The Most Transparent Government Ever


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 02/14/2009 at 01:31 AM   
  1. Not quite banning books - but the point is being made - it is a direct hit at that perennial kids book - Little Golden Books. The greatest book idea out there - cheap, timeless and available just about anywhere (mostly sold in the toy department).

    Imagine how Barnes & Noble, Borders really truly must hate that one, itty bitty catagory (which by the way would/probably sets off a lifetime of reading) can and is bought just about anywhere but their fine establishments combine that with the leftist moonbats who hate anything made anyway that is timeless - and worthwhile.

    And wala - Government gone amok again.

    I just keep wondering exactly what it is that will finally get 51% of this country to stand up and say NO- I’m taking my country back.

    Given the craziness of the past 30 years - I’m not sure there is much of anything anymore that enough people are willing to stand up and say NO.

    It is a shame - because what is coming is going to be terrible. And it could have been stopped a long, long time ago.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/14/2009  at  08:03 AM  

  2. One more perfect example of how any idea, no matter how good or well intentioned, can be turned into something negative and destructive by writing it into law.  One more reason to keep government out of regulating just about anything.

    Also a good example of hysteria.  The current levels of lead in children’s blood are about 10% of what they were when most of us were kids.  OK fine, what percentage of the Boomer generation became ill due to lead poisoning?  I’m not asking about elevated levels of lead, I’m asking about where are the health problems?  If my generation had no particular illnesses from lead exposure and the lead levels in the current generation have already been reduced by 90% why does anyone think anything has to be done? 

    Everything is phrased in terms of “increased risk” or “elevated levels” without even considering whether or not an actual problem exists.  The only instances of lead poisoning in children I’ve ever heard of came from kids eating lead based paint in old houses.  That would produce massively high levels of lead in a kid and would create nerve/brain damage.  It also required that the kid eat quite a bit of paint that had a pretty high percentage of lead in it.  It did not come from books or toys.  Hysteria is a wonderful thing.  It allows you to feel good and righteous while you ignore any damage you do and all without straining a single brain cell.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   02/14/2009  at  09:35 AM  

  3. Nah ... not in the USA surely.

    Drew must be referring to elf ‘n’ safety here in the UK. Good Grief!

    Here’s one for ya.  It’s been declared that anglers fishing for trout in some popular place here (will have to find the article) have been told that after 40 years they must no longer fish there because .... one of them “might” accidentally catch another person on a back swing with the fish hook.  Yeah, really.  Never mind that it’s never happened.  It might happen say officials. It could happen they say.

    Freekin insane world.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   02/14/2009  at  10:09 AM  

  4. Freekin insane world.

    Every day that goes by, I get a bit older, and I understand more and more why my grandfather was disgusted by the evening news.  Things that didn’t seem to be any big deal to me (as a kid) would set him off and have him ranting.

    Now I get it, now I understand.

    Every day that goes by, I vent and yell more at the evening news, or stories on news sites on the web.

    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   02/14/2009  at  11:53 PM  

  5. well said Tiger and understood cause I’m in the same boat.
    seems lots of things become clear with age, but by then quite often the damage has been done.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   02/15/2009  at  09:07 AM  

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