

Posted by Drew458    United States   on 06/07/2007 at 08:10 AM   
  1. Kim makes one of the biggest points - although only on one issue of the Criminal Illegal Aliens Invading America situation - and that is What the Problem IS. And currently, cutting to the chase - the problem is, the border is not being enforced or closed and the Laws already on the books are not being enforced. Plain and Simple.

    Therefore these disgusting pieces of ‘legislation’ will do nothing except give amnesty to the 12 to 20 million Criminal Illegal Aliens currently within our borders and probably increase that by 2 to 4 TIMES (24/48 to 40/80 Million). . .and that is THE problem.

    If the laws/border already in existance are not going to be honored (i.e. by the Criminal Illegal Aliens already here) and by the State/Federal Governments - why the heck Enact more? To pretend to do something? Yeah, right.

    Actually I believe it is in the stink being raised - these bills - seek to allow Amnesty to everyone within America regardless if the only crime the person has committed is crossing the border illegally or if they are already adjudacated felons. Thus these bills are basically a violation of the Congress and the Constitution by advocating the abandonment of our basic foundation of being a country of Laws. And that is criminal and will lead to the downfall of this country (see the downfall of the Roman Empire).

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/07/2007  at  08:21 AM  

  2. She’s right. It is amnesty and they are enacting legistlation to ignore existing laws. And its been going on for decades. “Sanctuary Cities”? Huh? Places where federal law is ignored? NO. If W won’t send in the troops, then at the very least cut off all their funding and pull out all federal employees.

    I’ve been trying to keep on top of this though its hard. It’s a sham, it’s a scam, and I’m right peeved at W for his attitude and comments the other day. Laura Ingram sums it up well, but she left out about half the dingbat things that Bush did and we - the GOP base - still stood by him. I’ve had it. I declare Shenanigans! Where’s my broom?

    Posted by Drew458    United States   06/07/2007  at  09:16 AM  

  3. Good luck with continuing fighting moonbattery.  I’ll continuing coming here if you keep posting.

    If you don’t mind me plugging my own site, I just finished telling Senator Voinovich, my Senator, to go to hell, after he voted against the Cronyn amendment, baring felons from receiving amnesty.

    Posted by Grumpyguy    United States   06/07/2007  at  09:21 AM  

  4. It sounds great to me I will be checking the site out regularly.

    Posted by Paul "No Fear" Weir    United States   06/07/2007  at  12:33 PM  

  5. Grumpyguy - my husband and I were astounded - Voinovich voted against the Coburn (which Brown voted for) - this whole thing makes me really suspect as to what the whole truth is.

    We are being sold out, scammed, lied to and just plain taken to the cleaners by them all. I am so disappointed with all of them right now.

    Gov. Strickland is trying to remove all incentives to any education choice and heap it all on public schools and state schools - what crap.

    And locally - we voted down (Cnty) a tax hike to build a new jail (the reason we have such a high crime rate is that we need more jails - DUH - not quite sure how building a new jail will solve the high crime rate, but hey I guess I’m stupid). It was voted down in Nov. Sooooo 2 guys on the City council decided to make a new tax hike (even bigger) to fund it anyway. So there is now a petition drive to stop it.

    These people are supposed to be Public Servants - and are supposed to be Our Elected Representives - they are just selling out to the highest briber. This is Wrong, just plain wrong.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/07/2007  at  01:13 PM  

  6. And locally - we voted down (Cnty) a tax hike to build a new jail (the reason we have such a high crime rate is that we need more jails - DUH - not quite sure how building a new jail will solve the high crime rate, but hey I guess I’m stupid). It was voted down in Nov. Sooooo 2 guys on the City council decided to make a new tax hike (even bigger) to fund it anyway. So there is now a petition drive to stop it

    Hey wardmama4, I’m a Cincy westsider!  Sheriff Leis was on Bill Cunningham’s show yesterday trying to defend it.  So let’s see:  1.  We voted down the sales tax increase for the jail in November and now the Hamilton County commissioners decide to raise it anyway.  2.  Now Hamilton County will have the highest sales tax in the tristate region.  So more people will buy big ticket items in Dearborn or Northern Ky.  Brilliant.  Just what we need to do, drive more money out of the city and county. 3.  If the jail is that important, then make the hard choice and cut something else.  Raising taxes is not the “hard, courageous choice.”

    Posted by Grumpyguy    United States   06/07/2007  at  01:18 PM  

  7. Hoist the main sail boys, we’ve got us a wind!

    Aye aye Captain!

    I don’t understand how ‘W’ and those Republicans supporting this, are supporting this? Do they REALLY think that this will add to the voter rolls? DO they see this as the only other alternative to fixing Social Security??? 5 year old makes stronger arguments for staying up past his bedtime!

    If THOSE are the real reasons for supporting this ‘shamnesty’ bill, then they are bigger fools than even the moonbats think they are.

    One more thing; wardmama, excellent point about the Roman Empire. ‘W’ clearly failed history class.

    Posted by Agamemnon    United States   06/07/2007  at  01:23 PM  

  8. Where to start?  This is a simple thing that gets complicated in a hurry. 

    We’ve got a series of laws and policies that prevent enforcement of immigration law even in cities that haven’t declared themselves “sanctuaries”.  Here in Los Angeles, traffic stops, drug busts, domestic violence arrests - you pick it.  If an illegal alien is involved, they get a free pass from the cops to stay here.  Theoretically, there was a change recently, but it doesn’t seem to be having much impact.  Even 25 years ago, illegals were scared of being caught, but no more.  Then again, being undocumented (a great euphemism and also literally true) the serious criminals among them disappear pretty much at will even after an arrest.  Very disheartening.

    Then again, there is the whole idea of being an American.  Except among “Conservatives” this isn’t always popular.  My family on both sides came through Ellis Island.  They came here to be Americans.  That didn’t mean that they didn’t have pride in their culture, or the countries that they came from.  That didn’t mean that they abandoned or forgot the family they left behind.  It meant that after they got here, they were Americans first. 

    For too many of the current crop of immigrants, including the legal ones, we’re just a cash cow to be squeezed and demeaned.  I will not forget the recent immigration rallies here in L.A. where the demonstrators were waving Mexican flags.  You want Mexico?  Stay there.  You want to be an American?  Put the f***ing Mexican flag away!

    I like the ideas that I’ve heard - any brush with authority including [especially : )] welfare means immediate deportation (unless you’ve got a prison sentence to serve first).  Got your kid born here anyway?  Will we allow an American citizen to be taken from the country by foreign criminals?  Think about that one.  Yes, it’s cruel, but it also presents immigrants with the non-negotiable idea that there is value to being an American and we will protect our own.  Our rights and privileges are not something to be taken lightly and used merely for convenience.

    One last bit - let the Border Patrol do their job!  If they shoot at a fleeing drug dealer, don’t put them in jail for it!  They’re supposed to shoot at criminals!

    Sorry for the long ramble this time.  I’ll address the subject of politicians who ignore the will of the people another time - hint though - that’s how California got Term Limits.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   06/07/2007  at  02:59 PM  

  9. Good news I hope, heard on radio a short time ago looks like Reid will pull the Shamnesty bill.  Hoorah

    Posted by venerablehawk    United States   06/07/2007  at  08:44 PM  

  10. Grumpy - Uh where - raised and again (after a 31 year wanderlust tour, financed by the US Army) back in Delhi. . . weird to find out we are so close.

    I could never remember if these fools were City or County. Also found out in the last election - this area (Greater Cincinnati) proportionally has the highest property tax rate in the US. It sucks (we just paid our 1/2 yr bill) and the garbage listed on there is so insane.

    Our youngest son is disabled - we get numbers, offices etc thrown at us right and left to do/attempt to ‘get’ - last one was Medicaid (OH is one state that separates them - which also leads to more tax dollars - repetious and multi-offices, bureaucrats - we make less then $200. over there family of 4 income. So while neither of us is employed and we are down to the basics and food - we don’t ‘qualify’ for any of the assistance we get the paperwork for. But no one will acknowledge because of our ‘coverage’ - not many in the area will take it - so I’ve spent so much time, even attempting to find a dr who will see me - it will be fun to see if any will take him. Now that he is out of the Shriners system.

    In the meantime - we are arranging packets (again) 3rd & 4th packets - of basically the same documents, just the newest date, to prove (again and again) that our son has not grown his leg or fingers back, is still unable to live on his own. In other words to continue to justify his living with us and being covered - and oh btw - we had to do it at 18 and again, now at 21. And oh btw - we were just informed that we will be doing it every 4 years until he dies. . .

    So for all those proponents of universal healthcare - just think real hard - a momentary lapse of reason, a lighter and we have to send the US gov - ten pounds of paperwork - (that they already have on file) to get a piece of paper that says he is covered (again).  . .We won’t go into the fact that NO One bothered to tell us any of this when my hubby retired. . .I suppose we were just supposed to know it all, magically.

    Sorry for the digressive rant - I am pissed off today - also made a packet for our Congresscritter - he is getting an earfull.

    But back to the taxes - they are horrible here and most of them are wasted and used irresponsibly. This latest should jail tax fiasco maybe will wake these guys up as to how badly they are doing things. Hey, I can hope.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/09/2007  at  01:38 PM  

  11. Wardmama4,


    City and county officials just have no idea how much high taxes are driving people to N Ky., Butler or Clermont Counties.

    Lower the taxes and the people and businesses will come back.

    Posted by Grumpyguy    United States   06/09/2007  at  03:28 PM  

  12. They don’t get it - in KY just outside Ft Knox, Radcliff died during the first Gulf War. The business taxes are so outragious that all that stayed were the pawn shops and fast food joints - none could survive when close to 50% of the population left - overnight. Then the state ran 313 from I-65 over (i.e. it’s own exit) and now (14 years later)it is finally picking up again. However, E’town which has always been a bit more fair to it’s businesses has quadrupled in the same time period.

    If you drive people/business out - you have to over tax those that are behind and hence no one comes in and more and more people gradually leave (just plain common sense). . .the areas like ours are going to become section 8 havens - as downtown turns into yuppie ville condos and the tax rate drives out the middle class - and businesses again move further away.

    I lived out in the middle of nowhere (actually the center of TX) which the only thing there was the Army post - had pick and chose of mega stores - here there isn’t even a super wal mart. . .
    the strip malls are sad and I have to go almost an hour north or 30 minutes into KY (guess which way we go?!?) for a mall. That is sad.

    And still they keep trying to up the taxes . . .glad that we probably won’t be staying here and even if we do - in 4 years we can move out of the city/county.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/10/2007  at  01:27 PM  

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