The other, other front in the GWoT


Middle East, Eurabia, Indonesia, Africa, and unrest in Australia notwithstanding, there’s a whole ‘nother front we haven’t even noticed. Yet.

Posted by Drew458    United States   on 11/18/2007 at 03:08 PM   
  1. ....just a reminder.  Monday Nov 19th is NATIONAL BUY AMMO DAY.  Dews post just shows that IT is getting closer!

    Posted by Rancino    United States   11/18/2007  at  05:11 PM  

  2. The Islamic threat exists everywhere, even within our own borders. Do we have the resources (and the willpower) to fight them everywhere?  With half the nation burying their heads in the sand, it is unlikely (and the jihadees know it), that America and the other western civilizations will fight this evil on a global scale. 

    Here’s my suggestion. We have this giant national roulette wheel with all the trappings of a Powerball lottery.  Every time they piss us off, we spin the wheel on national TV to determine who goes first, Iran, Syria, Venezuela etc… you get the picture.

    Regrettably, we’d probably only have to use it once or twice before the message sunk in.

    Posted by Kuso JiJi    Japan   11/18/2007  at  05:21 PM  

  3. OK, who has something else to crank up my paranoia another notch?

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   11/18/2007  at  07:41 PM  

  4. Looks like every overbearing tin-plated dictator with delusions of godhood is out to challenge the US.  I don’t know what the best course of action is, but simply letting them move against us with impunity isn’t it. 

    And Kuso, a roulette of which country to hit seems a bit ... arbitrary to me.

    Posted by Zebster    United States   11/19/2007  at  01:22 AM  

  5. The arbitrariness of the roulette wheel is the center of design.

    Someone blows up a passenger plane, spin the wheel, there goes Mecca. Somebody releases a dirty bomb on New York, spin the wheel, there goes Tehran. Somebody blows up an embassy, spin the wheel there goes Caracas.

    If you are on our shit list, you better work on getting off it. If you are not on the shit list, don’t do anything to irritate us.

    A little extreme, but we are dealing with extremist.

    Posted by Kuso JiJi    Japan   11/19/2007  at  04:08 AM  

  6. It’s an interesting idea Kuso. Justice gets served, it just doesn’t necessarily get served in the right direction. So the whole world has to play My Brother’s Keeper to avoid pissing us off.

    Alas, such a policy will never be needed. My prediction is that the US will lose the GWoT with no attacks on us larger than a car bomb or three. Because the truth is they don’t need it, and may have figured out it works against them. Much easier to just immigrate a few people at a time year after year after year, then congregate in areas like Dearborn or Brighton Beach. Better to just chip away at our society one little bit at a time. Use that oil money to peddle influence in government and media. Play the victim card 24-7. Convert large parts of our own underclass to the RoP, but feed them a version that plays up their victim status. It’ll do for now. Whine for footbaths in the college bathrooms. Supply revised history textbooks in schools. Headscarves and burkahs-by-choice in the office. Hot American born, Pakistani descended, Saudi raised lesbians in Hillary’s bedroom. The never ending push for “diversity” and “cultural equality” that gets madrassas built in NYC. Next you ARE going to start seeing more eastern foodstuffs in the grocery store. Then you will see clothing styles changing and becoming normal/common. Next you’ll find more and more regular arabic words working their way into your vocabulary. And this goes on in every country in the world. Look how much progress they’ve made in just 25 years - only one generation. Europe has just about surrendered, the far east is teetering, Africa is gone, and South America is a shoe in because the criminals run the whole continent. Canada? Phhffft! They caved ages ago. Ha, what am I saying, “will lose”? We had already lost LONG before we even knew we were in a fight. The battle occurred in 1972, in Saudi Arabia and in Munich. The best we can do at this point is push back hard so that total capitulation doesn’t happen in our lifetimes. And mine is nearly half over!

    Posted by Drew458    United States   11/19/2007  at  08:40 AM  

  7. Both you guys are right.  If I may get right to the core; political correctness is the cancer eating away at the nations ability to do what is right. It prevents intelligence collection agencies from collecting, it prevents TSA screening agents from screening, it prevents law enforcement from enforcing, it prevents prosecutors from prosecuting, it prevents concerned citizens from being concerned.  We are indeed up shit’s creek.

    So what’s the solution?

    Posted by Kuso JiJi    Japan   11/19/2007  at  05:23 PM  

  8. Most of what we need is patience.  Communism was a powerful quasi religion that did its best to undermine us for decades.  Communists infiltrated our society at many different levels.  We won.  In some ways, by often reacting emotionally, even panicking, we did ourselves more damage than the communist threat alone would have generated.

    I don’t think even the liberals are quite so suicidal as they sometimes appear.  If you think they have a problem with Christianity, then wait until they get a load of what the local mosque is preaching.  With the Moslems becoming entrenched in communities, a friction with have to develop.  Can you imagine the uproar the first time some Islamic fool attacks an American lady and uses her “immodesty” as his defense?  How about the honor killings or female circumcision?  Over here, they are so uncommon that I believe many people doubt they exist.  What happens when they become common?  There are an awful lot of people who already have a problem with the Moosies.  Don’t ever forget the red/blue county map - physically, we’re more than half the country already.  Politically, except for a few small areas, like Berkely, we either are the majority or aren’t that far from it.  Our big problem is to remain calm and speak the truth. 

    In fact that’s about my only problem with the roulette idea.  I love the visual.  We’d have Tehran keeping Caracas in check for fear of being vaporized.  It would be pure terrorism of course, but I like the idea of being on the giving end rather than the receiving end.  The only real problem as I see it is that rather than being a short smile and a good vent, such an idea gets taken as a serious proposal.  Everyone here takes it as it is, but please, remember that your typical Moonbat isn’t that bright.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   11/19/2007  at  09:07 PM  

  9. Speak of the devil......

    ......follow the link

    How many more such incidents, especially if they start happening over here, will it take?

    btw - the first link I tried to post had an error message about a blacklisted item - huh?  the link came from CNN.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   11/19/2007  at  09:19 PM  

  10. … and another year goes by with no wall and very little border security.

    Yep. It certainly does, doesn’t it. You ever just sit there, scratching your head and trying to understand? Me too.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   11/19/2007  at  11:10 PM  

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