I hadn’t heard of this either…


Posted by Christopher    United States   on 06/25/2009 at 11:02 AM   
  1. Complaining? Hell, if we had fighters flying over here once in a great while I’d stand up and cheer. Assuming, of course, that they were just flying by and not dropping anything on us. LOL

    Good to see that the complainer had the grace to apologize ... but it would have been smartest for the Air Force to let folks know a bit in advance what was planned.

    The closest thing to military aircraft I ever see around here is the police traffic helicopter. With the greatest of luck and timing I might hear, and then run out to see, a warbird or two from those WWII fly-ins they have. We’ve got 2 of them in the area, one at Solberg and the big one every year out in Reading. There’s nothing like the sound of multiple 18 cylinder radial engines overhead. You can hear them for 10 minutes before they get there. Cool!

    Posted by Drew458    United States   06/25/2009  at  01:03 PM  

  2. Ah I live (and since I grew up around the corner - lived) in the flight path since I can remember. And in Lawton OK if you live on the west side - you get to listen (and if you are very close and very unlucky - an outshoot - of the artillery. [And taking the range road into post can be a real adventure, not to mention - don’t even think of being near the traffic circle on Ft Sill at 1700 - big surprise coming for you] So the noise no longer bothers me - get more irritated with the dang ‘weather’ siren as it goes off for every little thing - and it is the next street over - and like car alarms - now meaningless.

    The guy’s letter however brings back memories of my most pie on the face moment. When I was a young LTs wife, I did my duty and volunteered at the Thrift Shop a couple of times a month. Once, one of the General’s wives came in stood behind the desk for about 2 minutes and went into the consignment room and rummaged through the things coming in for a couple of more minutes and then left. As a young Officer’s wife - I thought - what a waste, why does she bother - just to say I volunteered?

    Come Christmas and the Thrift Shop had a Christmas party - and I learned how far my foot had been inserted into my mouth. Mrs General had a very disabled son - who was an older teenager, almost full grown and unable to be restrained and controlled. She could only find a few people willing to sit for 10 minutes or less at a time.

    We all must take a moment before we go off half cocked from our own perspective only.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/25/2009  at  01:43 PM  

  3. Yeah, but did you say those thoughts out loud, or just think them to yourself?

    I’ve learned the hard, hard way about writing letters when upset. Write it, then set it aside 24 hours. Then read it, then set it aside another day. Then re-read, and if you still feel that way, then send it. Same goes for email and drunk-blogging. Most of the time those letters/emails/posts will go straight in the trash.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   06/25/2009  at  03:12 PM  

  4. What I really liked was this:


    “Question of the day for Luke Air Force Base:  Whom do we thank for the morning air show?


    The letter writer asks, ‘Whom do we thank for the morning air show?’

    The 56th Fighter Wing will call for you, and forward your thanks to the widow and parents of Capt. Fresques, and thank them for you, for it was in their honor that my pilots flew the most honorable formation of their lives.

    Has there ever been a classier back-handed smack-down of a complainer?

    Kudos to both sides; Lt. Col. Pleus for his polite smack-down, and Vietnam Vet Tom MacRae for his courageous and humble apology.

    I just love a win-win situation!

    Posted by Christopher    United States   06/25/2009  at  03:42 PM  

  5. Drew, the sound of 2 WW2 V12 merlins having a “dogfight” (against all orders as well) is the best, radials are good but merlins get the cigar. Spitfires with the later griffins dont cut it either. One of the few things I miss about the old country.

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   06/25/2009  at  05:48 PM  

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