Spoiled Brats


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 02/17/2006 at 06:52 AM   
  1. My Wife-the-Newspaper-Columnist is stunned by her co-workers’ ignorance about ‘guns’. Most thought that a .28 Guage was an assault-cannon. One was proud to have never touched a weapon.

    Isn’t there some way us Ruffians, held in contempt, could announced to Osama that we will no longer defend selected citizens? I have in my hands a list..

    Posted by Oink    United States   02/17/2006  at  07:15 AM  

  2. Oink, oh please, it seems right now ignorance is a sign of ‘enlightenment’ or superiority - I can’t count the people who have said ‘I don’t even know anyone who would be in the military’ with a dripping condescension [still haven’t figured out if it is the violence aspect or that no one they know is so poor that the military is their ONLY option aspect] and ‘I don’t even know how to run a copy machine’ again I’m never sure if there is pity that I am working in a profession that I know how to run all those machines or that they are ‘blessed’ with an education that I so obviously missed. And then they top their ignorance with their ‘everybody I know, agrees.’ It’s like talking with snotty teenagers.

    Been around enough to know I respect a farmer, survivalist and gun enthusiast more than the NYT columnist. At least when the world explodes I know who is going to be a damn bigger help at keeping me alive.

    Did you see the headlines today - ‘the man Cheney shot . . .’ Can’t even give him a name over wanting to repeat (again and again and again) the picture of the VP shooting someone.

    Told my kids, watch in about 5 minutes - the number of ‘hunting accidents’ (which the msm has been touting as so rare as to be almost non-existent) is suddenly going to be the new ‘epidemic’ and we must now move Federally to outlaw all those nasty, evil guns.

    I’m with Mr Heston and his oft mis-quoted and taken out of context line - ‘out of my cold dead hands’

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/17/2006  at  02:20 PM  

  3. My wife interviewed hunters who said that shooting accidents “happen all the time”.  Maybe in the sense that murder happens, i.e. you read about it in the paper—happening to someone you don’t know.

    My extended family, going back 100 years that I know about, has NEVER had anyone get shot while hunting.  Or even close. Gun safety is second only to God, & one cannot pick up a weapon without checking it and having someone tell you to be careful.

    Posted by Oink    United States   02/17/2006  at  03:12 PM  

  4. It depends what you are talking about when you say ‘shooting accident’.  (I still have trouble saying that Cheny SHOT someone, it implies intent, which obviously there was none.) Hunters get ‘peppered’ with birdshot all the time.  It generally irritates everyone involved.  It shows a lack of judgement on the part of the shooter, but closer in proximity to the person that has a fender bender from following too close.  Is it still your fault?  Yes.  Do you still pay?  Yes.  But, doesn’t really make you an unsafe driver unless you do it every year.... 

    I have been co-owner of a pheasant hunting outfit for 10 years or so, and only one time has a BB ever stuck in someone’s skin, but the fact is that you have ‘walkers’ and ‘blockers’ shooting towards each other in bird hunting. And that means that sometimes BB’s are going to rain down on the opposite group. 

    Generally peppered means that the shooter didn’t have enough ‘blue sky’ behind his shot (though this isn’t strictly what happened in the VP’s case).  It shows a lack in judgement, but it happens to our groups 2-3 times every year.  Though, ‘our groups’ aren’t ‘us’ but rather paying hunters, who don’t always have the same safety standards.  But, even among good careful hunters, getting peppered with birdshot is NOT a good or normal thing to happen, but it does happen fairly frequently.

    Posted by Beccayinn    United States   02/17/2006  at  06:04 PM  

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