Save Money, Use Matches


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 05/14/2010 at 04:31 PM   
  1. $6600 per home for demolition?

    We’re getting screwed. (Again as usual)

    My wife has scheduled home demolitions down here in Florida for cities at $2500 per home.

    Must be a union job with some (ahem) paper bags of cash as usual....

    Posted by TimO    United States   05/15/2010  at  07:13 AM  

  2. Hell, all they’d have to do is keep the cops & volunteers home on “Devil’s Night” and the problem would take care of itself. ;-/

    But it’s not just Detroit itself that’s getting bad. Out here in the ‘burbs there are more empty places every day, and prices are way down. There’s a HUD house in the next block… and one a block over. A place just a block north recently sold for $30,000 one a few blocks over was advertised for $18,500 cash. My sister was thinking about buying one as an investment…

    Posted by JimS    United States   05/15/2010  at  09:16 AM  

  3. You know it’s more than just the ‘liberal social policies’ that Mitt so (politically) expounded upon.  My childhood home was razed because the guy who bought it thought a middle America 2 story ranch was so yesterday and built a MacMansion on the site (actually it has nothing on the real Mansion that my grandfather built in the 1920s that is still standing next door to it). The parents, when the children leave flee to Florida followed by a ‘home’ and no longer does one of the children move into the family home and take care of the parents and keep the place in the family. It is the social and cultureal breakdown and destruction of the family & family values that is at the root of it - and yes the ‘liberal social policies’ help speed up such destruction.

    Yes I know that they are just buildings but we are losing our well built older homes to a combination of cheap crap houses (which we are in small, cheaply built - but allowed the working poor to own a home), MacMansions (pretentiousness for those who have some bling but not enough to hide away in the compounds of the truly rich) and of course the gated, hidden real mansions of the rich. To wipe out history - makes it harder to remember and value. Even if that history is something as mundane as a house. Or a book. Or a letter.

    Sad - but go to any country of the World (and don’t the Leftists all wants America to be We Are The World OneGlobalWorld types?) and you will see the lines of money every where from the bottom up.  So what is it with the morons in office now - who are implying that with just a few stolen tax dollars given back to the thieves (oops, my bad) the slaves and laborers from whom it was stolen - will make America a better place. In reality it will only make us like those places whose press is closed so we are unable to see that the lines are cut down to 2 - Those in power and those that aren’t. What an option.

    And that is the point that Detroit and many other big cities and some states are at - Two lines only. Those in Power (who have the money and control) and Those who aren’t. But just as much as the politicians are at fault - so are the People who continue to give up their rights, their responsibility, their lives and futures (but what is worse - their childrens futures) to a bunch of lying thieves who are just stealing about 51% of what they tax for themselves. No wonder everything sucks - and still the stuck on stupid, vote even more of ‘em in.

    And that is not something I think America and Americans should aspire to at all.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/16/2010  at  10:28 AM  

  4. JimS is right.  Just keep the cops home on Devils night and much of the problem will be taken care of. 

    Back in the late 80’s when I was stationed in Michigan, I went to a gun show in Detroit with some older civilian friends of mine who grew up in Detroit.  As we rode through the city, we went through one neighborhood with all boarded up brick homes.  The place was a dump but if you let your imagination go, you can see at one time it was a beautiful area.  My friends said that when they were kids, they couldn’t even go into that area as that’s where the auto and business executives lived and they had private security to make sure no “rif-raf” came in.  Now, it’s worse than a cesspool.

    Posted by BobF    United States   05/16/2010  at  02:12 PM  

  5. The world moves on, especially after Democrats have trashed it for decades.

    Like Mitt Romney, my favorite childhood home was razed 30 years ago.

    We lived on a small 40-acre farm that was taken through ‘eminent domain’ and is now part of Sycamore State Park. It was a fine two-story farmhouse with a summer kitchen off the south porch. I loved that house. Big barn and chicken yard too. We raised chickens for eggs and meat. Also stabled the occasional horse in the barn. Had two pear trees, one peach tree, and a combined apple/cherry orchard. Blackberries grew in abundance. There was even a wild strawberry patch.

    I think back on those days and shudder that I used to be upset when Mom would tell me to go pick apples and/or cherries. Wish I could still do such ‘chores’.

    Sycamore State Park is a lousy state park. I applied to camp for a weekend on my old farmstead and was denied. I might get hurt if I don’t camp in ‘approved’ campgrounds. My argument that I grew up on that 40 acres and knew every square foot of it went into empty heads.

    The ‘approved’ campgrounds? Both of them are only 50 feet off the main road. Not even any trees to give the illusion of camping away from so-called ‘civilization’. When I think that I used to have friends over and we’d go camping in the 10 acre woods on the far side of the corn/soy bean/whatever we were planting that year fields I could almost cry.

    Sorry, I’m digressing.

    Demolish: Democrats: notice how the first syllable is the same? I’m no philologist, but I’m betting there’s a common root word that means ‘destroy the good things’.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   05/16/2010  at  02:13 PM  

  6. Christopher: that is why I write them as Demo☭rats.

    Posted by Macker    United States   05/18/2010  at  08:31 PM  

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