The snooper’s handbook: Guide that will ensure no home improvement escapes the Council Tax


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 09/13/2009 at 06:13 AM   
  1. I’m aghast at what the British people seem to be willing to put up with. I guess that, at heart, they are still subjects of the Queen.

    I grew up in an America were the people were citizens, not subjects.

    Here in the States, from LOTUS on down, the nazi-Democrats are trying to do much the same and in many instances failing.

    Britain has already been disarmed, the USA, not so much. I predict that shots will be fired before long here in the States.

    Do I like that option? NO.

    But the alternative, submitting to DemObots is also unacceptable. I spent six years defending my country from foreign Obots. Now I’ve got one in the White House. And far too many in the House and Senate.

    He should be impeached, along with all the Democrats, for violating the oath of office. They should all be executed for treason against the Constitution. I’ll pull the trigger. Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Frank, Dodd, Rangel, etc, are traitors to the Repubic.

    I’m not buying firearms myself. I’m just keeping them clean and oiled, and stocking up on ammo.

    Frankly, if you are a Democrat, you are, by definition, a traitor to the Constitution.

    Can’t wait for Turtler to respond to this.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   09/13/2009  at  07:07 AM  

  2. JayD you probably were living in the US the last time they tried to do something about local taxation. It is probably what ultimately did for Mrs. Thatcher when she tried to introduce the “community charge” what came to be called the “poll tax”

    Prior to this there were “the rates” similar to the US and Canadian system where you pay a property tax for local sevices. In Britain the bigger the property you owned the more you paid. Mrs. T thought this was unfair so she brought in a local tax paid by every person over 18 resident in a houshold. The only way to assess this was by access to the voters register. Therefore if you were registered to vote you paid your local tax. It was if I recall about £300 per year.

    Now this caused the left to go into paroxysms of rage. essentially because it put an end to their freeloading on the backs of people who worked for a living.

    These are the same people who now organise muslim riots....

    They were called the “socialist workers party” in the 80’s now they are the “unite against fascists”
    Many of them are in government or were formerly in government like the communist scumbag “Red” Ken Livingslime.

    ps I didn’t realise until I checked the WiKi but Livingslime is actually Chairman (probably calls himself Chairperson of course) of this bunch of anti-fascist fascists.

    Allan be praised!

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   09/13/2009  at  12:20 PM  

  3. Chris:

    Can’t wait for Turtler to respond to this.

    Well, since you insist…

    the nazi-Democrats

    Well, SOMEBODY hasn’t read Godwin’s Law, and I doubt that somebody could possibly defend this usage skillfully enough to avoid it.

    As cute a phrase it may be, it is ultimately damaging to our cause. If we cannot understand who we are up against, than we are not likely to prevail. Just as a correct diagnosis is crucial to correct treatment, so is correct identification crucial to victory. The Democrats are not Nazis, and even those who identify themselves as such would probably not have lasted long in the party of Hitler, Himmler, and Rohm. While I myself still have my misgivings about labeling the Democrats as a whole as authoritarian (unpleasant, yes, but one can be unpleasant but not evil), the actions of a good many of them, the stated philosophy of many of them, and some of the precedents they have tried to set (there is little I could say about the reprehensible “Health Care” bill that would not be redundant) are making me question if at the very least their elite and large portions of their grassroots are not going in that direction. Not unlike my fears regarding the Right, yes, but the difference is that any such flirtation with the gutter trash on the Right is comparatively minor, and they lack the power to do anything currently. Not so there.

    The key difference between the NSDAP of yesteryear and the radical Dems of today is not only ideological but also practical: simply put, while “social justice” was very much a platform of the Nazis, it was always more influenced by our dear friends the Bolsheviks, and likewise the Dems have placed a far higher premium on that than on race (oh sure, some of their ranks can’t stop playing the race card, and some of their racial nationalists certainly have the ideological makeup to be just as bad as the SS if given the opportunity, but such focus is far more on pandering than on creating a superior one, and is more of an electoral strategy than anything else). In addition, the Dems are far more internationalist than the NSDAP, and while roughly as statist are far less militarist than either the Nazis or even the Communists (seriously, do you honestly see the American Left engaging in a massive military buildup ala Germany 36-39 or Russia 40-58? The deadbeat generation could hardly even contemplate that). In addition, their constant bowing towards multi-national groups and interests regardless of national benefits is far more akin to the foreign Communists and to their predecessors, the Parisian Communards.

    A lot of time wasted on the specifics? Perhaps. But better to be unnecessarily specific than to not be specific at all, and if you can’t identify your enemy ACCURATELY, your efforts will be undercut by hyperbole and the failure to persuade anybody else about your case.

    Britain has already been disarmed, the USA, not so much. I predict that shots will be fired before long here in the States.

    Unfortunately, I am coming to the same conclusion.

    But the alternative, submitting to DemObots is also unacceptable.

    Define “submitting.” Submitting my values, my honor, and my life to them? Absolutely. But can one really avoid submitting legally (to an extent) as long as the oath of office remains unbroken without violating the Founders’ intent in regards to majority rule?

    I spent six years defending my country from foreign Obots.

    Unless: A. You spent those six years fighting foreign Obama supporting radicals,
    B. Obama secretly bankrolled hostile factions overseas (granted, some of his associates maybe, but himself?),
    C. You are referring to someone else in regards to the “Obots”, or
    D. You spent your tour of duty in Europe, than you hardly were defending your country from “foreign Obots.” Ideological cousins? MAYBE.

    Now I’ve got one in the White House. And far too many in the House and Senate.


    He should be impeached, along with all the Democrats, for violating the oath of office.

    Obama and some of his compatriots? Maybe. But am I supposed to believe we should purge all Blue Dogs and others for doing so?

    They should all be executed for treason against the Constitution. I’ll pull the trigger.

    Some of them I admit you could put an argument together for (the late Ted Kennedy and the not-so-late Pelosi are two stirling examples I can think of), but ALL of them? Granted, many of them are corrupt bastages, but even then, we are forced more-or-less to merely stick them where the sun don’t shine (well, the places besides China and Hell). And as for the relatively honest/legal ones, do we REALLY have a foot to stand on legally (after all, they ARE duly-elected officials, and being idiots and passing bad legislation are not illegal).

    Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Frank, Dodd, Rangel, etc, are traitors to the Repubic.

    Reid, Pelosi, Dodd, and likely Obama I could go with, but again, treason is hardly a charge to be used lightly, and while they may be bastards, there is a fine line between that and treason.

    I’m not buying firearms myself. I’m just keeping them clean and oiled, and stocking up on ammo.

    I would like to answer that fully, but since I get the impression that if I did so I might get tracked down and taxed/jailed/harassed in a few months (since I live in the People’s Demokraktic Republik of Kalifornia), I will decline.

    Frankly, if you are a Democrat, you are, by definition, a traitor to the Constitution.

    Well, overblowing the issue much? So, not only are those whom one could build a decent case on and their slightly less outspoken comrades traitors, but so are the Blue Dogs, giants like Truman and FDR (An idiot in regards to social and ecconomic policy? Absolutely. A Fascist? No. A Communist? No. And that will not change regardless of how much noise you or anybody else makes), and everybody else with a “D” on their registration card traitors.

    Got any proof to support that against ALL of them, and I’m not just talking about 5 or 30 or even 90% of them, I’m talking ALL of them. What crime have they all committed that would be justly charged as treason?

    Many of them I agree could be, but unless you can back up your charges with ironclad evidence for each and every single case, you are reducing “treason” to the level of a schoolyard insult of no import, like Gore’s angry rambling did before you.

    But then again, I am speaking to somebody who adamantly refused to fact check himself before shooting off, and who has since then showed absolutely no remorse or even a sliver of apology in spite of the fact that his ignorant remark was an ignorant insult at millions of those to whom he owes his freedoms and his existence. One’s claims regarding their service start to come off as hollow (to me, if to no one else) when they insult the memory and the reputation of their forbearers and never make amends.

    Perhaps my standards- if not my expectations- are unrealistically high. I demand the Left to straighten out and govern responsibly. I demand the Right remain true to their roots and not make alliances with those who would ruin those roots just to gain power (I think we all know who and what I am talking about), I demand that Obama learn his trade and not do anything that will get us all killed or give the enemy an upper hand, and I expect Christopher and others like him to actually be responsible and keep their rhetoric somewhat sane and accurate.

    Perhaps I demand what will never happen, but then (as any good drill Sergeant knows) who’s fault is that?

    Oh yes, and Chris, here’s something else to chew on. Of this, I only have three quibbles:

    1.  The percentage is almost certainly too high.
    2.  Said handicap is not universally distributed, as someone may know nothing about Literature but be an ace at cooking (in addition, there is a reason you will never see me opine on sports- at least not willingly- to any degree).
    3.  You are entitled by right to have an opinion, and even when said opinion is offensive, immoral, or more simply just plain factually wrong. And that is a right I am obliged to safeguard. However, while you may have all the right in the world to do so doesn’t mean you have the justification for doing so.

    Posted by Turtler    United States   09/15/2009  at  10:52 PM  

  4. LyndonB:

    I agree regarding “Poll Taxes.” You will be amazed at how entitled some people are, and the unfortunate fact is that not much South of a frikking flamethrower can even start to burn through anymore.

    And regarding Red Ken, when I first came across his “writing”, I honestly believed it was the obscure and useless rambling of some fringe politician too hyped up on their warped world view and without any regard to history or common sense whatsoever.

    Then I learned that he actually been elected to Mayor.

    Of LONDON. Capital of Immortal Brittania and one of the most stalwart bastions against Authoritarian Leftism in the past century.

    That was the first real hint I had that the sun was truly starting to fall on the British Empire and People.

    And the truly scary thing is that there seem to be more rather than less of his ilk present as time goes on. And they aren’t limited to Britain, as we have painfully learned.

    Posted by Turtler    United States   09/15/2009  at  10:58 PM  

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