Stem Cell Confusion


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 10/30/2006 at 02:00 AM   
  1. It is a shame that this type of crap is being pushed in America - they are going for the amendment to insure that there are no further vote, options, choice left to the actual people who are being lied to, manipulated and bamboozeled by this stupid piece of garbage.

    I’m really glad that the MJFox/RLimbaugh brewhawhaw exploded because at least a few people will get the message that this is a bogus deal.

    I just wonder who came up with this piece of trash - he/she/they - should be voted out of office to protect the people of MO.

    I could go on and on - base line is this -
    embryonic stem cell research has produced nothing in ALL the years it has been done.
    adult stem cell reseach has produced results and is being used to treat diseases.
    cloning must be voted on by the people, not subjectgated into a ‘fine print’ obfuscation of words/issues into a totally non-understandable lie and coverup.
    and finally it comes down to this one sentence
    Amendment 2 is about securing federal funds (i.e. tax dollars) for a combo deal of cloning, embryonic stem cell ‘research’ and egg brokering without any options as to law, redress or choice to the people of the State now or ever in the future.

    Once again the Party of Death is about destroying any sense of humanity, decency and reality in terms of science, research, human life, embryos, and the results thereof.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/30/2006  at  11:42 AM  

  2. Oh yeah, I forgot - since you live there - what is the take locally and biased msm wise? Good news for the sane, rational thinking voters of MO or are the lunatics claiming a slam dunk?

    Wonder how the ACORN scandal in ST Lo is going to play into this issue.

    Politics are usual in the USA since the lunatic left seized hold of the DNC.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/30/2006  at  12:26 PM  

  3. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch (The “Pest-Disposal” to those of us who live here) endorses this crap. They also endorse Claire McCaskill and fawn over Bill Clinton. TV stations are more of the same except for the local FOX affiliate (KTVI).

    As for ACORN (and their Drmocratic party backers), they’ve been caught red-handed and somebody is going to go to jail:

    St. Louis Election Board officials say they’ve discovered at least 1,492 “potentially fraudulent” voter registration cards - including three from dead people and one from a 16-year-old - among the thousands pouring in before today’s voter registration deadline for the Nov. 7 election.

    City Republican elections director Scott Leiendecker said the board’s staff expects to find even more bogus voter-registration applications among the thousands remaining to be processed. The board plans to turn all the questionable cards over to city Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce for investigation and possible prosecution, said board chairman Kimberley Mathis.

    The board says all the questionable cards were turned in by one group - the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, commonly known as ACORN.

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   10/30/2006  at  01:30 PM  

  4. I stumbled upon the Don Murphy message board and there’s quite a discussion regarding this issue. Don Murphy was the producer of Natural Born Killer’s.  (A fine cinematic feature, NOT!) Anyway, it’s a total moonbat site. I posted a few comments about the ESC issue and Don Murphy’s nasty comments re Patricia Heaton. It didn’t take them long to ban my access to the site. It took them less time to start ganging up on me for my pointed opinions. They were vicious to say the least. If you want to have some fun go there and make a few posts. They’ll go nuts in a hurry. The link is--->


    Posted by coop    United States   10/30/2006  at  03:02 PM  

  5. Skipper,
    From the other side of the state, I couldn’t agree with you more. I have a hard time thinking that something like this requires a constitutional admendment. I have had some smoke blown up my ass on this I think I started smoking again.

    Oh, congratulations on being named most dangerous city in the country. I knew you could do it.

    KC Walrus

    Posted by The Walrus    United States   10/30/2006  at  08:45 PM  

  6. 1- What treatments are based on embryonic stem cell research? To tbe best of my knowledge there have been none so far.

    2- Merck, Lilly and Pfizer have done absolutely no research into embryonic stem cell cures. Why not? If there is such promise for cures, why aren’t they all over it? None of them have operations in Missouri either so what research money are we losing?

    3- Why do we need a state amendment to protect federal laws? Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds?

    4- I HAVE done quite a bit of checking and so far I don’t like what I hear. All I hear are promises of cures. No one is prohibiting research into embryonic stem cell cures. Researchers are free to delve into the search for cures all they want. All the current laws prohibit is federal and state funding of these efforts. Get your facts straight.

    5- Raising the minimum wage IS a bad idea. It only cranks up inflation and jobs are lost at the low end of the job market. The negatives outweigh the pluses. I’m all for everyone making a living wage but not when it puts other people out of work or raises the price of a hamburger. Everyone loses with that scenario.

    6- Arguing that ACORN had good intentions is once again using the argument that “the end justifies the means”. Registering voters is a good idea but DO IT RIGHT. And while we’re on the subject, my Democrat friend, what is wrong with requiring picture ID in order to vote? From where I sit it seems Democrats don’t care who votes as long as they vote Democratic. How about a little honesty from your party for a change?

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   10/31/2006  at  01:12 AM  

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