Sarko has it right. Now if France will only listen to him.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 06/23/2009 at 06:42 AM   
  1. Sorry, but I’m not entirely certain this is the right choice of action.

    Yes, the Burkha is by definition a sign of submission.

    However, before one can do ANYTHING one way or another, one must recognize that many choose to wear it voluntarily.

    Yes, it isn’t a fact I like, but it IS a fact we must work with, and the reason I emphasize this is because to attack the Burkha itself as a whole is perhaps to attack only a symptom of the problem if even that.

    Rather than try and outlaw the dress itself, would the proper place not be to crack down on those who FORCE women to wear it, and to regulate its use (ie, you must present your face and ID card at certain points) and where it can be used?

    This comes across as an attempt to attack a visible symptom rather than a bitter and dirty fight to bring the Islamicized quarters under control.

    Posted by Turtler    United States   06/23/2009  at  12:20 PM  

  2. Sometimes you start by attacking the symptoms in order to weaken your opposition’s position enough that you can take the fight to them in earnest, later.

    You know, kinda like what Islam has been doing to us in our own legal systems in Western Society for the past 20 or 30 years.

    I don’t care if banning the Burkha isn’t perfectly on the “high road”.  At least it’s standing up against darkness and saying, “This is part of what is WRONG and we won’t HAVE it here”.

    And for that, I commend Sarkozy.  At least he’s willing to pick a spot and start there to openly defend the merits his country, and the culture that goes along with that.

    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   06/23/2009  at  05:55 PM  

  3. You can tell he is not really french (apart from the surname) cos he has balls! and he is right, it is used to defeat security and as such is not to be tollerated, dont like it? tough, try some forethought next time, also I believe it is not a tradition of islam but a later extreemist idea.

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   06/23/2009  at  09:23 PM  

  4. First, it should be pointed out that the burkha is NOT mentioned in the Koran. Wearing it is not a Koranic requirement.

    Ergo, it’s just a way to ‘excuse’ Islamic ‘men’ from the necessity of controlling themselves. ‘The wanton female made me do it’ excuse. Or the ‘she was asking for it’ excuse.

    This absolves Islamic men from growing up and learning things like;

    Respect for women

    I was a high-school student in the mid-70s. The girls seemed to all wear the tube-top.

    I’m happy to report that, while I enjoyed the views, I did NOT ever lose control and rape any female wearing a tube-top (or any other top).

    The bottom line is that the Koran belittles women. Muslim men are not taught, for instance, that women are your sisters in Allah, for example. Women are ‘second-string’ players at best.

    How else to explain ‘honor killings’? Especially when a brother kills his sister?

    Admittedly, I disagree with one of my sisters vehemently. She’s a lesbian. But I wouldn’t kill her over that.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   06/25/2009  at  11:15 AM  

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