Some history wherein …. I found myself kind of up close and personal


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 03/19/2010 at 07:16 AM   
  1. We finally decided that Mom could no longer be trusted in the house by herself. And like you, in the process of removing stuff we came across some old letters Mom and Dad exchanged while Dad was in the service.

    Most of them were about how much they missed each other, rationing, life in the sevice.

    Since secrecy was a high priority, portions of Dad’s letters were blacked out until he figured out how to let Mom know where he was going. Going to town X, which required crossing a river, when he got a leave was code for crossing the Channel. Fishing on the lake was a move to North Africa. Visiting some of his Dad’s relatives meant he was going into Germany as his dad was of German decent.

    In one letter he wrote of entering a town in Germany at night and staying in a house and upon awakening in the morning discovered the owner had the same last name as he did.

    Posted by harleycowboy58    United States   03/19/2010  at  01:03 PM  

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