the REAL William Ayers


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 10/23/2008 at 09:32 PM   
  1. Thoughts to chew on:
    1) of all goods/services in the US - a college education has gone up some 92% since 2001 alone - why? when most other goods/services have risen perhaps only by 25% in the same time
    2) these people are the ones claiming the gov is ‘subverting’ and taking away freedoms - when these people adhere quite strictly to an ‘underground’, lying, deceptive organizational process, use extreme violence against any form of gov and take away those people’s lives - without regret or remorse
    3) and in the end, they’ve managed to become the very ‘class’ they use to screed on being so corrupt and evil - and they don’t see that they have become their own enemy - subverting the organization (education) to create what they ‘claim’ to believe is the best society, living in excess while denying that excess to anyone not them and using the ‘power system’ to take over the country.

    The irony would be so righteous if these freaks weren’t attempting to destroy the most Free, Open, and Greatest Nation in the World.

    power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutelyLord Acton

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/24/2008  at  07:16 AM  

  2. I got a thought on yer “reeducation” - let’s talk Vocabulary.
    TM 31-210 - (For you trivia buffs, this is titled “The Improvised Munitions Handbook” and is a publication of the United States Army).

    I think my education is just fine.  Bitch.

    Posted by T    United States   10/24/2008  at  07:39 AM  

  3. Not one citizen with an active braincell and half a lick of common sense should vote for Obama. Not one.

    Therein lies the rub. There is the reason for the shift in their persona over the years. Program the young, weed out the older generation through attrition. If they can simply make the children believe their bullshit, if through no other form than sole source education. Why do you think so many states try to eliminate home schooling? Can’t have anybody out there knowing true history, or exposing them to the philosophy of a capitalist concept. Form their thought, and they will be as sheep. Cull the wolves.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   10/24/2008  at  08:29 AM  

  4. Yep. When you have a herd of 300 million cattle it only takes a few wily dogs to drive enough of them over the cliff to cull the herd.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   10/25/2008  at  11:46 PM  

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