Sympathy For The Devil


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 06/24/2009 at 03:55 PM   
  1. Well said Drew. I’ve been of like mind on this subject.
    I think many ppl hope these demonstrations are a call for democracy or something close.
    Or else they think they are.
    To me it’s the difference between the SS and the SA and a fight amongst terrorists who just belong to different cells.
    I don’t trust them.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   06/25/2009  at  04:12 AM  

  2. So if Iran goes up in flames and has a big bloody revolution over this election? Fine by me. Send them some gasoline and some matches.

    While I understand where you’re coming from, my heart does go out to the poor schmucks over there who just want to work for a living, pay their mortgage, raise their kids, and so forth, and who in large numbers may wind up dead. Part of this is sympathy, but part of it is also that it seems within the realm of possibility that a few years from now *I* might be a similar poor schmuck, in a similar situation over here.

    Posted by larryr    United States   06/25/2009  at  01:18 PM  

  3. But, larryr that is exactly why there are mullahs and faux Presidents in Iran and why America is on the edge of falling to the level of Cuba and Venezuela - those who just want to work for a living, pay their mortgage, raise their kids - without getting out and saying not No but Hell NO.

    In Iran - with Carter’s help removing the Shah - this cesspool of terrorism was created - but the people did not rise up and say No.

    And it is happening here - Bailouts (how many, 1, 2, 3 or more), the Generational Theft Act which is being shown to be rift with fraud and non-stimulating pointless ‘jobs’ that benefit no one, and pork and earmarks galore. Now in this week we have the Kennedy Free (wink, wink) Healthcare for All, Illegals First Bill (which if you read carefully, the Klownposse in DC wrote in their own opt out section) and now tomorrow (we must pass this as the World (as we know it) will end in flames, horror and extreme injustice to women and minorities) C(r)ap and Trade(off) bill - which is just a massive tax and scam to ‘smart grid’ us into government control when and how much energy we are allowed to get into our homes (didn’t Saddam Hussein do that? And we called him a dictator).

    We are way past citizens just being able to excuse themselves out of this upcoming takeover of America - or the next thing The One (tm) will propose is a Life Presidency - since he is so loved and so unopposed.

    And then it will be too late.

    Look - once again the amoral Democrats are busy taking out each and every possible Republican candidate - and we are still 3 years from the next election. How anyone who regales Ted Kennedy who left a woman (not his wife) to drown - can even speak about a man who is having an affair. The affair has been going on for a year - yet somehow does not become an issue until as Gov he decides to fight having the Generational Theft Act money shoved down his throat? Isn’t that how the Dems won a TX seat (Tom Delay) and a FL seat (Foley)? Take out - oh wait - isn’t that how Our Fearless Reader - won his first Senate seat - take out the opposition? Thug Chicago politics at it’s best and being started now - against any Republican who even seems a possible nominee for 2012.

    And no one seems to care enough to stop it - and when we become Cuba or Venezuela or worse Iran - are you going to still go to work, pay your bills and raise you kids - or maybe begin then to speak up?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/25/2009  at  02:10 PM  

  4. You both have valid points.

    I’m sure millions of regular ‘ranis just want to get by day by day. But they’ve been fed the pap that we’re the Great Satan for nearly 30 years; as much as we’d like to think they aren’t all that different from us, they’re still well inculcated into being our enemies. If the people there totally hated their government it wouldn’t last a day. They are far down the road of the worst kind of tyranny, a religious despotism.

    And we here are racing down our own road to tyranny as fast as we can. It’s simply unbelievable how far things have gone in just a few months. It isn’t growth. It’s metastasizing. Stand up, speak up, scream out. Every day, to every one. And no one will listen, except for the few other screamers.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   06/25/2009  at  03:21 PM  

  5. The cartoon was perfect, and duly stolen.

    And all of you are making excellent points in regard to what is waiting should the Iranian people rise up and remove the current government. 

    IE - ‘Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.’

    Posted by Siddhartha Vicious    United States   06/26/2009  at  05:49 PM  

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