Teach Your Children Well


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 04/20/2007 at 10:45 AM   
  1. The link is broken…

    Posted by gb_in_ga    United States   04/20/2007  at  10:27 AM  

  2. Oops! Sorry ‘bout that. It is now fixed.  red face

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   04/20/2007  at  10:43 AM  

  3. As a teacher (high school), I try to encourage alternate opinions—make that rational opinions logically submitted.  I don’t tolerate people or opinion bashing of any kind.  My students are free to respectfully disagree with my opinions.

    My lectures/lessons are based upon academic fact, not opinion.  I try very hard not to inject political or social opinion into lessons of fact.

    My students have no shortage of opinions and I don’t denegrate their opinions.  If I disagree, I state that fact with courtsey and encourage them to examine alterante sources of information. 

    I encourage my students to think, surely a capital offense in any galaxy.

    Posted by MAJ Mike    United States   04/20/2007  at  01:01 PM  

  4. A sociology prof in college got us talking about controversial things all the time. He’d interogate us on our logic, facts, reasoning and such and, if our thoughts stood up to scruteny, all was well. When we’d ask him for his opinion, he’d say, “I have my opinion, and it shall remain mine.” I like that approach as it leaves the students free to talk and form opinions without having to fear the vindictivness that has become a hallmark of the left.

    Posted by Rickvid in Seattle    United States   04/20/2007  at  02:16 PM  

  5. My daughter is facing this in college. Thankfully not as bad as it could be (small, private college). She is a polictical science major. Her mentor is liberal to a degree, but loves her knowledge (she knows everything Royal, throughout the World) and her reasoning for her positions. That to me is respect. She has one anti-war professor - who will not listen to any other opinion (her American History prof -taught the civil war through black slave writings) and she has another who actually said - ‘Oh I did not know that, thank you for mentioning that.’ He was on a tirade re Walter Reed AMC and she mentioned that it is on the BRAC list and has been since 2005. At least he was open.

    So for a college today - I give it high marks for at least being balanced.

    I came from an age that I almost never questioned a teacher or professor. My only stand was my senior year of hs - had an old fashioned (and very religious) woman who taught Speech - she made some really, outdated and religiously narrow comments - and I couldn’t let them pass. The class loved it - because our discussions usually took up the whole class. She never docked me for my outspokenness as I got an A every quarter.

    And that is what teaching and education is supposed to be about.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/20/2007  at  07:17 PM  

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