The Angry Left, Part XXVI


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 10/13/2006 at 02:11 PM   
  1. Please tell me, has anyone (other than us rightwingpsychos) bothered to point out to the public at large all of the excrement that those on the left have performed? At least those on the right with weaknesses have the HONOR to get the hell out of the scene. Is this good? Couldn’t we just say “hey, they do it why not us?”? No, that’s not how we are, and damn it, the people should know. Bring up Franks whorehouse, Kennedys murder, on and freaking on. Those PsOS have done so many things that we hang our heads in shame and seek treatment for. Ah! That’s it! It’s okay for THEM! cussing

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   10/13/2006  at  03:31 PM  

  2. Hey, not that I’m running for political office, but I didn’t march in any civil rights marches when I was a kid. My minister and several others in our church did, and our family was always in support of them and all equal rights issues, right up to ERA. But I haven’t campaigned or been an activist for any of these laws. Since I’m white, does that make me a liar about my racist past by implication? This Parker has no shame.

    How dare this Parker fool wield the race club. And against a Jew! Isn’t that a hate crime? I gather he’s as big a bag of poop as Sharpton, Rangel, and Jesse. I’m telling LaShawn.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   10/13/2006  at  07:54 PM  

  3. These so-called black leaders treat the civil rights struggle as if it had no intrinsic importance--as if it were merely a club with which to pummel a political opponent, all in the service of a white left-liberal politician.

    So what else is new?

    It seems to me that this practice was brought to full evil flower under a certain “white left-liberal politician” who went by the initials of LBJ. 

    cool mad

    Posted by Tannenberg    United States   10/13/2006  at  10:51 PM  

  4. LBJ did more to aid and abet racism and to insure the downfall of the black families than any other single force in American politics.

    Posted by Kirk    United States   10/14/2006  at  09:56 AM  

  5. cmblake6 - actually there was one this week (Oct 11)

    It was good to finally hear someone call the Democrats on this bogus Foley/Hastert non-story. Foley is out, that should have been the end of it.

    Maybe with this comment and Reid coming under the gun for his ‘questionable’ land deal/reporting of it, the Dems will quit trying to do the ‘proof’ of culture of coruption against the Republicans since it keeps shooting their foot not anyone elses. Because sane, rational people really know where the ‘culture of coruption’ is and always has been.

    Did you hear Bush’s comment on Pelosi’s ‘I love tax cuts’ lie??

    ‘Given her record, she must be a secret admirer’


    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/14/2006  at  10:51 AM  

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