Teach Your Children Well


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 09/19/2011 at 08:17 AM   
  1. What’s the problem? I see a soldier aiming at two Islamic terrorists.

    Now, I suppose one could assume that there’s a woman involved. Doesn’t detract that:

    a: We don’t know either of the targets are women…
    b: If one is a woman, she’s not wired to self-destruct…

    Posted by Christopher    United States   09/19/2011  at  08:39 PM  

  2. People are just bothered that someone actually made this up to keep 9/11 in the media (sort of like Michael Moore - if people didn’t mention his name/crapumentaries - he’d disappear (from the msm, even after death, it will take him x-tra long to ‘disappear’) - which is the goal of the left. Then they can re-write the ‘history’ books to make 9/11 an inside job just to start a war on the po’ foreigners who did nothing ever to the greedy, evil US.

    Graphic novels cover a lot of stuff - maybe the addition to this of ‘coloring’ pages might be a bit much but if we had money - I’d get it - for its historical aspect alone.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/20/2011  at  07:46 AM  

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