Sunday Funnies


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 08/13/2006 at 01:17 AM   
  1. Why is it the guys with the golf club memberships, two homes and several cars (not to mention semi-annual vacations to world hot spots) are the ones making all the rest of us ‘tighten our belts’? We cover our bills and that is about it. My cat needs a medical procedure that we don’t have the money for - can’t do (not critical, yet). You think the vet is interested in working out a plan? Nope, money up front or no go. Now I’m struggling to find docs, dentists, etc who will even let you in the door anymore without ‘their’ approved insurance plans. It is all pure crap and I’m tired of it.

    Go tighten your own belt. And if you want money from me - you ain’t gettin it ‘cuz I don’t have any.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   08/13/2006  at  08:49 AM  

  2. It is a free country.  Start a side business, find a better job, increase your value through training even if it’s just reading a (free) book from the library.

    You are not a slave, and to claim victim status because some “guys with the golf club memberships, two homes and several cars”, are “making” you is pure bilge.  You might also try a more positive attitude, based on the reasonably sound theory that ‘whiners are not winners’.

    Oh!  And Sparky, if you are strapped because you can’t afford a ‘procedure’ for your cat, you really should shut up and count your blessings.  Starvation is one thing.  Cat repair definitely falls in the “luxury living” column.

    Posted by heldmyw    United States   08/13/2006  at  03:25 PM  

  3. It is a free country - for those who know how to scam the system, have the money or a power position. Tried a number of side businesses, jobs, training etc all I got was a lower bank account and I love the library because they are one of the few non-wasteful public entities.

    Never claimed to be a slave, not even claiming victim status - I’m just a bit angry that two hardworking (employed since age 18) people are still struggling - won’t lie, won’t cheat, won’t pander, won’t do a lot of things that just might get me into the ‘system.’

    Do without - not really, recognize my blessings YES I DO. Pissed that a doctor and a vet won’t work with someone to provide medical care - you bet your ass - We have insurance, we have money, we’ve paid all our bills - what is the big whohaw about. And these were found after weeks of trying to find anyone that would even let us in the door. If I’d scammed them, bummed out on payments, not have insurance - I’d understand the crap.

    My name is not Sparky and try reading what I wrote completely. It is always the worker who has to suck it up. Problem that those on top forget or don’t seem to get is that they wouldn’t be on top, if it weren’t for the worker - ‘cuz your foundation is everything.

    I’m not asking for a hand out, not asking for a hand up - I’m asking that our record of financial responsibilty be accountable for something or maybe a break now and then.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   08/15/2006  at  03:54 PM  

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