Tancredo For President?


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 03/31/2006 at 04:40 AM   
  1. Tancredo for President, ha ha.  You are being BrainWashed by OCM Skipper, sorry cat  in_jail  cat

    When was the last time a member of the House was elected President question

    Besides, Tancredo is lost in space on the biggest issue of 2008, Medicare and Medicaid.  Sure he says he is an HSA supporter, but that’s BS shit

    I think my guy Zandstra as a US Senator (R-MI) for just 2 years would have a much better chance to becoming President in 2000 than Tancredo.

    If Zandstra puts fat ass liberal Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) down like the rabid dog that she is, Zandstra deserves to be President of the United States.

    The Liberal Media has a full court censorship propaganda press on Rev. Jerry Zandstra and his PHDs in Public Policy.  If the newspapers and OCM want to only talk about Mexicans and NEVER about replacing these Socialist Democratic Senators, don’t let them BrainWash you Skipper.  Let’s talk about replacing Stabenow.  She leads the fight against the tax free PSA to reform the [[[ponzi scheme]]] known as Social Security

    We need to discuss replacing these DEMOCRATIC Senators - WAKE UP excaim  excaim

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   03/31/2006  at  07:07 AM  

  2. You Liberal liar OCM. Only flaming Liberals say that multiple choices is bad and tooooo confusing.  The President said, “20 million seniors have enrolled.” The President said at his first debate for Prez he wanted Rx in Medicare.  Tom can set back and bitch but of course he couldn’t call the shoots like W. 

    So your good buddy Tancredo won’t say that before George W. Bush it was illegal for a senior to purchase insurance to cover prescription drugs, right here in the “Land Of The Free.” I know, I know, Tancredo likes to have the same restrictions on the American seniors that Castro has on his old Cubans.

    Vote for Tancredo, or move to Cuba. OCM, quit lying about our President in a TIME of War, you traitor. censored

    Message to Tancredo: Rx in Medicare was the price we paid for the Tax Free HSA, get real. loveyou

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   03/31/2006  at  10:04 AM  

  3. Sorry, Shots not shoots, shoot.

    I bet you $50 OCM that Tancredo isn’t the next President.

    Hey, you still owe me $50 because President Bush ravaged your hero, Jinjis John Kerry.  Pay Up excaim

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   03/31/2006  at  10:09 AM  

  4. You are ignoring me OCM because you owe me $50. mad

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   03/31/2006  at  10:34 AM  

  5. Ok clear this up if you can (instead of going at each other)
    I agree with Tancredo on immigration (and teaching in Spanish, printing anything other than a Spanish class book in Spanish etc etc).

    I listened to a PSA yesterday here (OH) on the new Medicare, drug plan whatever - and have to agree - there is nothing promising about bureaucracy getting more involved. Basically it is a class to learn about the ‘choices’ and hey if you understand our crap we will even sign you up. Not what I want to deal with at all.

    Don’t know much about HSA, as ‘Uncle Sugar’ is our HMO or PPO or whatever. The company they use is a disgrace (figures) and messed us up big time last year. And finding anyone with a MD who will accept it here locally is a joke. Only non problem is the closest hospital [which is a very comforting bit of knowledge] They have been great. In other words, the healthcare in America is broke. I am however, completely against a ‘national’ or ‘mandatory’ system. A) if you don’t work, I’m sorry you don’t deserve much of anything, B) why should tax payers pay for addicts and others (which we absorb anyway right now) and C) as I said our governmental sitaution is fraught with problems - can’t imagine how crappy it would get if everyone was on it. Start by getting insurance and lawyers out of medicine. They are a great big part of the problems.

    And I agree the SS needs to be fixed. And the Dems aren’t and are blocking most efforts to do it. Oh well.

    The Military is the other issue I am concerned about - actually the bigger picture of Homeland Security the new euphemism for National Defense. Figures the Dems would make up a new phrase and render the issue a disaster. Given their record, why do Americans continue to let them mess things up?

    I guess I will have to start reading up on all the possible candidates. Let the Dems run the Hildabeast or Kerry again - so at least we know in advance the Repubs will win.

    But I have to agree with the Skipper - anyone the Dems are against has to be doing something RIGHT


    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/31/2006  at  12:32 PM  

  6. OCM, thanks, he seems to be my kind of politician.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/31/2006  at  05:47 PM  

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