The Backlash Begins


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 07/13/2005 at 11:13 AM   
  1. Skipper this is bad news, but sadly predictable. I agree that the muslim community shares some of the blame, but also the government in Britain is in my opinion equally to blame with their open doors policy to immigrants. It’s hardly surprising there is intolerance and bigotry. They recently admitted they have no idea how many illegal immigrants are in Britain. Since Labour came to power they removed exit checks for immigration purposes so people are checked coming in, but we have no way of knowing if they ever leave. That and the hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers that have flooded in have left the British people bewildered and frightened. The people were never consulted about whether or not they wanted these immigrants with their (in my opinion) incompatible cultures. It was just foisted on them by the liberel elites in Islington. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.

    I note the story is from the Guardian. Home of moonbats like Polly (Crime, what crime?) Toynbee. If it had been a gang of “Asian youths” (the preferred BBC newspeak) that had beaten to death a white man would this have made it to the press? I somehow doubt it. Don’t want to go stirring up the natives old boy, what what!

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   07/13/2005  at  11:50 AM  

  2. This sounds like a bunch of skinheads who set upon an ordinary bloke minding his own business. The same story will probably be printed in the Tory-inclined papers tomorrow. The whole incident is nasty and gratuitous and doesn’t help matters at all. You know I’m not a moonbat, from my previous comments in this area.

    Yes Lyndon, I agree that the open door immigration policy has been a complete shambles. There are thousands of the buggers sponging off social security and living off the black economy. They appear to be in the UK to take all they can and to hell with everybody else.

    It’s not just the “liberal elites in Islington” we lay the blame on though. This has been going on for over 40 years. All governments have exhibited lethargy and torpidity in immigration since 1960.

    Ond day, the famous British tolerance and patience will snap, and it will not be pretty. Unless the govt comes down hard on all rabble-rousers (of whatever stripe), there will be bloody chaos. I love my country. I do not want it to turn into a land of bombs and pogroms.  angry

    Posted by DWMF    Switzerland   07/13/2005  at  12:49 PM  

  3. Lyndon: You hit the nail on the head. Labour is even more to blame than the Muslims. Britain is going the same way France and Netherlands have gone since socialists gained power in the last decade. The Muslim invasion has been encouraged to a large extent and for the life of me I can’t figure out what they stand to gain. It is especially distresing to us here in the US because these invaders come into possession of EU passports which give them ready and quick access to the US, without background checks. BTW, I read the Guardian (UK) occasionally for the same reason I read the NY Times (US). It helps to know what the enemy is up to, eh?


    Posted by The Skipper    United States   07/13/2005  at  12:50 PM  

  4. On a related note, if Al Gore had won the 2000 election, we here in the US would probably be in the same sorry shape as the UK. The election of George Bush slowed down the liberal bullshit here. We still have a long way to go though. I sure wish we had Ronnie Reagan and Maggie Thatcher around again. Sigh.

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   07/13/2005  at  12:53 PM  

  5. Skipper, there is an upside to this deal. As long as these yobs are beating up on Moooslums, they are leaving the other poor long-suffering British population alone.  The further bad news for the “warriors of peace”, is if the British courts hold true to form, they will find it is the muslims at fault for forcing these poor yobs to have to kick the shit out of them.

    Posted by Len - KC    United States   07/13/2005  at  01:33 PM  

  6. One Union Jack smiley coming up ....


    There ya go!

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   07/13/2005  at  02:25 PM  

  7. QUOTE: ....has generally brought it upon themselves by tolerating radical Imams in their mosques in Britain and their failure to denounce the radical Muslims....  You hit the proverbial nail on the head there, Skip!  I told my wife a couple years ago that the ULTIMATE solution to Islamofacism is for the preponderance of “moderate” Muslims to drop the hammer on the cretins giving them all a bad name.  That would be much more effective than 30 more years of military or even DEMOCRACY-inducing efforts.  Nothing short of an Islamic civil war will suffice.

    Posted by Happy_Retiree    United States   07/13/2005  at  06:32 PM  

  8. Like the Skipper, I’ve mixed feelings. The so-called ‘Islamic community’ is mostly silent in denouncing such actions. Here at home, CAIR keeps arguing for the suicide bombers.

    Emotions aside, this is an atrocity. Unless a background check should show that this guy was only there to pursue another atrocity…

    Oh, Skipper, remember that Islam has historically only spread through military conquest. Islam sends no missionaries. No civil war is likely.

    I take that back… how about a civil war in France?

    The French against Islam.

    Happened once before when Charles Martel stopped Islam at the battle of Tours.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   07/13/2005  at  09:09 PM  

  9. Reminds me of when my (then) husband, our 2 son & his mother were in London in 1990 - We were awakened in our hotel in the middle of the night by what we think were Muslims chanting out their went on for what seemed like hours.........And no matter where we went on our walk abouts in London there were muslim dressed people everywhere............never encountered any problems except in the elevators of the hotel - the body odor of these people was enough to make one gag.......aaaaaarrrrrgggggghhhhhh rasberry

    Posted by Dottie    United States   07/13/2005  at  10:06 PM  

  10. I’m not so sure that whacking random muz isn’t such a bad idea.  Maybe if was made crystal clear that they as a community are subject jihad at them for the actions of their “brothers”. then perhaps they could move out of the 11th century and in to the company of civilzed societies.
    I, for one, would be happy to support a “Mash a Muz for Jesus” campaign that delivers to these smug escapists what they want to spread over the world.

    Posted by fatdruid    United States   07/13/2005  at  11:10 PM  

  11. If I remember my UK terminology properly, didn’t the skinheads and their ilk refer to this activity as “paki-bashing” question

    Perhaps a little selective “paki-bashing” just might deliver the message to future jihadi wannabees. Then, maybe not, as they are a rather dim lot… dickhead  shit  monkey  pigs

    LC RP uk_flag

    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   07/14/2005  at  01:39 PM  

  12. “Mash a Muz for Jesus” LOL That is so .... er .... um .... ah .... the word ‘wrong’ doesn’t really apply here, does it? I’ll try again. That is so un-PC. There, that’ll do it.

    The “good ones” aren’t doing themselves any favors by allowing these scumbags to hide amongst them and using their religion as an excuse to attack their hosts, their sanctuary providers in many cases. If they don’t do something quickly they’re going to be made to pay heavily for this.

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   07/14/2005  at  03:00 PM  

    1 we can thank the bloody yellow spanish for caving in after their bomb
    2 Have you seen the original Italian Job? when the mafia total Cains 3 E types and go to get the Aston he tells the mafia that sure they can trash the aston and take the gang out but back home in England there are thousands of Italian resturants, delis, etc, etc and if the mafia dont want them ‘done’ they had better be allowed to go free, seems like a good plan to me!

    Posted by cornish chris    United Kingdom   07/14/2005  at  03:52 PM  

  14. We can thank the Phillipines too for knuckling under. One would never have thought that they’d do it, considering their recent history with the Japanese, but I guess the tough ones are dying off. Then there are the Italians playing games of hide the ransom, deny everything and hope it all goes away.

    Well it isn’t going away. Appeasement hasn’t worked in the past and it’s damn sure not going to work now. CC has the idea. It’s been expressed here and elsewhere by me and by others:
    Attention mulahs,
    The next time a bomb goes off in any of our countries there will be a bomb going off in mecca. I don’t care if it’s the fuckin’ IRA or PETA or any other fothermuckers, we’re blaming you. The first one won’t take out that fucking black stone you worship but the second one will. Then there’s Tehran and Damascus which appear to require some urban renewal. You don’t think so? Watch. Oh, and another thing, the next time somebody so much as throws a rock from a mosque the mosque comes down. Yeah, we know that the explosives stored there will make a helluva racket but we’ll live with it. Will you?

    Now if we can get Dubya or Condi to deliver that message things have to get better.

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   07/14/2005  at  04:25 PM  

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