Drill, baby, Drill


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 03/07/2011 at 07:00 PM   
  1. Im SO Proud of my fellow Brazillians. OH,Wait,WHAT!!!!!!!
    Damn it Drew,Would you PLEEEZ let me off this bizarro train ride already,,,,,,,,,,,

    Posted by Rich K    United States   03/07/2011  at  10:17 PM  

  2. Drew, don’t forget that $2,000,000,000+ from the nitwh(n*****inthewhitehouse) helped move that project along…

    Posted by emdfl    United States   03/08/2011  at  11:09 AM  

  3. Gee, it wouldn’t have anything to do with George Soros being a huge investor in the Brazilian contractor--invested with Scamulus funds, by the way?
    Hell the Chinese, Russians, even Norwegians are drilling there, but we can’t tap the same field. It’s almost as if Obama hates the USA.

    Posted by cbullitt    United States   03/08/2011  at  08:27 PM  

  4. 3 years - another damn lie the dangerous, duplicitous and totally anti-American leftists put forth - ‘but it will take 10 years to get that oil going.’ BS, crappola and just pure insanity. So what, if ANWR had been approved - we would have been pumping oil during the Bush Administration. If we REFORM SS - it might be able to provide for those over 55 until they die. If we REPEAL Obamacare NOW - we just might be able to salvage the American economy. Nothing can change until the crapweasels in DC stop pandering to the msm and DO THE RIGHT THING - AND REFORM, REPEAL AND CUT, CUT, CUT.

    And oh by the way - the Middle East oil is also such a lie and canard - the top two countries we import from are Canada and Mexico. Saudi Arabia is 3 and Iraq & Kuwait are the only other two ME in the top ten -

    Lies, Damn Lies and Liberal Lies.

    [OT - Speaking of lies - did you catch that video of another ‘smartest guy in the room’ (NOT) being duped into a meet & cheat with ‘muslims’ wanting to donate to the NPR - ‘that birther thing was all racist conservatives’ - Berg who filed the first lawsuit was a Democrat!]

    Liars all - when is someone in the GOP going to stand up - beside Bachman and Palin (the only two Republicans who appear to have any gonads at all) - and start to fix and reform and cut this mess down and out? 

    It is way past time to take back America from these lying hate-filled dictator wanna-bes - never forget that 21% (liberals in America) is theirself reported numbers/b]. Which probably means in reality - it is far less - you know they always pad the ‘statistics’ in their favor. That is not a democracy, that is not fair, that is not a Republic, that is not majority of citizens rule - It is a few forcing their beliefs, ideas and policy on the entire nation. It has to stop.

    Where is a good treason trial when you need one.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/09/2011  at  08:45 AM  

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