Sunday Funnies


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 02/18/2007 at 11:04 AM   
  1. Cincinnati has had a very cold February with a lot of snow.  I pointed out to a liberal friend that this February has been below average temperature wise.  He pointed out that January was above average.

    He missed the point.  Mother nature tends to balance things out.  We had a warm January and now we are paying for it in February.  But of course, the liberal remembers only January and will never mention that February was colder than usual because that would interfere with their ideological world view.

    Posted by Grumpyguy    United States   02/18/2007  at  07:24 PM  

  2. The first casualty of politics is truth.  Last week, I found headlines trumpeting the warmest January on record.  After listening the the Skipper talk about freezing his nether regions and getting reports from my customers in the Mid West, North West and East, I’ve got to ask, just where is it supposed to be warm in North America?  Don’t say Los Angeles - we’re supposed to be warm, it’s one of the reasons I stay here.  I am convinced that the proponents of Global Warming are completely uninterested in any view contrary to their own opinion and are not above lieing to get their way.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   02/18/2007  at  11:32 PM  

  3. Hello Nick and James,

    Unless the term “Republican Redneck” refers to Jews who are registered Democrats and former anti Viet Nam war protesters (including a small police/FBI file for being a left wing subversive) you should consider who you are actually dealing with before applying nasty names to people you disagree with.  What I discovered over the last 35+ years is that certain political movements, such as Global Warming seem to proceed more on ideological lines than they do on purely practical lines, especially in regard to their solutions.  You might want to research the theories and practice of the late Vladimir I. Lenin in regard to deception in a political cause.  In case you didn’t guess, that’s me in the above description.

    As far as I know, no one on either side of the debate contests the idea that our climate is changing.  Whether you use the concept of greenhouse gases or solar cycles, I think we can agree that weather changes.  From ice core samples, the marks of ancient glaciers (such as the Yosemite valley), tree rings and a plethora of other evidence, we know that many of the climate changes can be characterized as catastrophic. 

    Therefore, the real question before us is not is the climate changing, but what are we going to do about it?  How will we deal with the shifts in agricultural patterns?  (You might want to research a bit on the state of farmland in the U.S.  It’s likely to be a serious crisis much sooner than global warming.) How will we deal with the need to supply fresh water to people?  How will we supply energy for homes and factories?  The true object of Kyoto seems to have more emphasis on giving countries such as China a free hand for economic development and increasing the cost of U.S. and European manufacturing than it actually does on limiting the emission of greenhouse gases.  To me that is a major clue.  If there were truly a need to shut down greenhouse emissions, there would be no exceptions. 

    When I split with my old left wing acquaintances, I did so because of their duplicity and intolerance.  The rhetoric was “Power to the People”, but their actions were elitist and definitely undemocratic.  I’ve seen first hand how politicians and activists (both right and left) lie, manipulate, obfuscate and generally weasel around to make themselves important while gathering money, property and prestige.  Joseph Goebels set the pattern for all propagandists (and advertisers) over 70 years ago.  Emphasizing one fact while ignoring others, even outright lies are all grist for the propagandist who wants to manipulate the emotions of the populace.

    Look around.  Look beyond the immediate concept being advertised.  Consider the secondary effects of a proposal.  Look at the application and see who benefits and how.  See how and if the proposition in front of you actually meets your tests of fairness and integrity.  Question authority and learn to be a truly independent thinker.

    The revolution will not be televised.

    Dr. Jeff
    peace  big_us_flag  peace

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   02/22/2007  at  02:37 AM  

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