The Moonbat Zone


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 05/02/2007 at 08:14 AM   
  1. Sorry, Skipper, I think you’re wrong about why the numbers were down. Why should they muster up large numbers to protest? They’ve won already. The pusillanimous dogs who are supposed to be enforcing the law, Congress, Immigration, and the like, don’t give a damn, and the Democrats surely won’t, since this is their new party base. The only people who give a damn are people like you and me who are going to have to work to pay the social services bills this invasion are incurring. 

    And yes, I know I’m cynical. I’m sick to death of people whining and demanding something for nothing while I work to support myself and my family....and all the deadbeats who are riding on our coattails.

    Posted by candyuniverse    United States   05/02/2007  at  09:36 AM  

  2. We face a similar scourge on the other side of the pond. Labour (read the Democrats) are playing the same game by allowing uncontrolled immigration. Most of these people will end up supporting them. as candyuniverse says the people who give a damn are the ones that pay taxes. Why should welfare deadbeats worry? We can carry them!

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   05/02/2007  at  01:40 PM  

  3. The path to citizenship leads back to Mexico.  Go back and enter this country LEGALLY, the way millions before you did.  Show me you respect my country and my laws.  Only then will you be on the right path to citizenship in my country.

    Posted by BobF    United States   05/02/2007  at  02:00 PM  

  4. BobF you came close to the real point of the issue - they don’t want ‘citzenship’ in the sense we think of it - they want to come here (as they please), do nothing at all to get welfare, education, healthcare and of course the checks (probably including SS, SSI, etc) to send a portion back to the dear homeland, and basically these ‘protests’ are just protesting that Americans are wanting the border and laws (already on the books) enforced.

    Rudi G lost any support I would have given to him by his pandering to these mob of criminals. Some guy in DC (I think) yelling no illegals in the immoral war, impeach Bush and Cheney - they are being fed the talking points of the dnc and thus are just as two faced and dangerous as any dem politico.

    Send them all packing - revoke the citizenship of anchor babies based on the criminality of the parents - that is a sane and common sense way not to ‘break up the families’. And oh by the way, how can legal citizens of a country live in fear? Sounds to me like momma just might be distorting the truth a bit - either with her son or with her real status.

    Also May Day (heralded by our vaulted and unbiased media as the Communist Holiday) is in AMERICA - get this you are going to love it - LAW DAY!

    Take that losers.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/02/2007  at  04:30 PM  

  5. I’ve been saying for a long time that the perfect deportation tool would be a circus air cannon in El Paso. “Hey, they were alive when they left American soil”

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   05/03/2007  at  07:32 AM  

  6. I was pleased to see the Swift plant raids and other ICE actions, even if I am not convinced it is anything other than political smoke and mirrors. I would be pleased even more if ICE would arrest Elvira Arellano here in Chicago, still claiming sanctuary in a church. What a message it would send if they deported her & her son, and arrested the minister!

    Not holding my breath, tho…

    As the skipper said, and I’ve always believed - this is truly insanity on a grand scale.

    Posted by unixxstar    United States   05/03/2007  at  09:38 PM  

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