Ppl, there are stories here almost every single day of crimes being done by very young punks as well as older ones.  Crimes the like of which I never read of in papers back home in USA.  The most gruesome stomach churning stories, and so I decided to quit posting any of those because heck, I felt there was enuff crime in the states for you to keep track of and who really cares about ppl being beaten to death here. So I wasn’t really looking for anything related to crime and criminals.
But there is no way to resist posting this total lunacy.
Hell, if prisons are full, why the hell not make some space by hanging the bastard killers like the guy who last year not only raped and killed a young girl, he then raped her dead body.  Why is that slug still alive at the expense of the taxpayer?  Or the thug who who raped and killed mother and daughter and then also killed the brother. He killed em all by beating them with a two pound hammer. Why should he live?  And those are only two. Oh, but the prisons are so full they cry.  So build more prisons and bring back hanging and really mean it!  What’s that? No money for prisons?  Really. Then where the hell are you ppl getting the BILLIONS to pay for he dumb assed 2012 Olympics that so far most have said they do not want.
This really does go well beyond Moonbattery.  It’s in another league all by itself.

Posted by Drew458    United Kingdom   on 03/11/2008 at 07:42 AM   
  1. Are you sure this isn’t from some Monty Python skit? This is beyond reason.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   03/11/2008  at  08:26 AM  

  2. Oh the expense, the expense, we can’t afford it!!!
    I’d think a coil or two of 3/4” hemp rope wouldn’t cost all that much, would it?

    Peiper this is an excellent post. The mindset of Lord Phillips makes a mockery of the entire system. Especially with the gambling angle - EVERY crook will use this one. You can’t prove him wrong! No drugs to look for in his body. No need to check his liver for alcohol abuse. All he has to say is he frequents underground gambling joints instead of the official ones. No paper trails there. They can’t even use that to get him for tax evasion - if he was making money he wouldn’t need to steal in the first place!

    What a load of crap this is ... you could look at it as a “moral” smokescreen that just effectively reduced the penalties by 2/3 or more, across the boards.

    And there is more BS here too. Why do I keep reading “against a vulnerable person”? Do they have extra rights compared to regular folks? Nonsense. The penalty is for committing the crime. Why it was done, or who it was done to, does not matter.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   03/11/2008  at  10:32 AM  

  3. How about this madness. A foreigner but a “citizen of the EU” comes and rapes British citizens and the moonbat judge cvlaims he can’t be deported. Is it any wonder thousands of people are emigrating?

    Build more prison. Lock more scum up. Crime will go down. How hard is that to grasp?
    Apologies to Dr. Jeff. I do agree with rehabilitation up to a point, but most of these people are incorrigible rogues and scoundrels who should be locked up for a long time.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   03/11/2008  at  11:26 AM  

  4. I say the Brits oughta just use murderers and rapists as organ donors.  Kill two birds with one stone.

    Posted by Zebster    United States   03/11/2008  at  12:10 PM  

  5. No need to apologize Lyndon.  There are cases where rehab is useful, there are cases where a rope is more useful.  btw - Any effective rehab must include a sense of consequences.  This includes, but is not limited to jail time.  In any case, this latest article is insanity.  We’ve had plenty of articles about honest citizens being penalized for stopping criminals.  We’ve discussed how this virtually makes it a crime to be an honest citizen.  This isn’t virtual or philosophical, this gives a green light to criminals to do what they want.  This is just wrong.  How many ways can I say it’s wrong?

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   03/11/2008  at  02:27 PM  

  6. Certain genes must be removed from the gene pool. Certain crimes deserve the death penalty, modern science identifies the criminals without a doubt. If they are guilty of a capital crime, they die. Or if there is a “life with no possibility of parole”, they die. Too simple.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   03/11/2008  at  08:23 PM  

  7. Just think folks...under sharia, these “desperate” criminals will surely get a hand...or their heads...chopped off! So anyone who thinks Islam will be merciful to these same folks have another thing coming!

    Posted by Macker    United States   03/12/2008  at  08:06 AM  

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