SKOOL DAZE - SKOOL DAZE … an unsettling update …


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 03/09/2011 at 05:50 AM   
  1. Wow, and exactly why do children as young as 5 need to learn about sex? I mean what is their reasoning - and how the hell (other than the pictures) does it do a damn bit of good when little Johnny can’t even READ.

    I guess it makes it easy for the Human Traffiking, the Sex Industry and of course keeps PP and the abortion mills - all up and running for Government funding.

    I have seen personally what sexualized children are like - they are dangerous to other children, they are manipulative and they lie and are violent - in other words - victimized and destroyed by a predator they become predators. The one (sold by his druggie mom to a porn industry guy at 18 months) finally was taken out of the foster care system and put in a home. Like a rabid dog - it would have been more humane to euthanize him. ‘Cuz you know that the State isn’t going to give him the mental health treatment that he needs.

    Sad thing is - he wasn’t the only one I crossed in my years - a terrible, horrible blight on children inflicted by the Godless, soulless atheists whose only desire is to make everyone feel as sh*tty as they do.

    Now there’s a crime I would insist on the death penalty for - one appeal and gone. A simple bullet to the head - fast, cheap and over with forever.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/09/2011  at  08:14 AM  

  2. Wardmom, while I’d agree with most, it is a bit of a stretch to say that ALL folks who are godless or atheists feel sh*tty or even approve of this so called education. One size does not fit all here.

    There isn’t any doubt to my way of thinking that the folks who promote this insanity are indeed non-believers. But I think it goes beyond religion. There might even be some who are believers BUT, for some twisted thinking believe this is a good idea. Personally, I think it’s sick.  I agree with you in that it will “sexualize” kids at a very early age. As if they aren’t already. It just that now the bar will be lowered and I see no good coming from that.  I do not understand why the folks who promote this, don’t understand that. Some won’t care given the depths western culture has sunk to, and given human nature when guidelines are removed.  But to imply that atheists endorse this kind of sickness, is about the same as say, folks who blame all Jews because the mothers and fathers of communism were mostly Jews.
    Most of the civil rights groups and the ACLU is a good example, were formed and funded by Jewish liberals, of which there are far too many. But not all Jews approve at all and are staunch conservatives and some are even quite right wing. And I think you would be surprised to at the number of non-believers who are exactly that.  Middle to right wing and aghast at this sort of thing.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   03/09/2011  at  08:35 AM  

  3. Errr.. Isn’t this illegal in most countries?

    Posted by Doctor DETH    United States   03/09/2011  at  01:56 PM  

  4. Oh dear. I got in trouble with Mom when I found Dad’s Penthouse stash when I was only nine.

    What I really don’t understand is how the human race ever reproduced without sex ed.
    I never was subjected to sex ed in school. (my sister was, she’s a lesbian. Coincidence?)

    No, I learned about sex the natural way…

    Step One: Girls have cooties. (4th or 5th grade.)
    Step Two: I have to dance with girls that have cooties at school functions. (6th & 7th grade)
    Step Three: I like dancing close with girls. (7th & 8th grade)
    Step Four: School administrators outlaw close dancing at school dances. (8th thru 12th grade)
    Step Five: We hold dances in our barn. (9th through 12th grade)
    Step Six: Cooties can be eaten. (10th through 12th grade)
    Step Seven: We got driver’s licenses. The back seat is big enough. (10th through 12th grade)
    Step Eight: We’re doing it right! Mom, Dad, or both, caught us in the driveway. (anytime from 10th through 12th grade.)
    Step Nine: Repeat with a different girl.(anytime)

    Posted by Christopher    United States   03/09/2011  at  05:44 PM  

  5. Peiper - damn, I fell for a liberal ploy - stereotyping and using to expansive words - yes all atheists and non-believers (used for the simplicity of term) - are not this base, vile and certainly do not hate themselves. But it takes that type to come up with bs like this.

    And Chis - one caveat on your little list - from a guys point of view - meanwhile we girls were trying to figure out how to get out of the house, have a free dinner and/or movie without having to put out every single time.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/10/2011  at  07:53 AM  

  6. And Chis - one caveat on your little list - from a guys point of view - meanwhile we girls

    were trying to figure out how to get out of the house, have a free dinner and/or movie without having to put out every single time.


    The wife says right on there. Well said too.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   03/10/2011  at  11:52 AM  

  7. And Chis - one caveat on your little list - from a guys point of view - meanwhile we girls were trying to figure out how to get out of the house, have a free dinner and/or movie without having to put out every single time.

    While I admit that such girls existed (and I was gentleman enough to not press the point, indeed, some of my favorite memories were dates that didn’t degenerate… Dates that didn’t degenerate… I’ll have to remember that when advising my grandchildren...), I found that I was the one to defend MY virtue. One of my dates was so upset that I didn’t, well, ‘put the moves on her’, that she ground her whole popcorn cup into my face and stomped out of the movie theater.

    I hope everybody realizes that I was being facetious. That girl did expect more than I was willing to do.

    I was;

    a) a teenager
    b) still in high school
    c) not willing to be a father

    Sorry. You horny women should realize that some boys/men can resist easy sex.

    Let’s face it; if it’s easy, it ain’t worth it!

    A 21-year marriage has taught me that!

    Posted by Christopher    United States   03/12/2011  at  07:58 PM  

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