish MSM we should give them all Medals.

    Posted by Paul "No Fear" Weir    United States   10/19/2005  at  12:39 PM  

  4. The term for this is “Casus Belli”.

    Posted by Mr1337Duck    United States   10/19/2005  at  12:45 PM  

  5. Is this in ref to the incident where the cameraman hoisted his camera onto his shoulder, thus looking for all the world like someone pointing an RPG at the tank? A bit like Rev above, sort of.

    Well, zit fire, boo boo, shit happens in a war zone. I recall reading about the Washington DC riots after Dr. King was killed. People were shooting at the cops, so, naturally, they were on edge. Some dim bulb in a darkened upper story appartment stood near a window and lit a cigarette. Guess what? It looked like gunfire to one of the cops who “returned fire.” A few others joined in and, well, let’s just say that guy did not die of smoking related illness, exactly.

    Posted by Rickvid    United States   10/19/2005  at  04:35 PM  

  6. The Spanish legal scene is not my beat. But I think that judges there are more like prosecutors in the US. Their law seems to permit actions against anyone or anything harming Spanish citizens or interests anywhere in the world.

    When these soldiers come home they may face arrest if our courts accept Spanish attempts to extradite them. I think Breyer, Ginsburg, and Kennedy would buy in for sure. And there are a couple of “who knows?” justices besides them.

    Posted by KenS    United States   10/19/2005  at  06:30 PM  

  7. OCM - N Korea gets food aid. They need it. The collective society cannot collectively raise a carrot, much less enough edibles to feed a nation. The US needs to stand down in a lot of places and let the “wise men” of those societies stew in their own juices for while. There would be lots and lots of cries for help from those who cannot just STFU about us in Afganistan and Iraq.

    How about the 61% voter turnout in Iraq this past weekend? The liberal cube mate (poor misguided soul) was hollering about lots of things today, but when I mentioned the election in the land between the rivers last weekend, he said, “Well, okay, but here we are so advanced that we don’t need to do that!” How dumb is that? The worst bigots that I have met are the liberal ones who insist the playing field needs to be ‘leveled’.

    Spain forgets who came to help Europe when those who were different were being frog-marched to the gas chambers. Maybe we need to let the Kalipha come to pass in these places. What do you think?

    The Hobo

    Posted by Robohobo    United States   10/19/2005  at  06:58 PM  

  8. Spain was officially neutral in WW2. I think that Franco was buddies with Adolph. He got the luftwaffe to bomb Guernica during the Spanish Civil War. The Third Reich helped Franco overthrow the Republican government of Spain so he was not about to declare war on them. Like Phobos, I suspect that some people are more comfortable under the lash.

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   10/20/2005  at  03:54 AM  

  9. “I suspect that some people are more comfortable under the lash.”

    Oh great, that means they’re all into S&M Bondage?

    Posted by Macker    United States   10/20/2005  at  08:59 AM  

  10. Well, historically they have had more than their share of sadists. Look at the Conquistadores and the Inquisition. I suppose that trained the rest of them to be masochists.

    I was in Barcelona while Franco was still alive. A bustling city. The only glaring difference from other European cities was the soldiers standing on the street corners with machine guns.

    Now that they’ve voted the Socialists into office I have to wonder if they’re looking to go back down that road. That would seem to me to be the way to do it.

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   10/20/2005  at  12:02 PM  

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